Course Requirements
Seminars and Courses
Students will be exposed to current research in the field through four forums: coursework, student-presented journal clubs and seminars on current topics, a seminar series of invited speakers, and the research environment of the laboratory. The course requirements for the Program in The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences are 3 credits in Critical Reading/Thinking OR Background Knowledge Core Competencies for a MSc, and 6 credits in Critical Reading/Thinking AND Background Knowledge Core Competencies for a PhD. A list of Core Competencies courses can be found .
An overview of the Medical Sciences Graduate Program of which Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences is conferred under.
MSc Students
A total of 3 credits of graduate level coursework in Critical Reading/Thinking OR Background Knowledge must be completed.
PhD students
A total of 6 credits of graduate level coursework in Critical Reading/Thinking (3) AND Background Knowledge (3) must be completed.
Minimum passing grade
Any requirements unique to the needs of the student will be set by the Supervisory Committee and approved by the Graduate Coordinator.
The minimum passing grade is C+ or better for undergraduate level courses and B or better for graduate level courses. Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of B (GPA 3.0) or better throughout the course of the program.
Departmental Presentations
All students attend all departmental Grand Rounds on Friday mornings and have multiple opportunities to attend a variety of seminars, such as:
- Alberta Vision Net (AVN) Trainee Seminar Series
- AVN Annual Research Day
- OVS Research Day
- OVS Journal Club