Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Associates

Table listing postdoctoral fellows, research associates, and trust professionals in the Department of Physics at the 海角社区
Postdoctoral Fellow CCIS office
Research area
Supervisor(s) Email
Besharat, Afshin 3-103 Particle physics Penin abeshara
Chutora, Taras L1-320 Condensed matter physics Wolkow chutora
Devi, Anita Condensed matter physics LeBlanc adevi
Durnford, Daniel 2-086 Astroparticle physics Yañez ddurnfor
Ebrahimi, Mehri L2-104 Condensed matter physics Davis mehriala
Fadil, Wardah 3-082 Geophysics Van der Baan wmohamma
Firouzihaji, Razieh 3-192 Condensed matter physics Meldrum firouzih
Foote, Ryan 3-184 Condensed matter physics Wolkow rhfoote
Han, Hongxue 3-081 Geophysics Van der Baan hongxue2
Hu, Jie 2-090 Particle physics Hallin jhu9
Kumar, Abhishek 3-192 Condensed matter physics Wolkow abhish14
Liu, Dawei 3-104 Geophysics Sacchi dawei3
Olifer, Leonid 3-234 Astrophysics Mann olifer
Park, Byungju 3-104 Particle physics Hallin byungju
Patra, Shubhadeep 3-139 Biophysics Woodside shubhade
Paul, Simanta NINT Biophysics Woodside simanta
Reynoso, Javier 2-082 Particle physics Bozorgnia/Piro jireynos
Schreiber, Makoto 3-188 Condensed matter physics Hegmann mschreib
Shankarnarayan, Shamanth 3-192 Condensed matter physics Boettcher sashanka
Shook, Alexander L2-104 Condensed matter physics Davis ashook
Sun, Canon 3-214 Condensed matter physics Boettcher canon
Woodley, William 2-092 Particle physics Krauss wwoodley
Yan, Furong 3-192 Particle physics Gingrich fyan2
Yang, Shaokai 2-110 Particle physics Hallin shaokai1
Yang, Xu 3-081 Geophysics Van der Baan xy27
Zhang, Wei 3-162 Geophysics Sacchi wz14
Research Associate CCIS office
Research area
Supervisor(s) Email
Alagoz, Serhat 3-186 Condensed matter physics Chow alagoz
Auty, David 2-114 Particle physics Krauss/Hallin auty
Cordell, Darcy 3-243 Space physics Mann dcordell
Dong, Chunhua 6-059 Biophysics Woodside chunhua
Enno, Gregory Astrophysics Mann enno
Huang, Yunhu L2-098 Condensed matter physics Davis yunhu
Jensen, Charles 3-196 Condensed matter physics Hegmann cjensen
Ju, Wan-li 3-141 Particle physics Penin wju
Kale, Andy 3-247 Astrophysics Mann akale
Narayanan,  Andal 3-091 Condensed matter physics LeBlanc andal1
Neupane, Krishna NINT Biophysics Woodside kneupane
Ozeke, Louis 3-233 Astrophysics Mann lozeke
Sydorenko, Dmytro 3-235 Astrophysics Rankin sydorenk
Xie, Zhuolin L2-098 Condensed matter physics Davis zhuolin6
Zelnikov, Andrei 3-158 Astrophysics Frolov zelnikov
Trust Professional CCIS office
Research area
Supervisor(s) Email
Baker, Mitchel 2-086 Particle physics Pinfold msbaker
Barona Arias, David 3-243 Astrophysics Mann david.barona
Cullen, David 3-238 Astrophysics Mann djcullen
Ortiz, Laura 3-244 Astrophysics Mann lortiz1
Parry, Hannah 3-240 Astrophysics Mann hparry
Wong, Anson 2-110 Particle physics Hallin anson4
Zhang, Yuan (David) 3-244 Astrophysics Mann yuan34