Select Student Theses

This is a non-exhaustive list.


Julia Guy (DH/MLIS) Articifial Interactions: The Ethics of Virtual Assistants


On July 01, 2018, the Master of Arts in Humanities Computing (HuCo) was renamed to the Master of Arts in Digital Humanities (DH).

Anna Borynec (DH/MLIS) Exploring the Digital Medusa: Ssnakes, Sstorytelling, and Sserious Leisure

Laura Gerlitz (DH/MLIS) Judging a Book By Its Cover: Bringing the Digital Humanities into Reader's Advisory

Kris Joseph (DH/MLIS) Catagora: Shared Library Cataloguing on the Ethereum Blockchain


Mihaela Ilovan (HuCo/MLIS) Information Architecture of CiteLens: A Visualization Tool for Context and Content Analysis of References in Traditional Humanities Monographs


Maureen Babb (MLIS)

Colette Leung (HuCo/MLIS)

Megan Sellmer (HuCo/MLIS) Evaluating the Information Architecture of Digital Museums

Zachary Schoenberger (HuCo/MLIS) Who Wrote This? Creator Metadata Quality on Academia.Edu


Sophia Hoosein (HuCo/MLIS) Navigating the Jungle: An Investigation of Older Adults' Quests for Governmental Information

Andrea Johnston (HuCo/MLIS) Walking with the Archives: Mapping Newfoundland Identity through Ghost Stories and Folklore

Shannon Lucky (HuCo/MLIS) ARChives: Exploring the Community Archives of Canadian Artist-Run Centres

Betthany MacCallum (HuCo/MLIS) The Role of Social Medial in the Facilitation of Comples Discourses Between Young Adult Author and Reader

Sandra Schwab (HuCo/MLIS)


Jared Bielby (HuCo/MLIS) Information Ethics. Exploring the crossroads between Information Ethics, WikiLeaks, and the Philosophy of Information

Alison Pitcher (MLIS) Online Library Communities:An Analysis of Ten Canadian Public Library Websites and Social Media

Robyn Stobbs (MLIS) Fiction & Information: The Leisure Reading Experience


Sara Vela (HuCo/MLIS) Documenting Classical Artefacts in a Digital Environment: A User-Centric Approach for an Academic Audience


Eric Forcier (HuCo/MLIS) The Shoemaker's Son: A Substantive Theory of Social Media Use for Knowledge Sharing in Academic Libraries