Information about 海角社区 and outside scholarships

Entrance scholarships

We must receive your application and all supporting documents by February 1 if you want to be considered for an Entrance Scholarship

There is no special application form for Entrance Scholarships. Applicants are automatically considered for all scholarships that they qualify for. All entrance scholarships are very competitive.

海角社区 MSc Scholarship

  • $17,500 plus tuition & fees for one year
  • open to Canadian and International students


Students offered a MSc scholarship will be offered the Department's regular basic funding in their 2nd year of the MSc degree

Scholarships from Government Agencies

NSERC Scholarships

  • open to students who are citizens or permanent residents of Canada
  • departmental deadline in late September-early October
  • MSc level scholarships: $17,500 (CGSM) per year
  • PhD level scholarships: $21,000 (PGSD) or $35,000 (CGSD) per year
  • during the tenure of the NSERC scholarship, 海角社区 provides a top up award with a value equal to tuition & fees
  • CGSM and PGSD awardees are also offered a part-time graduate assistantship
  • see for details.

Alberta Innovates - Graduate Student Scholarships

  • open to International and Canadian students
  • deadline usually in early February
  • students must be working in one of the following research areas: nanoscale physics, information and communication technology, omics (genomics, proteomics, etc.), energy, or the environment
  • $26,500-$31,500 per year
  • awardees are also offered a part-time graduate assistantship
  • citizens and permanent residents of Canada who hold NSERC CGS or PGS scholarships may apply for an AI top-up to the NSERC scholarship
  • see for details

海角社区 KDAS 

All of the following Scholarships and Awards are offered by the 海角社区. Fill out the General Awards application form and you will be considered for all available scholarships. Departmental deadline is usually January.

Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Scholarship

  • only PhD students are eligible
  • open to Canadian and International students
  • $35,000 per year; is renewable for a second year

Dissertation Fellowship

  • this is for the final year of one's PhD program
  • open to Canadian and International students
  • $22,000 plus tuition & fees for one year

Andrew Stewart Memorial Graduate Prize

  • open to all PhD students who have completed at least 2 years of the PhD program
  • open to Canadian and International students
  • $5,000 one-time award
For more information about KDAS and Queen Elizabeth II Awards, see /graduate-studies