Awards & Accolades

The Faculty of Native Studies recognizes and celebrates the individual and collective achievements and successes of our faculty, staff, students and community members.

Richard T. Price Annual Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching

The annual undergraduate teaching award is named after Richard T. Price, the first Director of the School of Native Studies (now the Faculty of Native Studies). Professor Emeritus Price served as the first full time director of the School of Native Studies from 1986 - 1991, and was instrumental in the development of the School and its undergraduate program of study, the Bachelor of Arts in Native Studies.  

The Richard T. Price Annual Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching recognizes faculty who stand out in:

  • encouraging learning
  • bringing unique experiences to the teaching space
  • challenging students to do their best work
  • serving as inspiration for students
  • demonstrating exemplary concern for students


Full-time faculty,  Faculty Service Officers and continuing Academic Teaching staff whose home faculty is Native Studies (See list ). This award can only be awarded once to a recipient in a seven year period. *Self-nominations are not accepted.


Only students can nominate instructors. Tell your story! Please complete the  - provide specific examples of how/why a candidate should be considered for this award.

For each calendar year, this award has three nomination periods (December, April and August). The award will be adjudicated by the Faculty of Native Studies Teaching Award Committee.  

Next nomination deadline: AUGUST 31, 2023


Nominators are undergraduate students and must have completed a minimum of 12 credits in Native Studies courses.


Present specific details about your experience with the candidate’s teaching, providing clear examples that illustrate the ways in which they are an outstanding teacher who has made a distinct impact on your learning and overall experience at the Faculty of Native Studies.

*Given the excellent quality of nominees, simply fulfilling the nomination criteria may not be sufficient to receive this award. The Teaching Award Committee strongly encourages nominators to demonstrate not only how the nominees meet, but how they surpass these criteria.