
When project terms and conditions change, amendments are required to the award or agreement.

Some examples are:

  • the project is taking longer than expected to complete
  • additional funds are required to complete the project or an expanded scope
  • the principal investigator leaves the University
  • a different sponsor takes over administration of the source funding
  • the principal investigator switches to another Faculty or Department

Most amendments require written approval from the sponsor(s). Please notify your sponsor(s) as soon as possible when an amendment is required. The requirement for sponsor approval applies to both internal and external sponsors.

While multiple changes can be included under one amendment request, only one amendment request can be submitted/completed at a time via the .

Note: RAS will be unable to finalize an amendment unless ethics certifications are up-to-date.


If you want learn more about the different types of amendments and the approval requirements for each, please contact a Research Administration Specialist at or visit: 

Learn more about how to create an amendment

If you want to learn more about how to create an amendment, please contact a Research Administration Specialist at or visit:

Access step-by-step instruction



Please contact a Research Administration Specialist at if you need to amend a submitted request or you need further assistance with amending a project.

Changes to Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and CFI-related projects should be discussed as early on in the project as possible with:

Amin Karim
Manager Institutional Programs Team


Summary of Requirements

Type of Amendment Written Sponsor (internal or external) Approval Required? Dept/Faculty Approval Required? Form to be used
Change of Project End Date YES Yes, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page
Change in Award Amount (Increase in Amount) YES Yes, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page
Change in Award Amount (Decrease in Amount) and/or an Early Termination YES No Not required for most situations. Contact your Research Partner for guidance
Change in Project Department NO Yes, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page
Change in Principal Investigator YES Yes, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page
Change in Project Holder (see below for changes to Chair, Dean or Director) NO Yes, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page
Change in Chair, Dean, or Director NO 

Required approvals obtained via email confirmation sent to that the individual has changed

List of Projects and effective date sent via email to

Add/Remove Sponsor YES Yes, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page

Projects don't always develop as initially planned. In some instances, the terms and conditions may need to change which may require amendments to the award or agreement. Some examples might include the following:

  • The project is taking longer than expected to complete.
  • Additional funds are required to complete the project or an expanded scope.
  • The principal investigator (º£½ÇÉçÇø PI) leaves the institution.
  • A different sponsor takes over administration of the source funding.
  • The principal investigator switches to another Faculty or Department.

Most amendments require written approval from the sponsor(s). Please notify your sponsor(s) as soon as possible when an amendment is required. The requirement for sponsor approval applies to both internal and external sponsors.

Additional information is provided below for some of the more common amendments requested. While multiple changes can be included under one amendment request, only one amendment request can be submitted/completed at a time via the Researcher Home Page. Please contact the RAS at if you need to amend a submitted request.

Step by step instructions to Create An Amendment through the Researcher Home Page.

Note: RAS will be unable to finalize an amendment unless ethics certifications are up-to-date.

Summary of Requirements

Change of Project End Date

Written Sponsor (internal or external) Approval Required? Dept/Faculty Approval Required? Form to be used
YES YES, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page

If a Project is ongoing, has unspent funds, and expenses that still need to be incurred after the current end date, you will need to request approval from the sponsor to extend the end date. Sponsor approval must be in writing and, depending on the original terms of the funding, a formally signed agreement amendment may be required.

Principal investigators should contact the sponsor directly and propose a new end date with clear rationale as to why an extension is required. Sponsors take varying lengths of time to make decisions, so requests should be made well in advance of the current end date. RAS recommends starting this process 3 months in advance of the end date to allow sufficient processing time for both the sponsor and RAS.

Once the sponsor has provided approval, please create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, attach the sponsor approval to the request and submit it into workflow for online approval. Once they have received the approved amendment request, RAS will assign the request for processing, and, where required, negotiation of an amending agreement.

End date extensions for Multi-sponsor Conference, Donation, or Lab and General Research Services Projects require approval from your department and faculty to extend the project. These approvals are obtained through the online workflow approval process

Ensure that all applicable ethics certifications are up-to-date

If your Project is complete and you need it reopened to move preexisting expenses in or out of the project, please contact


Change in Award Amount (increase in amount)

Written Sponsor (internal or external) Approval Required? Dept/Faculty Approval Required? Form to be used
YES YES, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page

Sometimes the activities of a project are expanded upon, or cost more than anticipated, necessitating additional funds. In these situations, RAS needs written approval from the sponsor before amending the project to add funds. Depending on the original terms of the funding, a formally signed agreement amendment may be required.

Please create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, and attach the Sponsor approval, a description of any additional activity (i.e., updated scope) and budget for how the additional funds will be spent, and submit it into workflow for online approval. Once they receive the approved amendment request, RAS will assign the request for processing, and, where required, negotiation of an amending agreement.

Ensure that all applicable ethics certifications are up-to-date.


Change in Award Amount (decrease in amount) and/or Early Termination

Written Sponsor (internal or external) Approval Required? Dept/Faculty Approval Required? Form to be used
YES NO Not required for most situations. Contact your Research Partner for guidance.

For a decrease in an award amount or early termination, the required processing steps may vary depending on the specifics of the situation. If a sponsor notifies you that they are decreasing your level of funding or terminating your project, please forward the notification to immediately. RAS will assess the information provided and assign the file for further processing.


Change in Department (i.e., project dept ID or the unit administering the funds)

Written Sponsor (internal or external) Approval Required? Dept/Faculty Approval Required? Form to be used
NO YES, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page

Create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, indicate the reason for the change in the "Additional Comments" section, attach confirmation from the current administering unit (i.e., the department and/or faculty) that they are supportive of the change, and submit the request into workflow for online approval. The online approval will route to the new department and faculty. RAS will assign the request for processing once they receive the approved amendment request.

Ensure that all applicable ethics certifications are up-to-date.

Note: If multiple Projects are being changed, contact for guidance.


Change in Principle Investigator

Written Sponsor (internal or external) Approval Required? Dept/Faculty Approval Required? Form to be used
YES YES, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page

Sponsor approval is required for changes to the principal investigator. Depending on the original terms of the funding, a formally signed agreement amendment may be required.

Please create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, indicate the reason for the change in the "Additional Comments" section, attach the sponsor approval, and submit it into workflow for online approval. Once they receive the approved amendment request, RAS will assign the request for processing, and, where required, negotiation of an amending agreement.

Ensure that all applicable ethics certifications are up-to-date.


Change in Project Holder (see below for changes to Chair, Dean or Director)

Written Sponsor (internal or external) Approval Required? Dept/Faculty Approval Required? Form to be used
NO YES, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page

In cases where the project holder is being changed, but the principal investigator isn't, sponsor approval is generally not required. For changes in principal investigator, please refer to the "Change in Principal Investigator" section above.

Create an amendment via the Researcher Home Page, indicate the reason for the change in the "Additional Comments" section, and submit the request into workflow for online approval. The online approval will route to the new project holder and their department and faculty. RAS will assign the request for processing once they receive the approved amendment request.

For changes tied to a Chair, Dean, and/or Director please send an email request to with the name and employee ID (emplid) of the new individual and an effective date for the change. RAS will review the request and be in touch regarding next steps.

Change in Chair, Dean, or Director

Written Sponsor (internal or external) Approval Required? Dept/Faculty Approval Required? Form to be used

Required approvals obtained via email confirmation sent to that the individual has changed

List of Projects and effective date sent via email to


Add/Remove Sponsor

Written Sponsor (internal or external) Approval Required? Dept/Faculty Approval Required? Form to be used
YES YES, obtained online via workflow Amendment Request via Researcher Home Page

Create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, indicate the reason for the change in the "Additional Comments" section, attach any supporting documentation, including the sponsor's written approval, and submit the request into workflow for online approval. RAS will assign the request for processing once they receive the approved amendment request.



This selection should be used for Amendment types not noted above. Create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, indicate the reason for the change in the "Additional Comments" section, attach any supporting documentation and submit the request into workflow for online approval. RAS will assign the request for processing once they receive the approved amendment request.

Change of Project End Date

If a Project is ongoing, has unspent funds, and expenses that still need to be incurred after the current end date, you will need to request approval from the sponsor to extend the end date. Sponsor approval must be in writing and, depending on the original terms of the funding, a formally signed agreement amendment may be required.

Principal investigators should contact the sponsor directly and propose a new end date with clear rationale as to why an extension is required. Sponsors take varying lengths of time to make decisions, so requests should be made well in advance of the current end date. RAS recommends starting this process 3 months in advance of the end date to allow sufficient processing time for both the sponsor and RAS.

Once the sponsor has provided approval, please create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, attach the sponsor approval to the request and submit it into workflow for online approval. Once they have received the approved amendment request, RAS will assign the request for processing, and, where required, negotiation of an amending agreement.

End date extensions for Multi-sponsor Conference, Donation, or Lab and General Research Services Projects require approval from your department and faculty to extend the project. These approvals are obtained through the online workflow approval process

Ensure that all applicable ethics certifications are up-to-date

If your Project is complete and you need it reopened to move preexisting expenses in or out of the project, please contact

Change in Award Amount (Increase in Amount)

Sometimes the activities of a project are expanded upon, or cost more than anticipated, necessitating additional funds. In these situations, RAS needs written approval from the sponsor before amending the project to add funds. Depending on the original terms of the funding, a formally signed agreement amendment may be required.

Please create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, and attach the Sponsor approval, a description of any additional activity (i.e., updated scope) and budget for how the additional funds will be spent, and submit it into workflow for online approval. Once they receive the approved amendment request, RAS will assign the request for processing, and, where required, negotiation of an amending agreement.

Ensure that all applicable ethics certifications are up-to-date.

Change in Award Amount (Decrease in Amount)

For a decrease in an award amount or early termination, the required processing steps may vary depending on the specifics of the situation. If a sponsor notifies you that they are decreasing your level of funding or terminating your project, please forward the notification to immediately. RAS will assess the information provided and assign the file for further processing.

Change in Department (i.e., Project Dept ID or the Unit administering the funds)

Create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, indicate the reason for the change in the "Additional Comments" section, attach confirmation from the current administering unit (i.e., the department and/or faculty) that they are supportive of the change, and submit the request into workflow for online approval. The online approval will route to the new department and faculty. RAS will assign the request for processing once they receive the approved amendment request.

Ensure that all applicable ethics certifications are up-to-date

Note: If multiple Projects are being changed, contact for guidance.

Change in Principal Investigator

Sponsor approval is required for changes to the principal investigator. Depending on the original terms of the funding, a formally signed agreement amendment may be required.

Please create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, indicate the reason for the change in the "Additional Comments" section, attach the sponsor approval, and submit it into workflow for online approval. Once they receive the approved amendment request, RAS will assign the request for processing, and, where required, negotiation of an amending agreement.

Ensure that all applicable ethics certifications are up-to-date

Change in Project Holder

In cases where the project holder is being changed, but the principal investigator isn't, sponsor approval is generally not required. For changes in principal investigator, please refer to the "Change in Principal Investigator" section above.

Create an amendment via the Researcher Home Page, indicate the reason for the change in the "Additional Comments" section, and submit the request into workflow for online approval. The online approval will route to the new project holder and their department and faculty. RAS will assign the request for processing once they receive the approved amendment request.

For changes tied to a Chair, Dean, and/or Director please send an email request to with the name and employee ID (emplid) of the new individual and an effective date for the change. RAS will review the request and be in touch regarding next steps.

Add/Remove Sponsor
Create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, indicate the reason for the change in the "Additional Comments" section, attach any supporting documentation, including the sponsor's written approval, and submit the request into workflow for online approval. RAS will assign the request for processing once they receive the approved amendment request.
This selection should be used for Amendment types not noted above. Create an Amendment request via the Researcher Home Page, indicate the reason for the change in the "Additional Comments" section, attach any supporting documentation and submit the request into workflow for online approval. RAS will assign the request for processing once they receive the approved amendment request.