The Statistics program will train you in the rich discipline of collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. You can choose from an extensive selection of courses on subjects ranging from the experimental (such as sampling techniques and statistical inference) to the theoretical (such as probability theory and stochastic processes).
Statistical models and methods are essential in many types of research. For instance:
- biomedical researchers use clinical trials to investigate the effectiveness of new treatments,
- agricultural scientists use field experiments to evaluate irrigation methods,
- ecologists gather water samples to measure the quality of water,
- and more.
Statistics is an area that calls for strong mathematical skills and an interest in problem solving. Our programs therefore include a strong foundation in mathematics.
Employment for Statistics Majors
Graduates from programs in Statistics are highly sought in a wide variety of fields. For example, many become:
- data analysts,
- researchers in government agencies such as Alberta Environment,
- biostatisticians in hospitals and medical research facilities,
- actuaries and financial analysts with insurance firms,
- pension administrators,
- survey methodologists with Statistics Canada,
- and instructors and researchers at post-secondary institutions.
Graduates from our programs in Statistics also are well positioned to become accredited as an Associate Statistician (more information below) or as a professional actuary (more information on the Mathematics and Finance page).
Degree Options for Statistics:
- Download the for this degree program.
- This program was previously offered as . Students in the Specialization in Statistics can finish their degrees, but we do not admit new students into the Specialization program. Instead, students shall consider the Major in Statistics.
- Download the for this degree program.
Associate Statistician
The Statistical Society of Canada offers an accreditation program for statisticians practicing in Canada. The program has two levels of accreditation, namely Associate Statistician (A.Stat.) and Professional Statistician (P.Stat.). The qualification of Associate Statistician (A.Stat.) indicates that the holder has demonstrated an advanced understanding of statistical theory and its applications. The qualification of Professional Statistician (P.Stat.) indicates that the holder additionally has a minimum of six years of professional experience in the application of statistics. Graduates from one of our programs in Statistics are well on their way to completing the requirements for the qualification of A.Stat.
For more details, please visit the the website, in particular the page and the page with the at the 海角社区 that have been pre-approved towards meeting the educational requirements of the A.Stat.