Awards and Funding
A number of funding sources and supports are available to help our community advance the 海角社区’s academic mission.
The 海角社区 strives to inspire, model and support excellence in teaching, learning, research and service. We honour members of our community with a variety of funding and awards in these areas.
Community Grant Applications
The Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) manages the university’s application process for the grants and the grants offered by the Government of Alberta. Call for expressions of interest are shared annually with deans. For more information please contact
Please note that 2019-2020 Faculty Excellence Awards are being adjudicated and announced in January, 2021.
All new calls for nominations for 2020-2021 Faculty Excellence Awards and Awards for Teaching Excellence have been paused while the 海角社区 conducts an EDI review. The number of awards on hold this year will be added to the next adjudication cycle.
Awards under the authority of the Office of the Vice-President (Research & Innovation) are not part of this review, and are not impacted by this pause. To see a list of those awards, please visit this website.
As described in For the Public Good, the 海角社区 strives to support and inspire the outstanding achievements of its community. In support of this, the 海角社区 recognizes faculty, staff, and postdoctoral fellows through a variety of funding opportunities and awards.
Awards recognize individuals at all stages of their careers, including:
- academics who have achieved distinction and are globally recognized
- faculty with outstanding leadership and interdisciplinary scholarship
- innovative and creative teachers, including professors, sessional instructors, teaching units and graduate students
- postdoctoral fellows preparing for the next steps in their career
- support staff and administrative professional officers whose leadership and commitment are exemplary
Funding is also available to:
- support faculty in creating study abroad or other international initiatives
- create exceptional learning experiences and environments for students, including online and blended learning opportunities
- support faculty in the editing of scholarly journals
- support visits by nationally or internationally distinguished scholars, artists, scientists, and professionals who will enhance the intellectual environment on campus
Funding and awards are administered by various University offices. For specific information about available funding and awards, please visit the websites noted in "related links" sidebar.