Funding Sources

Bridging Certificate students may be eligible for the following potential funding sources outlined in the table below.

Funding can be in two forms:

  • loans (needs to be paid back)
  • grants/bursaries (does NOT need to be paid back).

If you plan to apply for either a loan or grant visit the organization's webpages or contact them directly to determine if you are eligible.

Alberta Student Aid

Alberta Part-Time Grant: The Alberta Part-Time Grant is available to Alberta residents taking post-secondary education on a part-time basis. Repayment NOT required.

Value: Up to $600 per semester.

The maximum grant funding available for one calendar year is $1,800.00.


Windmill Microlending

Windmill Microlending (formerly Immigrant Access Fund): Provides microloans to internationally trained immigrants so they can obtain the Canadian licensing or training they need to work in their field. The loan can pay for exams, training, qualification assessments, professional association fees, books and course materials, living allowance and other expenses related to obtaining the Canadian licensing or training they need. Repayment IS required.

Value: up to $15,000 to internationally trained immigrants.

Bredin Centre for Career Advancement

The Servus-Bredin Microloans for Professional Newcomers program: provides loans to support professional newcomers with costs related to pursuing licensure and accreditation in Canada, including:

  • Exam fees
  • Licensing cost
  • Professional fees
  • Skills upgrading and bridging program
  • Books, laptop, study materials and work equipment
  • Education and training programs of two years or less

Value: up to $15,000 

Key Features:

  • An affordable rate of interest of just Prime + 1.5%.
  • Build credit history in Canada.
  • Available to clients across Alberta.
  • A manageable repayment period of up to four years with no penalty for an early payment.
  • Applicants must have a licensure accreditation plan/education plan.
  • Repayment for approved loans is 45-days after the loan is issued.
  • The maximum amount available for each applicant is $15,000.
    • If applicants also have microloans from other programs, the total amount borrowed from all the programs together cannot be more than $15,000.
    • If applicants pay back their first microloan, they may be eligible for another through the program.


To be eligible for a microloan, applicants must:

  • Have the right to live and work in Canada
  • Be a resident of Alberta
  • Have professional-level education or training obtained outside of Canada
  • Have sufficient income or resources to make repayments on the microloan
Cheung Family Graduate Award in Rehabilitation Medicine

Cheung Family Graduate Award in Rehabilitation Medicine: re-payment is NOT required,

Number: 2

Value: $750

Eligibility: Awarded to students with satisfactory academic standing registered in a graduate certificate program in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine. Selection based on demonstrated excellence in or educational experiences, clinical skills and professional activities. Preference will be given to internationally-educated physical therapists registered in a Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Bridging to Canadian Physical Therapy Practice program. Part-time students are eligible for this award.

To apply please email a 300-500 word letter outlining how you have demonstrated excellence through your educational experiences, clinical skills and professional activities to

Ann Falk Memorial Education Fund

Ann Falk Memorial Education Fund: Re-payment is NOT required. For first or second generation immigrants pursuing studies in health care and living in Edmonton.

Value: up to $750 


Apply by contacting:
Don Baergen
Phone: 780-423-9686

Calgary Community Foundation:Every Woman Can: The Maria Eriksen Memorial Bursary

Calgary Community FoundationEvery Woman Can: The Maria Eriksen Memorial Bursary Re-payment is NOT required. For immigrant women residing in Alberta, attending school to return to their pre-immigration field of work. Applicants demonstrate financial need and are currently enrolled in a recognized educational institution.

Number: 3

Value: $2,000