Convocation spotlight: Dentistry '23 grad Michael Wu
5 June 2023

Dentistry '23 grad Michael Wu. Photo supplied.
What initially drew you to this area of study?
I have always been interested in dentistry, so I’m not sure what initially drew me to this field. As a matter of fact, I remember enjoying dentist appointments as a child — skipping school, lying down and watching TV. Throughout the appointments, I would always be thinking, “What could they possibly be doing in my mouth?”, and that fascination must have stuck with me when I was deciding what I wanted for my career.
What achievement, accomplishment or moment are you most proud of from your time in the program?
My favourite moments from dental school were the opportunities I had on mission trips to various rural communities and providing care to the locals. We started these trips after pandemic regulations allowed for them, so I think having not travelled for so long made these trips even more fun. Most notably, the Access for All trip was a wonderful experience. Access for All is a student-led initiative that provides free dental services out of a mobile clinic to underserved Canadians and being selected to go on the trip and help out is something I will always be proud of!
What was the biggest challenge you faced?
Because we experienced all the pandemic regulations during our time in school, we missed a lot of in-person time with classmates and faculty. As a result, I think I struggled to stay motivated, and it was quite unfortunate not to be able to experience all of what dental school was supposed to be. At the same time, though, it was nice to have all our lectures recorded to listen to on repeat when studying, so I guess it wasn’t too bad either.
How did you stay motivated and who helped you keep going when things got tough?
Friends and family helped a lot. With the pandemic and not being able to go out, it started to feel like we were cooped up all the time, so having friends and family to chat with through those times really helped me stay motivated both in school and out.
What advice would you give to a student thinking of entering this program of study/specialization?
Be confident and open-minded! A big part of dentistry is getting to know people, so get in touch with professionals in the field. Whether dentistry is for you is something you should (hopefully) figure out before you get in and if you choose to apply, then do it with purpose. Good luck!
What have you learned about yourself, and how will you use this going forward?
Dental school helped me realize that I really enjoy the process of learning. The satisfaction of finally understanding something and/or seeing improvement in your work is a feeling that really drives me to keep working on myself. The fact that there is still, and will always be, so much more information in such a specialized field is humbling and motivates me to keep on learning.
What comes next for you in your career/academic journey?
I am starting a general-practice residency this summer. There is still so much information that I would like to apply to my practice, so it only makes sense that I continue to pursue further training with experts all around me!