Tools and Downloads
Robot activities and building tools
These are materials that we made as part of our robotics research. There are lists of activities, building instructions and software applications for Lego Mindstorms robots.
Early projects were done with the Lego Mindstorms RCX, and then the NXT, but those products are no longer available for sale through Lego, presently only the EV3 is available.
Basic Robot Activities Manual
Description: This is a resource for parents or clinicians for children with physical impairments. The manual shows a variety of ways in which robots can be used to help promote children's development through a number of fun learning activities.
Download the Basic Robot Activities Materials
Math Activities Manual
Description: This is a resource for children with physical disabilities to do math activities by using a Lego Mindstorms Robot. The adapted math activities focus on children independently using the robot in measuring activities. By providing a means for the children to actively measure using standard and nonstandard units, children with physical disabilities may gain a better understanding of measurement concepts.
Download the Math activities information
Software application for the Lego Mindstorms NXT
Description: This is a software application for the Lego Mindstorms NXT assembled as a car-like vehicle with a gripper for manipulation. The application to control the robot is an executable file which has been tested on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. The robot is controlled via Bluetooth, allowing children direct control of the robot using on-screen buttons, keyboard keys or a switch interface (e.g., Don Johnston Switch Interface Pro 6.0)
Download the application for NXT
DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee that this application will work on all devices.
Software application for the Lego Mindstorms EV3
Description: This is a software application for the Lego Mindstorms EV3 assembled as a car-like vehicle with a gripper for manipulation. The application to control the robot was written in MATLAB R2016a with the necessary support package. The MATLAB must be installed for this to run. (A stand-alone executable file is in development). The program has been tested on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10. The robot is controlled via Bluetooth, allowing a user direct control of the robot using on-screen buttons, keyboard keys or a switch interface (e.g., Don Johnston Switch Interface Pro 6.0).
Download the application for EV3
DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee that this application will work on all devices.
Using Assistive Robots to Promote Inclusive Education (UARPIE)
Other Lego Robot resources are available through the UARPIE project by Pedro Encarna莽茫o, Universidade Cat贸lica Portuguesa. Some links to the materials in the manual may not be working. The following list shows what the new addresses of the materials are.
Address of the materials in the manual | New address of the materials |
---|---| | | | | | | | | | | |
Website & Social Media Development Tools
The following tools were created as part of REHAB 510 - Assistive Technology in Rehabilitation. This guide and videos provide step by step instructions on the creation of a basic website, including creating a mobile website and a basic social network, using WordPress.
How to make a basic website - Guide (PDF)
How to make a basic website - Videos
Alternative Access Tools
These are some of the access methods we have trialed.
Tecla Shield - Demonstration Video
"A device that enables the connection of external switches to Bluetooth-enabled devices. Together with the Tekla Android App, the Tekla Shield can be used to access and control Android-based smartphones."
Grips Adaptation Designs for Haptic Robots And Associated Files for Modeling
Description: The following materials are the SolidWork files for modeling and the STL files for 3D printing of alternative grip designs for two commercially available haptic robots: Novint Falcon (Novint Technologies Inc., Rockville Centre, NY) and Rehab Robot (Quanser Inc., ON, Canada). These designs can easily be adapted for different robots or assistive technologies to facilitate grasp in people with a variety of disabilities who may not be able to operate the default robot grips.
Download the SolidWork files for Novint Falcon
Download the SolidWork files for Rehab Robot
Download SLT files for 3D printing of Novint Falcon grip designs
Download SLT files for 3D printing of Rehab Robot grip designs
Below is a video of our robotic system with the grip adaptations being attached and trailed on the robots.
Robotic System Demonstration- Video
If you have any feedback regarding these applications, please email us at