Climate Health: Finally in the Spotlight at COP28 (Zoom Presentation)
Joe Vipond, MD
10:30 am - 11:00 am, Feb. 8, 2024
After decades of being dismissed as a fringe topic, health finally came into the spotlight at last year's COP at which Dr. Vipond attended in person as a member of the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment (CAPE). As a means of framing the discussion as a human-centred concern, politicians, policymakers, and communicators have recognized its importance and brought it to the forefront of negotiations. In the coming years, health professionals and organizations will need to step up to continue the push for aggressive, progressive climate policy locally, provincially, and beyond.

Dr. Joe Vipond has worked as an emergency physician for over twenty years and is currently at the Rockyview General Hospital. He is Past-President of the national charity Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment. He is also the co-founder and board member of the local non-profit the , and during COVID, the co-founder of #masks4Canada and ProtectOurProvinceAB. Joe grew up in Calgary and continues to live there with his wife and two daughters. Follow Dr. Vipond on X: @jvipondmd and CAPE: @CAPE_Doctors