STRATEGY 1: Create a marketing and external communication strategy in consultation with stakeholders and partners


Timeline: December 2018

  • Develop a comprehensive marketing framework (branding and awareness) that identifies key stakeholders and the targeted messages for each. (Making sure that key priorities are communicated properly)


  • Completed marketing/awareness guidelines
  • Implementation of marketing/awareness campaign
  • Increase in engagement:
    • Increased traffic to FRM website and on social media including from other countries
    • Increase in number of FRM tweets and retweets
    • Increase in number of new visitors and returning visitors to FRM websites
    • Increase in FRM page views, click-throughs and time spent on pages
    • FRM Social media: increase in # of followers; increase in # of shares; increase in membership
    • Increase in FRM SEO position
    • Increase in number of requests from media and public
    • Increase in alumni engagement (#'s attending events, volunteering, # of ambassadors, donation levels, donation percentage, reunion numbers)


  • Development of inclusive messaging in "At every point in your life" and video campaign to include research priorities and 海角社区 campaign initiatives
  • Rehab Impact magazine published
  • Alumni Relations Plan with analytics launching April
  • Establishing a toolkit for students, faculty, ambassadors, alumni
  • Marketing and Communications Plan to be developed by end of summer and launched in September