

In your first two years of medical school, we’ll introduce you to the fundamentals of medicine through a series of systems-based courses that emphasize basic science and clinical applications.

The primary goal of Years 1 and 2 is to prepare medical students for supervised learning in a clinical environment.

Each course presents the material in a systems-based approach from basic information to clinical application.

Note: MED 516 Longitudinal Themes is an additional course that runs in parallel to the systems-based courses found in the list below.

For more information about courses in Years 1 and 2, please consult the University Calendar.

Curriculum Outline

MED 511 – Foundations of Medicine and Dentistry

An introduction to the basic health science with a review of some aspects of the essential biochemistry, physiology, anatomy and pharmacology. Particular emphasis on basic medical genetics.

MED 513 – Endocrine System

An examination of the endocrine system in health and disease, with particular reference to the mechanisms of disturbances in the endocrine system and the management of these conditions.

MED 515 – Cardiovascular System

The normal function of the heart and blood vessels, the changes in these functions which occur in disease and the management of the conditions which result from such changes in function.

MED 512 – Pulmonary System

The normal function of the lungs, the changes in these functions which occur in disease and the management of the conditions which result from such changes in function.

MED 519 – Renal System

The normal function of the kidney, the changes in these functions which occur in disease and the management of the conditions which result from such changes in function.

MED 516 – Longitudinal Themes

This course will encompass all aspects of the development of a physician including but not limited to professionalism, evidence-based medicine, ethics, health equity, patient safety, patient immersion experiences, early clinical experiences, communication skills, physical examination, public health and health systems.

MED 517 – First Year Elective

Elective time to be developed by the students in consultation with a faculty supervisor.

MED 521 – Gastroenterology and Nutrition

An integrated course covering nutrition, gastrointestinal physiology, pathophysiology and anatomy. Related surgical, pediatric and geriatric topics will also be addressed.

MED 522 – Reproductive Medicine and Urology

An overview of reproductive physiology, pathophysiology and anatomy across the human life cycle, including a discussion of pregnancy, fetal development, birth, newborn care, contraception, cancer care, reproductive technology, gender and sexuality and relevant health-related issues. Also covered are physiology, pathophysiology and anatomy of the urinary tract and management of genitourinary concerns.

MED 523 – Musculoskeletal System

Anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the disorders of the skin and the musculoskeletal system.

MED 524 – Neurosciences and Organs of Special Senses

Fundamental Clinical Neurosciences taught in an integrated fashion. Involves instruction in subject areas related to the head and neck, including neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, neuropathology, neuropharmacology, neuroradiology, neurology, neurosurgery, psychiatry, rehabilitation medicine, otorhinolaryngology and ophthalmology.

MED 525 – Oncology

Principles and concepts of clinical oncology.

MED 529 – Psychiatry

Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental disorders. Each mental health disorder will be explored in terms of definition, epidemiology, etiology, pathophysiology, signs, symptoms, investigations, treatment and prognosis.

MED 520 – Pre-Clinical Exam

Final pre-clinical exam for students registered in the Year 2 of the MD program.

MED 526 – Longitudinal Themes

This course will build upon the knowledge and skills derived from Longitudinal Themes I. This course will encompass all aspects of the development of a physician, including but not limited to professionalism, ethics, health equity, patient safety, patient immersion experiences, early clinical experiences, communication skills, physical examination, public health, health systems and evidence-based medicine.

MED 527 – Second Year Elective

Elective time to be developed by the student in consultation with a faculty supervisor.

MED 528 – Optional Summer Elective

An optional elective of variable length, to be developed by the student in consultation with a faculty supervisor.

Electives Catalogue Year 1 + 2

Contact Information – Years 1 + 2

Year 1 Administrator
Sherry Shupenia
Phone: 780-492-8565

Year 2 Administrator
Jennifer Siewert
Phone: 780-248-1311

Administrator Electives
Norma Maloney
Phone: 780-492-6743