About the Clinic

Dental education began in 1917; our clinic started in 1921 with seven chairs in what is known today as the Dentistry Pharmacy Building. Today, we have over 134 chairs located in the Kaye Edmonton Clinic.
The old dental clinic in the Medical Building.

The dental clinic in the old medical building/

Our clinic exists to provide students with a positive learning experience and patients with quality dental care.

Payment options

Direct billing to insurance
VISA, MasterCard, American Express, personal cheques and debit accepted for remaining balances

No cash or payment plans. Payment plans are only available for select orthodontic treatment.

Clinic tour

Where to find us...

Oral Health Clinic
Kaye Edmonton Clinic

Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 1Z1

Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Call (780) 407-5550

Parking and LRT

The Health Sciences/Jubilee LRT Station is located next to the clinic.

The closest parking is the  (Lot #6488) on the west side of the building. If you wish to pay by app, there is . 

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