Internal Funding Opportunities

Ad Hoc Research Support - applications accepted on an ongoing basis

Value: Varies according to need

Ad Hoc Research Funding Support includes requests for assistance such as:

  • Matching Funds: to support applications to external funding sources requiring evidence of financial support from other sources, which might include the host institution
  • Emergency Equipment Repair: to mitigate the impact on a program of research when sudden, unexpected break-down or malfunction of equipment occurs
  • Emergency/Temporary Bridge Funding: to mitigate the impact on a successful program of research when funding is unexpectedly or temporarily interrupted
  • Strategic Opportunities: on rare occasion, an opportunity to seed or invest in an activity that has significant potential and probability of stimulating a major initiative within a program of research or the broader strategic research initiatives of the Faculty

The common elements of these types of requests is that they do not readily lend themselves to an open call with an adjudicated competition; are often for a one-off need or opportunity; and are normally for larger amounts of support. Therefore, these requests are best evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Historically, the FRM has attempted to support these types of requests and will continue to do so as they directly support the Research Goal of our Strategic Plan. The purpose of this document is to provide Guidelines describing how such requests are to be made and to provide information about the Principles that will be applied in reaching decisions on such requests.

Guidelines for applications

Conference Grant - next deadline: October 1, 2024

Value: Up to $3,000

The Conference Fund supports conferences that contribute to scholarship and are sponsored or hosted by the University within Alberta. To ensure maximum use and distribution of the limited 海角社区 funds available, applicants are expected to seek other sources of support in addition to this fund.


  • Eligible costs include:
    • honoraria to speakers
    • travel, per diem, and accommodation for speakers
    • space and equipment rental
    • reproduction of materials and proceedings
  • Each conference is eligible for only one conference grant
  • Applicants must be a full-time academic staff member in the Faculty of Rehabilitation at the 海角社区
  • Meetings of a purely consultative type are not eligible (e.g., working groups.)
  • Faculty or Departmental “Research Days” are not normally funded
  • Courses for credit or sessions that aim to upgrade or enhance professional credentials are not eligible
  • Only applications for upcoming events will be accepted. Events that have already occurred prior to submission of the application are not eligible

Call for applications 

Postdoctoral Scholars - next deadline: April 1, 2025

Value: $50,000/year for 2 years ($40K from the Faculty + $10K from supervising PI)

Postdoctoral Scholars are an important part of the research culture of the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine (FRM). To recruit and support outstanding scholars, the FRM will make available one-time research awards to support promising scholars for the first two years of their appointment. All funded scholars will have an excellent academic and scholarship record that would be competitive for provincial or national fellowships. The expectation is that the trainee will apply to external funding agencies in each year of their program.


  • Must be in, or entering, their first year of a postdoctoral scholar appointment in the FRM
  • Their primary mentor must be a full-time faculty member in the FRM

Call for applications

Early Career Investigator Award - next deadline: April 4, 2025

Value: $3000.00 and a certificate

Nominees must be within 10 years of completing a doctoral degree (or equivalent qualification). Nominees must also have a strong research record and demonstrate outstanding promise as a researcher. The eligibility period will normally be extended for individuals whose academic careers have been interrupted (e.g. parental leave) on a case-by-case basis.

Two principal criteria for nominee assessment are:

  1. Quality of the individual’s research and
  2. Impact of their research on the advancement of the discipline; to date and in the future.

2025 call for nominations

Mid-Career Stimulus Grant - on hold

Value: Up to $10,000

Eligibility: Full Time Tenured Associate or Full Professors within 7 years of being awarded tenure in the FRM are eligible to apply.

Guidelines and Conditions: These awards are not intended to provide continuing or supplementary support for ongoing, funded research projects. Applications submitted concurrently with submissions to a primary Tri-Council program (CIHR Project; NSERC Discovery; SSHRC Insight or Insight Development) are encouraged. Any funds remaining in the account at the end of the approved project end date will be returned to the FRM.

Up to two $10,000 awards are available in this year’s competition. (Note that the amount awarded cannot exceed the amount requested in the budget, in keeping with Tri-Council policy. Applicants are encouraged to maximize their budget request.)

Budget Allowances: Applications should be for direct costs of research (e.g., equipment, materials, graduate assistance, other operating costs). Requests for travel to conferences will not be considered.

2022/2023 call

New Investigator鈥檚 Internal Grant Competition - next deadline: April 4, 2025

Value: $8000.00

Eligibility: All full-time tenure-track Assistant Professors in the FRM are eligible to apply.

Guidelines and Conditions: These awards are not intended to provide continuing or supplementary support for ongoing, funded research projects. No extensions are permitted. Any funds remaining in the account at the end of the approved project end date will be returned to the FRM.

Budget Allowances: Applications should be for direct costs of research (e.g., equipment, materials, graduate assistance, other operating costs). Requests for travel to or participation at conferences will not be considered.

2025 call for applications

Equipment Renewal + Maintenance Fund - on hold

Value: Between $2,000-$10,000


  1. Only full-time Tenure-Track Faculty members in the FRM are eligible to apply.
  2. Research Chairs who receive an annual research allowance are NOT eligible.
  3. New hires (who have received new start up funding within the last 12 months) are NOT eligible.

Guidelines and Conditions: Equipment purchased with these funds shall be added to the FRM Equipment Inventory and be available to others, where feasible. No extensions are permitted. Any unspent funds will be returned to the FRM.

Budget Allowances: Permitted costs include (where justified) extended warranties, training, shipping, taxes and other related costs required for the purchase of the equipment. The cost of renovating or modifying laboratory space to accommodate the equipment will not be an eligible expense. Any equipment that will require renovation of space will not be considered.

2021/2022 call

Travel Fund - on hold

Value: Up to $1000

The Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine has organized travel support for faculty members to present their research findings at scientific conferences. The following forms of presentations are supported: platform/oral, poster, invited roundtable discussion or any scholarly activity. Funding received must be directed towards scientific conference travel, accommodation, allowable per diem rates (for travel outside of Edmonton), and conference registration fees.

Sample of most recent call for applications