Procedures, Policies and Forms
On this page you will find information about University procedures and policies concerning Harassment and Discrimination, Plagiarism and Other Offences under the Code, Missed Final Examination and Grade Appeals. You will also find useful forms for current undergraduate students.
Safe Learning Environment
The Department of Philosophy is committed to providing a learning environment that is free of harassment, discrimination, and sexual violence. We recognize that our institution and our discipline exist in the broader context of a culture in which common attitudes, norms, and practices tolerate, normalize, trivialize, excuse, and sometimes also condone sexual violence. We take seriously our responsibility to create a safe climate where sexual violence is not tolerated and barriers to making a disclosure or complaint are acknowledged and dismantled.
If you experience or witness harassment, discrimination, or sexual violence and wish to make a disclosure, you can speak to the Undergraduate Advisor, the Undergraduate Program Director, the Chair or any member of the Department you trust and with whom you feel comfortable. We take all disclosures seriously.
Sexual Violence Information and Resources
If you receive a disclosure and need guidance about how to respond, you will find all the relevant information and contact in this document. You can also contact Eva Glancy and Kristy Wuetherick, if you need help.
The Code of Student Behaviour defines plagiarism as follows:
30.3.2(1) Plagiarism: No Student shall submit the words, ideas, images or data of another person as the Student's own in any academic writing, essay, thesis, project, assignment, presentation or poster in a course or program of study.Note that this definition does not take into account whether or not the offence was intentional.If an instructor suspects you of plagiarism, he or she will contact you to schedule a meeting. At the meeting, the instructor will explain what offence he or she thinks you committed and present the evidence. You will have a chance to respond. If, at the end of the meeting, the instructor believes there was a Code violation, he or she is required to turn the case over to the Dean of the Faculty. To maintain consistency across the Faculty and provide the opportunity for appeal, instructors are required to report all suspected offences and cannot impose sanctions. The Dean's office will contact you to make an appointment. If by the end of the term the case is still unresolved, you will receive a grade of IN.The Office of the Student Ombuds can advise students on Code violation processes.
Other Offences under the Code
The Code of Student Behaviour also defines other forms of inappropriate academic and non-academic behaviours that are punishable under the Code, such as cheating, misrepresentation of facts, disruption, discrimination, and violations of safety and dignity. Non-academic offences can be reported to and are investigated by the 海角社区 Protective Services.
Missed Final Examinations
If you missed your final exam because of illness, domestic affliction, or other extreme circumstances, you must apply for a deferred examination at your Faculty office within two working days of the missed exams. Unacceptable reasons for requesting a deferred exam include, but are not limited to, minor illnesses and personal events such as travel plans, wedding, or holidays. Deferred examinations can only be granted if
1) you have been in regular attendance if attendance and/or participation is required, and
2) excluding the final exam, you have completed at least half of the assigned work.Consult this tip sheet for more detailed information.
If your deferred exam is granted, you will be responsible for contacting the instructor to determine when the exam will be written. If your deferred exam is denied, the Faculty decision is final. A raw score of zero for the weight of the final exam will be used in the calculation of your final grade and a comment of 1 (missed term work or final exam) will be included.
Grade Appeals
If you believe there has been a miscarriage of justice, either through procedural error or discriminatory marking, you may appeal your grade. Disliking the instructor's marking scheme or falling just below the instructor's cut-off for a higher grade are not a legitimate grounds for appeal. Only the following may constitute grounds for an appeal:
• Errors in calculation
• Procedural errors
• Failure to consider all relevant factors
• Bias and/or discriminationAny grievances concerning grades should first be discussed with the instructor. If the problem is not resolved, you can appeal to the Chair of the department. Fill out the grade appeal form below , include supporting documentation, and submit all documentation to the Chair of the department.
If, after consulting the instructor and the Chair of the department, your concerns have not been resolved, you may submit an informal Grade Appeal, in writing, to the Associate Dean (Student Programs). Consult this tip sheet for the full grade appeal procedure in the Faculty of Arts. The Office of the Student Ombuds can advise students on grade appeal processes.
Forms Cabinet