
Develop your leadership skills.

Leadership isn’t limited to business or politics, there are leaders in every discipline, and good leadership skills can benefit anyone.

Build Capacity | Connect. Grow. Lead. | Enhance your Degree.

Develop your leadership skills

New Courses Available

Peter Lougheed Hall
Certificate in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies (CILS)

Want to learn what it takes to be a successful leader? Ready to meet the leadership challenges of the future head on? This embedded certificate program grows your leadership skills and develops your capacity to lead as a supplement to your undergraduate degree program.

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INT D 101: Inspired to Dream: Becoming a Leader

This brand new course highlights leadership on a local, national, and international scale and will inspire you to take action on your own leadership journey. Offered entirely online through engaging videos, animations, podcasts, interactive web content and more.


1500 students enrolled.

Open to all students, the new course (INTD 101) brings together students and impactful leaders from many backgrounds to teach students to visualize their potential for leadership growth.

Flexible certificate.

The Certificate in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies can be completed by students during the completion of their regular degree program and includes options that can be customized to your interests, needs, or degree requirements.

Interdisciplinary networking.

Learn what it takes to be a successful leader while developing relationships with 海角社区 students from all faculties. Students tackle complex problems in their courses in diverse, interdisciplinary groups.

Upcoming Events

Leadership Certificate Info Session - January 11, 2024

Undergraduate student info session. Join us Jan. 11 at 2 p.m. in 1-18 Carruthers Student Lounge, Alberta School of Business to learn more about embedding a Certificate in Interdisciplinary Leadership Studies (CILS) into your undergraduate degree! Light snacks provided. 

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presenters on stage speak in front of a crowd in a lecture theatre

Free public presentations from local and international leaders.

Public Lectures (formerly Lougheed College Lectures) offer presentations on various topics throughout the academic year.

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PLLC unlocks leadership potential in Alberta.

"So far, the PLLC has fundamentally changed the way I view the world. Being able to hear the diverse perspectives and experiences of these people has provided me with a lot of insight as to how I can continue to develop myself. I really appreciate the constant support from the peers, mentors, and staff within the PLLC. The constant and purposeful learning in and out of the classroom is unparalleled to any learning I have experienced before.

— Aaron Manalo, PLLC scholar and undergrad in the Faculties of Science and Education.

Aaron Chris Manalo


Our mission is to provide wide access to our four leadership courses for undergraduate students in many University Faculties by offering online learning in Summer, Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. We seek to build a community of students in each course by hosting engaging and interactive online synchronous seminars, and we aim to increase a student's sense of belonging to the wider PLLC by hosting events where they can engage with each other across the courses. 

Leadership definition for the Peter Lougheed Leadership Initiative

Great leaders often exhibit personal qualities such as perseverance, tenacity, passion, and expertise in a specific domain, in addition to leadership skills. It is the 海角社区’s responsibility to provide opportunities for students to develop as leaders. Our goal is to guide the development of the Peter Lougheed Leadership Initiative and leadership programs for the 海角社区, keeping in mind the vision of the University to uplift the whole people.

Leadership is influencing and inspiring others to create positive change.

Therefore, for the 海角社区, leadership is:
Creating a compelling vision
  • Acting based on values
  • Understanding diverse perspectives
Leadership is distinct from:
  • Management
    • Planning, organizing, and directing others to act
  • Expertise and Skills
    • Teaching, developing policy, designing a circuit, performing surgery, auditing company financials, or performing lab experiments, etc.
  • Strong individual action
  • A formal position
and has Foundational Attributes, such as:
  • Ethics
  • Integrity
  • Authenticity

海角社区 Draft People Strategy:

"Leader -- every single member of the university community can exercise leadership competencies: supporting others, mentoring, creating welcoming environments and taking shared responsibility."