How It Works
About the Internship Program
The Engage North Internship Program provides four-month placements with community-based organizations in Canada's North. The program is open to undergraduates studying at the 海角社区 although occasionally we have positions open to graduate students as well. Generally, there are two internships per host community. In most recent years, Beaver First Nation and Dene Tha' First Nation, both located in MacKenzie County, in northern Alberta, have invited two students to Boyer and Chateh, respectively. Prior to the placement, interns will participate in a comprehensive pre-departure training program and will be matched with an advisor/mentor who will assist with any technical challenges encountered.
Applications and more information for Engage North can be found on the Internship Opportunities page
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the Engage North Internship program! You can reach the Program Coordinator at
Undergraduate students explore community positions beginning in early January. Application packages will be posted on the Engage North website as they become available, between January to March. Applications are adjudicated by a committee that includes Engage North staff and members of the host community. Interviews are conducted on North Campus.
Training Interns can expect to have two weeks of intensive cultural and personal development training before departure to their host community. Depending on availability, Elders and community members will be invited to speak about their communities and etiquette while in the communities. Other activities will include participating in the Blanket Exercise, sharing strategies to deal with being away from home, and connecting with their community partners and roommates.
Interns will be provided transportation to their host community, with all expenses paid for. During their first few days in their new position, interns are introduced to community members and undergo a community orientation. Throughout the summer, Engage North interns receive ongoing support from the program coordinator, including a community visit. At the end of the summer, interns return to the 海角社区 and share their experiences while in their host communities.
After Your Internship:
The Engage North Internship Program encourages lasting relationships between interns and their host communities. Opportunities to reconnect with communities may include volunteering for high school student visits to the 海角社区, returning to the communities to introduce new interns to the community, engaging in workshops that include community youth, and returning to the community for special events and celebrations.