Undergraduate Research Papers

Undergraduate students have any opportunities to participate in current physics research. Their work in Physics 499 special projects and research assistantships result in significant contributions to scholarly papers that are published in peer-reviewed academic journals.

The names of Physics undergraduate students are in bold type in this list of recent publications:

Year Paper Research Area
Selberg trace formula in hyperbolic band theory.
Adil Attar, Igor Boettcher
Phys. Rev. E 106, 034114 (2022)
Lattice-based Monte Carlo simulation of the effects of nutrient concentration and magnetic field exposure of yeast colony growth and morphology.  
Rebekah Hall   and Daniel A. Charlebois,  In Silico Biology, 14: 53-69 (2021).
2021 The relation between the effective band mass in a solid and the free electron mass
Gavin Forcade, Darren Van Paridon, RL Pavelich, F Marsiglio
European Journal of Physics 42 (2), 025408
Condensed Matter Physics
Scattering problems via real-time wave packet scattering.
Michael Staelens and Frank Marsiglio, American Journal of Physics, Volume 89, Issue 7 (2021).
Condensed Matter Physics

Edge localized Schrödinger cat states in finite lattices via periodic driving.
Asadullah Bhuiyan and Frank Marsiglio, Phys. Rev. B 102, 245302-1 –14 (2020). 

Condensed Matter Physics

Landau levels, edge states, and gauge choice in 2D quantum dots.
Asadullah Bhuiyan and Frank Marsiglio,  American Journal of Physics 88, 986-1005 (2020).

Condensed Matter Physics
Transduction of large optomechanical amplitudes with racetrack-loaded Mach-Zehnder interferometers. J.N. Westwood-Bachman,  M.P. Maksymowych , V. Van, and W.K. Hiebert, Optics Express 28, 21835-21844 (2020).
Condensed Matter Physics
Discerning quantum memories based on electromagnetically-induced- transparency and Autler-Townes-splitting protocols.
A. Rastogi, E. Saglamyurek, T. Hrushevskyi,  S. Hubele , L. J. LeBlanc, Phys. Rev. A  100, 012314 (2019).
Condensed Matter Physics
Triad resonant instability of horizontally periodic internal modes. BR Sutherland, R Jefferson . Physical Review Fluids 5, 034801 (2020).
Condensed Matter Physics
Flows induced by Coriolis-influenced vertically propagating two-dimensional internal gravity wave packets. BR Sutherland, W Reeves, TS van den Bremer. Physical Review Fluids 5, 064805 (2020).
Condensed Matter Physics
Book review on “A World Beyond Physics: The Emergence and Evolution of Life” by Stuart A. Kauffman.  Rebekah Hall, Daniel A. Charlebois,  The  Quarterly Review of Biology, 95: 133 (2020).

Stabilized Pair Density Wave via Nanoscale Confinement of Superfluid 3He. A.J. Shook, V. Vadakkumbatt, P. Senarath Yapa, C. Doolin, R. Boyack, P.H. Kim, G.G. Popowich, F. Souris,  H. Christani, J. Maciejko and J.P. Davis, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 015301 (2020). Selected as Editor’s Suggestion.

Condensed Matter Physics

Atomic microwave-to-optical signal transduction via magnetic-field coupling in a resonant microwave cavity. A. Tretiakov, C.A. Potts, T S. LeeM.J. Thiessen, J.P. Davis and L.J. LeBlanc,  Appl. Phys. Lett. 116, 164101 (2020). Selected for cover.

Condensed Matter Physics

The X-ray emissivity of low-density stellar populations.  Heinke, C. O. Ivanov, M., Koch, E. W., Andrews, R. , Chomiuk, L., Cohn, H. N.,  Crothers, S.,  de Boer, T., Ivanova, N., Kong, A. K. H., Leigh, N., Lugger, P. M., Nelson, L.,  Parr, C. J. , Rosolowsky, E. W., Ruiter, A., Sarazin, C., Shaw, A. W., Sivakoff, G. R., van den Berg, M. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  (2020) , 492, 5684. 

2020 Anti-frameshifting ligand active against SARS coronavirus-2 is resistant to natural mutations of the frameshift-stimulatory pseudoknot. K. Neupane, S. Munshi, M. Zhao, D.B. Ritchie,  S.M. Ileperuma , M.T. Woodside J. Mol. Biol. in press (2020).
Condensed Matter Physics
2019 Modelling emission of acoustic energy during bubble expansion in PICO bubble chambers
Tetiana Kozynets, Scott Fallows, and Carsten B. Krauss, Phys. Rev. D 100, 052001 (2019).
Particle Physics
2019 Data-driven modeling of electron recoil nucleation in PICO C3F8 bubble chambers. C. Amole, M. Ardid, I. J. Arnquist, D. M. Asner, D. Baxter, E. Behnke, M. Bressler, B. Broerman, G. Cao, C. J. Chen, S. Chen, U. Chowdhury, K. Clark, J. I. Collar, P. S. Cooper, C. B. Coutu, C. Cowles, M. Crisler, G. Crowder, N. A. Cruz-Venegas, C. E. Dahl, M. Das, S. Fallows, J. Farine, R. Filgas, J. Fuentes, F. Girard, G. Giroux, B. Hackett, A. Hagen, J. Hall, C. Hardy, O. Harris, T. Hillier, E. W. Hoppe, C. M. Jackson, M. Jin, L. Klopfenstein,  T. Kozynets, C. B. Krauss, M. Laurin, I. Lawson, A. Leblanc, I. Levine, C. Licciardi, W. H. Lippincott, B. Loer, F. Mamedov, P. Mitra, C. Moore, T. Nania, R. Neilson, A. J. Noble, P. Oedekerk, A. Ortega, S. Pal, M.-C. Piro, A. Plante, S. Priya, A. E. Robinson, S. Sahoo, O. Scallon, S. Seth, A. Sonnenschein, N. Starinski, I. Štekl, T. Sullivan, F. Tardif, D. Tiwari, E. Vázquez-Jáuregui, J. M. Wagner, N. Walkowski, E. Weima, U. Wichoski, K. Wierman, W. Woodley, Y. Yan, V. Zacek, and J. Zhang. Phys. Rev. D 100, 082006 (2019).
Partcle Physics
2019 Optomechanical spring enhanced mass sensing.  M.P. Maksymowych , J.N Westwood-Bachman, A. Venkatasubramanian, and W.K. Hiebert, Applied Physics Letters 115,101103 (2019).
Condensed Matter Physics
2019 Coherent Magneto-Optomechanical Signal Transduction and Long-Distance Phase-Shift Keying, M.J. Rudd, P.H. Kim, C.A. Potts, C. Doolin, H. Ramp, B.D. Hauer and J.P. Davis, Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 034042 (2019).  Selected as Editor’s Suggestion.
Condensed Matter Physics
2019 Complex dynamics under tension in a high-efficiency frameshift stimulatory structure. M.T.J. Halma, D.B. Ritchie, T.R. Cappellano, K. Neupane, M.T. Woodside.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116:19500–19505 (2019)
2019 Memory effects in single-molecule force spectroscopy measurements of biomolecular folding. A.G.T. Pyo, M.T. Woodside.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. in press (2019)

A first assessment of a Regression-based interpretation of Langmuir probe measurements.  Chalaturnyk, J.and Marchand, R.
Frontiers in Physics (2019)
doi: 10.3389/fphy.2019.00063

2019 Acceleration due to buoyancy and mass renormalization.
McKee, K., Czarnecki, A.
Am.J.Phys. 87, 165-170 (2019)
DOI: 10.1119/1.5089205
Particle Physics

Measuring the average shape of transition paths during the folding of a single biological molecule.
Hoffer, N.Q., Neupane, K.,  Pyo, A.G.T., Woodside, M.T.
Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2019)


Improved Conflat cell for repeatable electrochemical testing to 400 deg. C.
Fleischauer, M.D., Kupsta, M.R., and  Johnson, A.D.
Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 166(2), A398-A402. (2019)
DOI: 10.1149/2.0201902jes

Condensed Matter Physics

Calibration process for rechargeable cell and battery test systems.
Fleischauer, M.D., Tang, D., Gyenes, B., Olsen, B.C.,  Johnson, A.
Review of Scientific Instruments, 90, 043902 (2019)
DOI: 10.1063/1.5079233

Condensed Matter Physics

Lagrangian Transport by Vertically Confined Internal Gravity Wavepackets.
T.S. van den Bremer,  H. Yassin and B.R. Sutherland.
J. Fluid Mech., doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.30, 864, 348-380 (2019)
DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2019.30

Condensed Matter Physics

Sensitivity of the PICO-500 Bubble Chamber to Supernova Neutrinos Through Coherent Nuclear Elastic Scattering.
Kozynets , T ., Fallows, S., Krauss, C. B.
Astropart.Phys. 105, 25-30 (2019), doi: 10.1016/j.astropartphys.2018.09.004

Particle Physics

Double well potentials with a quantum moat barrier or a quantum wall barrier give rise to similar entangled wave functions.
Ibrahim, A. and Marsiglio, F.
American Journal of Physics 86, 180 (2018)
DOI: 10.1119/1.5019166

Condensed Matter Physics

Wide-gamut lasing from a single organic chromophore.
Lane, S. Vagin, S., Wang, H., Heinz, W.R.,  Zhao, Y, Rieger, B., Meldrum, A.
Light: Science and Applications 7, 101 (2018)

Condensed Matter Physics

Particle-Bearing Currents in Uniform Density and Two-Layer Fluids.
Sutherland, B.R, Gingras, M.K.,  Knudson, C.Steverango, L. and  Surma, C.
Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 023801:1-15 (2018)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.023801

Condensed Matter Physics
2018 Reappraising the luminesence lifetime distributions in silicon nanocrystals.
Jakob, M,  Aissiou, A., Morrish, Marsiglio, F., W., Islam, M.A., Kartouzian, A., Meldrum, A. Nanoscale Research Letters 13, 383 (2018)
DOI: 10.1186/s11671-018-2785-x
Condensed Matter Physics

Non-self-similar Viscous Gravity Currents.
Sutherland, B.R.,  Cote, K,  Hong, Y.S., Steverango, L. and  Surma, C.
Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 034101:1-19 (2018)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.034101

Condensed Matter Physics

Adsorption of parahydrogen on graphene.
Dusseault, M.
, Boninsegni M.
Phys. Rev. B  97, 205403 (2018)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.205403

Condensed Matter Physics
2018 Geometric resonances for high-sensitivity microfluidic lasing sensors.
Morrish, W., Riesen, N.,  Stobie, S., Francois, A., Meldrum, A.
Physical Review: Applied 10, 051001 (2018)
Condensed Matter Physics

Transition-path properties for folding reactions in the limit of small barriers.
Pyo, A.G.T., Hoffer, N.Q., Neupane, K., Woodside, M.T.
J Chem Phys 149:115101 (2018)
DOI: 10.1063/1.5046692

2018 Ultra-bright fluorescent and lasing microspheres from a conjugated polymer.
Gardner, K., Aghajamali, M., Vagin, S.,  Pille, J., Morrish, W., Veinot, J.G.C.,  Rieger, B., Meldrum, A.
Advanced Functional Materials 2018, 1802759  (2018)
Condensed Matter Physics

Near-infrared counterparts of three transient very faint neutron star X-ray binaries.
Shaw, A., Heinke, C. O., Degenaar, N., Wijnands, R., Kaur, R., &  Forestell, L. M.
MNRAS, 471, 2508 (2017)
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx1732


Chandra studies of the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae: a deeper X-ray source catalogue, and five new X-ray counterparts to millisecond radio pulsars.
Bhattacharya, S.
, Heinke, C. O., Freire, P. C. C., Ridolfi, A., & Bogdanov, S.
MNRAS, 472, 3706 (2017)
DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stx2241

2017 Two and three particles interacting in a one-dimensional trap.
Na, M. X. and Marsiglio, F.
American Journal of Physics 85, 769 (2017), doi: 10.1119/1.4985063
Condensed Matter Physics
2017 Microscopic origin of the Drude-Smith model.
Cocker, T. L. , Baillie, D., Buruma, M., Titova, L. R., Sydora, R. D., Marsiglio, F., and Hegmann, F. A.
Phys. Rev. B 96, 205439 (2017)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.205439
Condensed Matter Physics
2017 Whispering gallery mode structure in polymer-coated lasing microspheres.
Gardner, K., Zhi, Y., Tan L., Lane, S., Xiao, Y-F., Meldrum, A.
Journal of the Optical Society of America B 34, 2140-2146 (2017)
DOI: 10.1364/JOSAB.34.002140
Condensed Matter Physics

Simple Z2 lattice gauge theories at finite fermion density.
Prosko, C., Lee, S.-P. and Maciejko, J.
Phys. Rev. B 96, 205104 (2017)
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.96.205104

Condensed Matter Physics
2017 Probing position-dependent diffusion in biomolecular folding reactions using single-molecule force spectroscopy.
Foster, D.A.N., Petrosyan, R.,  Pyo, A.G.T.Lambert, J., Hoffmann, A., Wang, F., Woodside, M.T.
Biophys J 114:1657-66 (2018), doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2018.02.026

Conformational dynamics of the frameshift stimulatory structure in HIV-1. Ritchie, D.B.,  Cappellano, T.R.Tittle, C., Rezajooei, N.,  Rouleau, L.SIkkema, W.K.A., Woodside, M.T.
RNA 23:1376-84 (2017), doi: 10.1261/rna.061655.117


Atomic displacements in quantum crystals.
Dusseault, M.
, Boninsegni M.
Phys. Rev. B  95, 104518 (2017)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.95.104518

Condensed Matter Physics

Tuning a 3D Microwave Cavity via Superfluid Helium at MilliKelvin Temperatures
Souris, F.,  Christiani, H., and Davis, J.P. Appl. Phys. Lett.  111, 172601 (2017). 

Condensed Matter Physics
2017 Luminescent Capillary-Based Whispering Gallery Mode Sensors: Crossing the Lasing Threshold.
Meldrum, A., Morrish, W., Lane, S., Wu, W., Monro, T., Francois, A.
Luminescent Physica Status Solidi A 2017, 1700619 (2017)
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.201700619
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 A miniature, low-power scientific fluxgate magnetometer: A stepping-stone to cube-satellite constellation missions.
Miles, D.M., Mann, I.R., Ciurzynski, M., Barona., D., Narod., B.B., Bennest, J.R., Pakhotin, I.P., Kale, A., Bruner, B., Nokes, C.D.A., Cupido, C., Haluza-DeLay, T., Elliott, D.G., Milling, D.K. J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 121, doi:10.1002/2016JA023147
<a="https:>https://onlinelibrary.wiley. com.login.ezproxy.library. ualberta.ca/doi/10.1002/ 2016JA023147/epdf</a="https:>
2016 The Canada/Norway Student Sounding Rocket Program (CaNoRock).
Miles, D.M., Mann, I.R., Knudsen, D.J., McWilliams, K.A., Dahle, K., Grande, J., Moen, J., Thrane, E.V., Hansen, A., Løvhaug, U.P., Burchill, J.K., Rae, I.J., Kale, A., Jackel, J., Shahsavar, A., Grono, E., Cupido, C.,
Physics in Canada, 72(1), pp. 23-27
2016 The Soft X-ray Spectrum of the High Mass X-Ray Binary V0332+53 in Quiescence.
Elshamouty, K., Heinke, C. O., Chouinard, R.
MNRAS, 463, 78 (2016)
2016 Gapless helical superconductivity on the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator.
I. Ozfidan,  J. Han, and J. Maciejko.
Phys. Rev. B 94, 214510 (2016)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.214510
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 Sedimentation from Particle-Bearing Plumes in a Stratified Ambient.
Sutherland, B.R and  Hong, Y.S.
Phys. Rev. Fluids, 1, 074302:1-17 (2016)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.1.074302
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 Quantum cluster approach to the spinful Haldane-Hubbard model .
J. Wu
, J. P. L. Faye, D. Sénéchal, and J. Maciejko.
Phys. Rev. B 93, 075131 (2016)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.075131
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 Refractometric micro-sensor using a mirrored capillary resonator.
Morrish, W.,  West, P., Orlando, N., Klantsataya, E., Gardner, K., Lane, S., Decorby, R., François, A., and Meldrum, A.
Optics Express 24, 24959-24970 (2016)
DOI: 10.1364/OE.24.024959
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 Detection of nitroaromatics in the solid, solution, and vapour phases using silicon quantum dot sensors.
Nguyen, A., Gonzalez, C.M., Sinelnikov, R., Newman, W., Sun, S., Lockwood, R., Veinot, J.G.C., and Meldrum, A.
Nanotechnology 27, 105501 (2016)
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 Search for Transient Astrophysical Neutrino Emission with IceCube-DeepCore.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Astrophysical Journal 816 75 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 Search for Astrophysical Tau Neutrinos in Three Years of IceCube Data.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Physical Review D93 022001 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 Searches for Relativistic Magnetic Monopoles in IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
European Physical Journal C76 133 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 Improved Limits on Dark Matter Annihilation in the Sun with the 79-string IceCube Detector and Implications for Supersymmetry.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 04 (2016) 022 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 Characterization of the Atmospheric Muon Flux in IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Astroparticle Physics 78 1-17 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 First Combined Search for Neutrino Point-Sources in the Southern Hemisphere with the ANTARES and IceCube Neutrino Telescopes.
ANTARES and IceCube Collaborations, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Astrophysical Journal 823 65 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 An All-Sky Search for Three Flavors of Neutrinos from Gamma-Ray Bursts with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Astrophysical Journal 824 115 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 Lowering IceCube's Energy Threshold for Point Source Searches in the Southern Sky.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Astrophysical Journal Letters 824 L28 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 High-Energy Neutrino Follow-Up Search of Gravitational Wave Event GW150914 with ANTARES and IceCube.
ANTARES, IceCube, LIGO Scientific and Virgo Collaborations, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Physical Review D93 122010 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 Neutrino Oscillation Studies with IceCube-DeepCore.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Nuclear Physics B908 161-177 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 Anisotropy in Cosmic-Ray Arrival Directions in the Southern Hemisphere with Six Years of Data from the IceCube Detector.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Astrophysical Journal 826 220 (2016)
Particle Physics
2016 Quantum cluster approach to the spinful Haldane-Hubbard model.
J. Wu, J. P. L. Faye, D. Sénéchal, and J. Maciejko.
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 Gapless helical superconductivity on the surface of a three-dimensional topological insulator.
I. Ozfidan, J. Han, and J. Maciejko.
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 The Effect of Next-Nearest Neighbour Hopping in the One, Two, and Three Dimensional Holstein Model.
By: Chandler, Carl J.; Prosko, Christian; Marsiglio, F.
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 Transmission and Reflection of Internal Solitary Waves Incident upon a Triangular Barrier.
B.R. Sutherland, S. Keating and I. Shrivastava
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 Sedimentation from Particle-Bearing Plumes in a Stratified Ambient.
Sutherland, B.R. and Hong, Y.S.,
Condensed Matter Physics
2016 Using orbital tethers to remediate geomagnetic radiation belts.
Hudoba de Badyn, M., Marchand, R.,and Sydora, R.D.
J. Geophys. Res. 121 (2016): p. 1114-1123 (10 pages).DOI: 10.1002/2015JA021715
2016 Protein folding trajectories can be described by one-dimensional diffusion over measured energy landscapes.
Neupane, K., Manuel, A.P., Woodside, M.T.
2015 The IceProd Framework: Distributed Data Processing for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.
IceCube Collaboration, including Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C. et al.
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 75 198-211 (2015)
Particle Physics
2015 Atmospheric and astrophysical neutrinos above 1 TeV interacting in IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Physical Review D91 022001 (2015)
Particle Physics
2015 Multipole analysis of IceCube data to search for dark matter accumulated in the Galactic halo.
IceCube Collaboration, including Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C. et al.
European Physical Journal C75 20 (2015)
Particle Physics
2015 Determining neutrino oscillation parameters from atmospheric muon neutrino disappearance with three years of IceCube DeepCore data.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Physical Review D91 072004 (2015)
Particle Physics
2015 Flavor Ratio of Astrophysical Neutrinos above 35 TeV in IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Physical Review Letters 114 171102 (2015)
Particle Physics
2015 Search for Prompt Neutrino Emission from Gamma-Ray Bursts with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Astrophysical Journal Letters 805 (2015) L5 (2015)
Particle Physics
2015 Measurement of the Atmospheric νe Spectrum with IceCube
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Physical Review D91122004 (2015)
Particle Physics
2015 Searches for Time-Dependent Neutrino Sources with IceCube Data from 2008 to 2012.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Astrophysical Journal 807 46 (2015)
Particle Physics
2015 A Combined Maximum-Likelihood Analysis of the High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrino Flux Measured with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Astrophysical Journal 809 (2015) 98
Particle Physics 
2015 Evidence for Astrophysical Muon Neutrinos from the Northern Sky with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Physical Review Letters 115 081102 (2015)
Particle Physics 
2015 Detection of a Type IIn Supernova in Optical Follow-up Observations of IceCube Neutrino Events.
IceCube, Swift, PTF Collaborations and Pan-STARRS Science Consortium, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
Astrophysical Journal 811 (2015) 52 (2015)
Particle Physics
2015 Search for Dark Matter Annihilation in the Galactic Center with IceCube-79
IceCube Collaboration, including Buzinsky, N. et al.
European Physical Journal C75 492 (2015)
Particle Physics

A Low-Mass Main-Sequence Star and Accretion Disk in the Very Faint X-ray Transient M15 X-3.
Arnason, R. M., Sivakoff, G. R., Heinke, C. O., Cohn, H. N. & Lugger, P. M.
ApJ, 807, 52 (2015)


Microfluidic detection of vitamin D3 compounds using a cylindrical optical microcavity.
Chan, J., Thiessen, T., Lane, S., West, P., Gardner, K., Francois, A., Meldrum, A.
IEEE Sensors Journal, 15, 3467-3474 (2015)

Condensed Matter Physics

Asymmetric wave functions from tiny perturbations.
Dauphinee, T., Marsiglio, F.
American Journal of Physics, 83, 861-866 (2015)

Condensed Matter Physics

2015 Refractometric sensing of Li salt with visible-light Si3N4 microdisk resonators, C. Doolin, P. Doolin, B.C. Lewis* and J.P. Davis, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 081104 (2015).

* B.C. Lewis was a high school student when this was paper published and soon afterwards joined the undergraduate physics program at the 海角社区.
Condensed Matter Physics
2015 Optical microscope and tapered fibre coupling apparatus for a dilution refrigerator
A.J.R. MacDonald, G.G. Popowich, B.D. Hauer, P.H. Kim, A. Fredrick, X. Rojas, P. Doolin and J.P. Davis, Rev. Sci. Inst. 86, 013107 (2015).
Condensed Matter Physics

The importance of basis states: an example using the Hydrogen basis.
Forestell, L., Marsiglio, F.
Canadian Journal of Physics,  93,1009-1014 (2015)

Condensed Matter Physics

Torque-mixing magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Losby, J.E., Fani Sani, F., Grandmont, D.T., Diao, Z., Belov, M., Burgess, J.A.J., Compton, S.R., Hiebert, W.K., Freeman, M.R., et al.
Science, 350, 798-801 (2015)

Condensed Matter Physics

Reconstructing folding energy landscapes from splitting probability analysis of single-molecule trajectories.
Manuel, A.P., Lambert, J., Woodside, M.T.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 112, 7183-7188 (2015)


Transition path probability as a test of reaction-coordinate quality reveals DNA hairpin folding is a one-dimensional diffusive process.
Neupane, K., Manuel, A.P., Lambert, J., Woodside
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 6, 1005-1010 (2015)


The Kronig-Penney model extended to arbitrary potentials via numerical matrix mechanics.
Pavelich, R.L., Marsiglio, F.
American Journal of Physics, 83, 773-781 (2015)

Condensed Matter Physics

Protein biosensing with fluorescent microcapillaries.
Lane, S., West, P., Francois, A., Meldrum, A.
Optics Express, 23, 2577-2590 (2015)

Condensed Matter Physics

Clay Settling in Fresh and Salt Water.
Sutherland, B.R., Barrett, K.J., Gingras, M.K.
Env. Fluid Mech., 15, 147-160 (2015)


Transmission and Reflection of Internal Solitary Waves Incident upon a Triangular Barrier.
Sutherland, B.R., Keating, S., Shrivastava, I.
J. Fluid Mech., 775, 304-327 (2015)


Whispering gallery mode structure and refractometric sensitivity of fluorescent capillary-type sensors.
Lane, S., Chan, J., Thiessen, T., Meldrum, A.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 190, 752-759 (2014)

Condensed Matter Physics

Nanomechanical AC susceptometry of an individual mesoscopic ferrimagnet.
Losby, JE., Diao, Z., Fani Sani, F., Grandmont, DT., Belov, M., Burgess J
AJ., Hiebert, WK., Freeman, MR.
Solid State Communications (special issue on Spin Mechanics), 198, 3-6 (2014)

Condensed Matter Physics

Determining intra-chain diffusion coefficients for biopolymer dynamics from single-molecule force spectroscopy measurements.
Lambert, K.S.D., Woodside, M.T.
Biophys J., 107, 1647-1653 (2014)


Effect of intense THz pulses on expression of genes associated with skin cancer and inflammatory skin conditions.
Titova, L.V., Ayesheshim, A., Purschke, D., Golubov, A., Rodriguez-Juarez, R., Woycicki, R., Hegmann, F.A., and Kovalchuk, O.
Proc. SPIE, 8941, 89411G-1-9 (2014)

Condensed Matter Physics

Ultrasonic Interferometer for First-Sound Measurements of Confined Liquid 4He.
Rojas, X., Hauer, B.D., MacDonald, A.J.R., Saberi, P., Yang, Y., Davis, J.P.
Phys. Rev. B , 89, 1-9 (2014)

Condensed Matter Physics

Anti-frameshifting ligand reduces conformational plasticity of the SARS virus pseudoknot.
Ritchie, D.B., Soong, J., Sikkema, William K.A., Woodside, M.T.
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 136, 2196–2199 (2014)


A Chandra Look at the X-ray Faint Millisecond Pulsars in the Globular Cluster NGC 6752. Forestell, L. M., Heinke, C.O., Cohn, H.N., Lugger, P.M., Sivakoff, G.R., Bogdanov, S., Cool, A.M., & Anderson, J.
MNRAS, 441, 757 (2014)


The 2013 outburst of a transient very faint X-ray binary 23" from Sgr A*.
Koch, E., Bahramian, A., Heinke, C. et al.
MNRAS, 444, 372 (2014)


Effect of EMIC waves on relativistic and ultra-relativistic electron populations: Ground- based and Van Allen Probes observations.
Usaova, M.E., Drozdov, A., Orlova, K., Mann, I.R., Shprits, Y., Robertson, M.T., Turner, D.L., Milling, D.K., Kale, A., Baker, S.A., Thaller, S.A., Reeves, G.D., Spence, H.E., Kletzing, C., Wygant, J.
Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 1375-1381 (2014)


Spatial localization and ducting of EMIC waves: Van Allen Probes and ground-based observations.
Mann, I. R., Usanova, M. E., Murphy, K. R., Robertson, M. T., Milling, D. K., Kale, A., Kletzing, C., Wygant, J.,Thaller, S., Raita, T.
Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 785-792 (2014)

2014 Observation of High-Energy Astrophysical Neutrinos in Three Years of IceCube Data.
IceCube Collaboration, including Sheremata, C. et al.
Physical Review Letters 113 (2014) 101101 (2014)
Particle Physics
2014 Multimessenger Search for Sources of Gravitational Waves and High-Energy Neutrinos: Results for Initial LIGO-Virgo and IceCube.
The IceCube, LIGO and Virgo Collaborations, including Sheremata, C. et al.
Physical Review D90 102002 (2014)
Particle Physics
2014 Searches for Extended and Point-like Neutrino Sources with Four Years of IceCube Data.
IceCube Collaboration, including Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C. et al.
Astrophysical Journal 796 (2014) 109 (2014)
Particle Physics

Observation of the cosmic-ray shadow of the Moon with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D, 89, 1-13 (2014)

Particle Physics

Search for neutrino-induced particle showers with IceCube-40.
IceCube Collaboration, including Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D., 89, 1-20 (2014)

Particle Physics

Search for non-relativistic magnetic monopoles with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
European Physical Journal C, 74, 1-19 (2014)

Particle Physics

Optical Counterparts of the Nearest Ultraluminous X-ray Sources.
Gladstone, J.C., Copperwheat, C., Heinke, C.O., Cartwright, T. et al.
ApJ, 206, 14 (2013)


Galactic Ultracompact X-ray Binaries: Empirical Luminosities.
Cartwright, T., Engel, M., Heinke, C.O., Sivakoff, G., Berger, J., Gladstone, J., Ivanova, N., ApJ, 768, 183 (2013)


Mass/Radius Constraints on the Quiescent Neutron Star in M13 Using Hydrogen and Helium Atmospheres.
Catuneanu, A., Heinke, C.O., Sivakoff, G.R. , Ho, W.C.G., & Servillat, M.
ApJ, 764, 145 (2013)


Galactic Ultracompact X-ray Binaries: Disk Stability and Evolution.
Heinke, C.O., Ivanova, N., Engel, M., Pavlovskii, K., Sivakoff, G., Cartwright, T., Gladstone, J.
ApJ, 768, 184 (2013)


LEOrbit a program to calculate parameters relevant to modelling Low Earth Orbit spacecraft plasma interaction.
Marchand, R., Purschke, D., Samson, J.
Computer Phys. Comm., 184, 866 – 872 (2013)


Tuning iron pyrite thin film microstructure by sulfurization of columnar iron precursors.
LaForge, J.M., Gyenes, B., Xu, S., Haynes, L.K., Titova, L.V., Hegmann, F.A., Brett, M.J.
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 117, 306-314 (2013)

Condensed Matter Physics

The spectral decomposition of the helium atom two-electron configuration in terms of hydrogenic orbitals.
Hutchinson, J., Baker, M., Marsiglio, F.
Eur. J. Phys., 34, 111 (2013)

Condensed Matter Physics

Solving for three-dimensional central potentials using numerical matrix methods.
Jugdutt, B.A., Marsiglio, F.
Am. J. Phys., 81, 343 (2013)

Condensed Matter Physics

Refractometric Sensing with Silicon Quantum Dots Coupled to a Microsphere.
Zhi, Z., Manchee, C.P.K., Silverstone, J.W., Zhang, Z., Meldrum, A.
Plasmonics, 8, 71-78 (2013)

Condensed Matter Physics

Feasibility of a fluorescent-core microcapillary for biosensing applications.
McFarlane, S., Manchee, C.P.K., Silverstone, J.W., Veinot, J.G.C., Meldrum, A.
Sensor Letters, 11, 1513-1518 (2013)

Condensed Matter Physics

Synthesis and operation of fluorescent-core microcavities for refractometric sensing.
McFarlane, S., Manchee, C.P.K., Silverstone, J.W., Veinot, J.G.C., Meldrum, A.
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 73, e50256 (2013)

Condensed Matter Physics

Silicon quantum-dot-coated microspheres for microfluidic refractive index sensing.
Zhi, Y., Thiessen, T., Meldrum, A.
Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 30, 51-56 (2013)

Condensed Matter Physics

Shoaling Internal Solitary Waves.
Sutherland, B.R., Barrett, K.J., Ivey, G.N.
J. Geophys. Res. – Oceans, 118, 4111-4124 (2013)


Crustal eclogitization and lithosphere delamination in orogens.
Krystopowicz, N.J., Currie, C.A.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 361,195-207 (2013)


Gravity Currents Shoaling over a Slope
Sutherland, B.R., Polet, D., Campbell, M.
Phys. Fluids, 25, 086604 (2013)


Measurement of South Pole ice transparency with the IceCube LED calibration system.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Nowicki, S., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment, 711, 73-89 (2013)

Particle Physics

Observation of cosmic-ray anisotropy with the IceTop air shower array.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Nowicki, S., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Astrophysical Journal, 765, 1-9 (2013)

Particle Physics

Search for Galactic PeV gamma rays with the IceCube Neutrino Observatory.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Nowicki, S., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D, 87, 1-15 (2013)

Particle Physics

Search for dark matter annihilations in the Sun with the 79-string IceCube detector.
Bohaichuk, S., Nowicki, S., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review Letters, 110, 1-7 (2013)

Particle Physics

Measurement of the atmospheric electron neutrino flux in IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Nowicki, S., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review Letters, 110, 1-7 (2013)

Particle Physics

First observation of PeV-energy neutrinos with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Nowicki, S., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review Letters, 111, 1-7 (2013)

Particle Physics

Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillations with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review Letters, 111, 1-6 (2013)

Particle Physics

South pole glacial climate reconstruction from multi-borehole laser particulate stratigraphy.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Journal of Glaciology, 59, 1117-1128 (2013)

Particle Physics

Improvement in fast particle track reconstruction with robust statistics.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators spectrometers Detectros and Associated Equipment, 736, 143-149 (2013)

Particle Physics

Evidence for High-Energy Extraterrestrial Neutrinos at the IceCube Detector.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Science, 342, 1-7 (2013)

Particle Physics

Search for time-dependent neutrino emission from astrophysical sources with 3 yr of IceCube data.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Astrophysical Journal, 779, 1-17 (2013)

Particle Physics

IceCube search for dark matter annihilation in nearby galaxies and galaxy clusters.
IceCube Collaboration, including Bohaichuk, S., Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D, 88, 1-10 (2013)

Particle Physics

Probing the origin of cosmic rays with extremely high energy neutrinos using the IceCube Observatory.
IceCube Collaboration, including Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D, 88, 1-15 (2013)

Particle Physics

Energy reconstruction methods in the IceCube neutrino telescope.  
IceCube Collaboration, including Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Journal of Instrumentation, 9, 1-32 (2013)

Particle Physics

Search for a diffuse flux of astrophysical muon neutrinos with the IceCube 59-string configuration.
IceCube Collaboration, including Grandmont, D., Sheremata, C., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D, 89, 1-19 (2013)

Particle Physics

IceTop: The surface component of IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Grant, D. et al.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment, 700, 188-220 (2013)

Particle Physics

An improved method for measuring muon energy using the truncated mean of dE/dx.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Grant, D. et al.
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors And Associated Equipment, 703, 190-198 (2013)

Particle Physics

Cosmic ray composition and energy spectrum from 1-30 PeV using the 40-string configuration of IceTop and IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Grant, D. et al.
Astroparticle Physics, 42, 15-32 (2013)

Particle Physics

Use of event-level neutrino telescope data in global fits for theories of new physics.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Grant, D. et al.
Journal Of Cosmology and Astroparticle  Physics, 11, 1-29 (2013)

Particle Physics

Searches for high-energy neutrino emission in the galaxy with the combined IceCube-AMANDA detector.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Grant, D. et al.
Astrophysical Journal, 763, 1-18, (2013)

Particle Physics

Lateral distribution of muons in IceCube cosmic ray events.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D, 87, 1-13 (2013)

Particle Physics

Search for relativistic magnetic monopoles with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D, 87,1-11 (2013)

Particle Physics

All-particle cosmic ray energy spectrum measured with 26 IceTop stations.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Grant, D. et al.
Astroparticle Physics, 44, 40-58 (2013)

Particle Physics

Neutrino analysis of the 2010 September Crab Nebula flare and time-integrated constraints on neutrino.
IceCube Collaboration, including Wood, T.R., Grant, D. et al.
Astrophysical Journal, 745, 1-11 (2012)

Particle Physics
2012 X-ray Binaries in the Ultrahigh Encounter Rate Globular Cluster NGC 6388
Maxwell, J. E., Lugger, P. M., Cohn, H. N., Heinke, C. O., Grindlay, J. E.,  Budac, S. A., Drukier, G. A. & Bailyn, C. D.
ApJ, 756, 147 (2012)
2012 A 2.15 Hour Likely Orbital Period for the Low Mass X-ray Binary XB 1832-330 in the Globular Cluster NGC 6652 from Gemini South Imaging Data
Engel, M. C.
, Heinke, C. O., Sivakoff, G. R., Elshamouty, K. G.,Edmonds, P. D.
ApJ, 747, 119 (2012)

THEMIS Observations of EMIC Wave Occurrence: Dependence on AE, SYMH, and Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure.
Usanova, M.E., Mann, I. R., Bortnik, J., Shao, L., Angelopoulos, V.
Journal of Geophysical Research-Space Physics, 117, A10218 (2012)

2012 An Examina- tion of the X-ray Sources in the Globular Cluster NGC 6652.
Stacey, W. S.
, Heinke, C. O., Cohn, H. N., Lugger, P. M., & Bahramian, A.
ApJ, 751, 62 (2012)

Microfluidic and Nanofluidic Cavities for Quantum Fluids Experiments.
Duh, A., Suhel, A., Hauer, B.D., Saeedi, R., Kim, P.H., Biswas, T.S., Davis, J.P.
Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 1-9 (2012)

Condensed Matter Physics

The double well potential in quantum mechanics: a simple, numerically exact formulation.
Jelic, V., Marsiglio, F.
Eur. J. Phys., 33, 1651 (2012)

Condensed Matter Physics

Phase diagram of the ultrafast photoinduced insulator-metal transition in vanadium dioxide.
Cocker, T.L., Titova, L.V., Formaux, S., Holloway, G., H.-C, Bandulet, Brassard, D., Kieffer, J.-C., El Khakani, M.A., and Hegmann, F.A.
Phys. Rev. B, 85, 155120 (2012)

Condensed Matter Physics

High-Q Gold and Silicon Nitride Bilayer Nanostrings.
Biswas, T.S., Suhel, A., Hauer, B.D., Palomino, A., Davis, J.P.
Phys. Lett., 101, 1-6 (2012)

Condensed Matter Physics

Phthalocyanine tetrasulfonates bind to multiple sites on natively-folded prion protein.
Dee, D., Gupta, A.N., Anikovskiy, M., Sosova, I., Grandi, E., Rivera, L., Bridley, A.M.,
Petersen, N.O., Woodside, M.T.
BBA Proteins & Proteomics, 1824, 826–832 (2012)


Ultimate resolution for refractometric sensing with whispering gallery mode microcavities.
Silverstone, J.W., McFarlane, S., Manchee, C.P.K., Meldrum, A.
Optics Express, 20, 8284-8295 (2012)

Condensed Matter Physics

Why is the ground-state electron configuration for lithium 1s(2)2s?.
Stacey, W., Marsiglio, F.
Europhysics Letters, 100, 43002 (2012)

Condensed Matter Physics

Axisymmetric Intrusions in Two-Layer and Uniformly Stratified Environments with and without Rotation.
Holdsworth, A.M., Barrett, K.J., Sutherland, B.R.
Phys. Fluids, 24, 1-16 (2012)


Geothermal energy as a source of heat for oilsands processing in northern Alberta, Canada.
Majorowicz, J.A., Unsworth, M.J., Chacko, T., Gray, A., Heaman, L., Potter, D., Schmitt, D.R., and Babadagli, T.
AAPG Studies in Geology, 64, (2012)


Investigation of the geothermal state of sedimentary basins using oil industry thermal data: Case study from Northern Alberta exhibiting the need to systematically remove biased data.
Gray, D.A., Majorowicz, J.A., Unsworth, M.J.
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 9, 534-548 (2012)


Light Attenuation Experiments on Double Diffusive Plumes and Fountains.
Sutherland, B.R., Lee, B., Ansong, J.K.
Phys. Fluids, 24, 1-20 (2012)


Binding energy of the positronium negative ion via dimensional scaling.
Blinov, N., Czarnecki, A.
Phys. Rev. A , 85, 1-8 (2012)

Particle Physics

An absence of neutrinos associated with cosmic-ray acceleration in gamma-ray bursts.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Grant, D. et al.
Nature, 484, 351-354 (2012)

Particle Physics

A search for UHE tau neutrinos with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D, 86, 1-15 (2012)

Particle Physics

Multiyear search for dark matter annihilations in the Sun with the AMANDA-II and IceCube detectors.
IceCube Collaboration, including Nowicki, S., Wood, T.R., Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D, 85, 1-14 (2012)

Particle Physics

Observation of anisotropy in the galactic cosmic-ray arrival directions at 400 TeV with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Wood, T.R., Grant, D. et al.
Astrophysical Journal, 746, 1-11 (2012)

Particle Physics

Searches for periodic neutrino emission from binary systems with 22 and 40 strings of IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Wood, T.R., Grant, D. et al.
Astrophysical Journal, 748, 1-6 (2012)

Particle Physics
2011 The Unusual X-ray Binaries of the Globular Cluster NGC 6652.
Coomber, G.,
 Heinke, C. O., Cohn, H. N., Lugger, P. M. & Grindlay, J. E.
ApJ, 735, 95 (2011)
2011 Transient Extremely Soft X-ray Emission from the Unusually Bright CV in the Globular Cluster M3: a New CV X-ray Luminosity Record?
Stacey, W. S.
, Heinke, C. O., Elsner, R. F., Edmonds, P. D., Weisskopf, M. C., & Grindlay, J. E.
ApJ, 732, 46 (2011)

Impact of spin-orbit coupling on the Holstein polaron.
Li, Z., Covaci, L., Berciu, M., Baillie, D., Marsiglio, F.
Phys. Rev. B, 83, 195104 (2011)

Condensed Matter Physics

Photoactivation of silicon quantum dots.
Lockwood, R., McFarlane, S., Rodriguez-Nunez, J.R., Wang, X.Y., Veinot, J.G.C., Meldrum, A.
Journal of Luminescence, 131, 1530 (2011)

Condensed Matter Physics

Nanomechanical torsional resonator torque magnetometry.
Davis, JP., Vick, D., Li, P., Portillo, SKN., Fraser, AE., Burgess, JAJ., Fortin, DC., Hiebert, WK., Freeman, MR.
Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 07D309-1 - 07D309-6 (2011)

Condensed Matter Physics

Microcavity effects in ensembles of silicon quantum dots coupled to high-Q resonators.
Bianucci, P., Zhi, Y.Y., Marsiglio, F., Silverstone, J.W., Meldrum, A.
Physica Status Solidi A, 208, 639 (2011)

Condensed Matter Physics

High-finesse cavities fabricated by self-assembly of a-Si/SiO2 multilayers.
Allen, T.W., Silverstone, J.W., Ponnamapalam, N., Meldrum, A., DeCorby, R.G.
Optics Express, 19, 18903-18909 (2011)

Condensed Matter Physics

Refractometric sensing with fluorescent-core microcavities.
Manchee, C.P.K., Zamora, V., Silverstone, J.W., Veinot, J.G.C., Meldrum, A.
Optics Express, 19, 21540-21551 (2011)

Condensed Matter Physics

Turbulent Fountains in One- and Two-layer Crossflows.
Ansong, J.K., Anderson-Frey, A., Sutherland, B.R.
J. Fluid Mech, 689, 254-278 (2011)


Discovery of a Second Transient Low-Mass X-ray Binary in the Globular Cluster NGC 6440.
Heinke, C.O., Altamirano, D., Cohn, H.N., Lugger, P.M., Budac, S.A., et al.
ApJ, 714, 894 (2010)


IceCube sensitivity for low-energy neutrinos from nearby supernovae.
IceCube Collaboration, including Wood, T.R, Grant, D., et al.
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 535, 1-18 (2011)

Particle Physics

Search for diffuse flux of astrophysical muon neutrinos with the IceCube 40-string detector.
IceCube Collaboration, including Wood, T.R, Grant, D. et al.
Physical Review D, 84, 011101(R) (2011)

Particle Physics

Observation of anisotropy in the arrival directions of galactic cosmic rays at multiple angular scales with IceCube.
IceCube Collaboration, including Wood, T.R, Grant, D., et al.
Astrophysical Journal, 740, 1-17 (2011)

Particle Physics

Sheath Effects on DEMETER ion drift measurements.
Marchand, R., Knutson, N., Berthelier, J.J.
Planetary and Space Science, 58, 1365-73 (2010)


Thermally activated decay of magnetic vortices.
Burgess, JAJ., Fortin, DC., Losby, J., Grombacher D ., Davis JP., Freeman MR.
Physical Review B, 82, 144403-1 - 144403-8 (2010)

Condensed Matter Physics

Nanomechanical torque magnetometry of permalloy cantilevers.
Losby, JE., Burgess, JAJ., Holt, CMB., Westwood, JN., Mitlin, D., Hiebert, WK., Freeman, MR.
Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 123910-1 - 123910-5 (2010)

Condensed Matter Physics

Ground-state properties of the Holstein model near the adiabatic limit
Zhou Li, D. Baillie, C. Blois, and F. Marsiglio
Phys. Rev. B  81, 115114 – Published 9 March 2010