Centre for Particle Physics

The Centre for Particle Physics at the 海角社区 aims to unlock the mysteries of the world of particle physics. The centre has a strong theory group and experimental groups working on high energy physics experiments and astroparticle physics.

Professor Aksel Hallin and machinist Antonio Vinagreiro with the DEAP neutrino detection vessel at the 海角社区.

About Us

The Centre for Particle Physics offers projects in experimental particle, astroparticle physics and theoretical particle physics.

The Centre for Particle Physics is partially funded by the , with which CPP researchers are pursuing similar goals of delivering world-leading science focused on the big questions in particle astrophysics, cosmology and astronomy.

Research and Programs

Our experimental groups are led by nine faculty members and are part of the international IceCube, PINGU, ATLAS, SNO+, DEAP, PICO and MoEDAL collaborations. We work on dark matter searches, neutrino physics, Higgs and black hole physics as well as searches for magnetic monopoles.

Our theorists work on precision models for the next generation of experiments searching for new physics.

Please contact our faculty members to find out details about or work and potential projects students could be involved in. We hire a large number of undergraduate researchers every summer and are accepting new graduate students every year, preferentially students with scholarships. For contact information and more details on the experiments please check our list of possible PhD projects.


The Centre for Particle Physics has a large number of state of the art facilities serving the experimental program. The services of Compute Canada are used for data storage and processing of experimental data. We also host the , a resource of national significance.

The main facilities used are:

  • The advanced machining facility
  • The low background counting facility
  • The reduced radon clean facility


Carsten Krauss

Mail and Courier Address:
Centre for Particle Physics 4-181 CCIS
11455 Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton Alberta CANADA
T6G 2E1