Faculty Members


Robin Clugston The role of vitamin A in maintaining a healthy body and preventing disease
Emmanuelle Cordat Physiology and Pathophysiology of renal intercalated cells in electrolyte and pH homeostasis
Cathy Chan
  1. Metabolic effects of meal patterns, foods and food ingredients in insulin resistant conditions
  2. Malnutrition in older adults 
Xing-Zhen Chen Function and regulation of transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels, including TRP polycystin-2 and -3 (TRPP2 and TRPP3) and TRP vanilloid 6 (TRPV6)
Gregory Funk

Neurochemical control of breathing during perinatal development.

Simon Gosgnach

Deciphering the structure and mechanism of function of the neural network responsible for producing walking movements in mammals (i.e. the locomotor CPG).

Maria Ioannou Regulation of lipid homeostasis in the brain in health and disease
Jesse Jackson

1) Identifying how sleep, arousal, and brain-states contribute to functions such as episodic memory.
2) Studying the anatomy, physiology, postnatal development, and function of the prefrontal cortex and claustrum.

Zamaneh Kassiri 1) Extracellular matrix and related proteins in different models of heart disease (myocardial infarction, pressure overload, hypertension, etc.)
2) Role of transmembrane metalloproteinases (ADAMs, MT-MMPs) in vascular diseases (aortic aneurysm, hypertension, atherosclerosis).
Elaine Leslie Biotransformation and membrane transport of the environmental human carcinogen arsenic
Martin Munz

Development and function of neuronal circuits and the mechanisms underlying neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism

Silvia Pagliardini Neural control of breathing in health and disease models

Placental morphogenesis and the pathogenesis of common pregnancy complications. 

Jessica Yue

1) Neural regulation of glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism in health and metabolic diseases.
2) How stress hormones act in the brain to affect metabolism in vivo
3) Mechanisms by which diabetes and obesity alter neural regulation of whole-body metabolism.

Faculty service officers

Saswati Das Course Coordinator for PHYSL 210 (in-person) and 212/214
Course coordinator for various and 400- and 500-level PHYSL courses
Kyla Smith

Course coordinator for PHYSL 210 (online) and various 300- and 400-level PHYSL courses


Todd Alexander Causes and consequences of pediatric kidney diseases with a clinical practice focusing on disorders of renal tubular transport, such as kidney stone formers.
Branko Braam Hypertension, volume regulation and cardiovascular function in CKD, in hemodialysis patients and in patients with combined heart and renal failure (‘cardiorenal syndrome’)
Sandra Davidge

Understanding mechanisms for vascular complications in pregnancy (e.g. preeclampsia); and the impact on the development of the fetus along with the impact on both maternal and offspring cardiovascular complications later in life.

Clayton Dickson

The role of rhythmic coordinated activity in the hippocampus and associated cortices in memory consolidation

David Olson Understanding the molecular mechanisms of and developing diagnostics and therapeutics to block preterm birth and fetal inflammation.
Gavin Oudit Role of gender in iron-overload cardiomyopathy; investigating cardiotoxicity from breast cancer chemotherapy; identifying diagnoses and treatment of Fabry disease; discovering biomarkers for heart failure, as well as research into kidney and vascular diseases


Klaus Ballanyi
John Greer
Peter Nguyen
James Young