Give to Psychology
The Clare Patershuk Travel endowment was created in honour of Clare Patershuk ('09 BSc), a psychology graduate who was killed by a drunk driver just two weeks after she graduated with her master's degree in counselling psychology. Clare took pride in her academic achievements - she valued learning and she always gave her best. Our hope is students receiving this award will value the opportunity to travel and to learn in different locations, something Clare would have prized.
The Clare Patershuk Travel and Professional Development Award will provide funding to support full-time undergraduate students in the Department of Psychology enrolled in the 1st or 2nd year of the Honors Program or 3rd or 4th of the Majors Program. Money from the award will be awarded to help students cover the cost of travelling to a conference to present their research or to pursue a professional development opportunity.
Learning and studying in classrooms, labs and libraries remains an indispensable tool, but actually having the opportunity to be exposed to likeminded peers from around the world and share research and achievements creates a new level of knowledge.
This endowment supports a full-time graduate student in the Department of Psychology annually, and allows for the opportunity to travel and present a paper or poster at a conference in the area of behavioural psychology, animal learning, behavioural neuroscience or physiology and behaviour.
The Department of Psychology Fund is vital for the day-to-day workings of the department including: research, graduate student support, undergraduate support, specialized equipment. Undergraduate visiting speaker events. Gifts from our alumni and friends will ensure that our Psychology Department is able to improve and impact the important study of how people think, feel, and develop to create positive change in the world around us. A gift to this fund will have an immediate impact on the area of most need within the Department of Psychology.