Procedure for Appeals and Grievances

Graduate Students

  1. Informal Procedures

    A student wishing to appeal an academic decision about a final grade or a mark received on an assignment in an LIS course must first attempt to resolve the issue with the instructor concerned. MLIS students may consult their Program Advisor/Supervisor at any time about such grievances.

    In the case of a mark appeal, the student shall consult the instructor within ten (10) working days (days on which University administrative offices are open) of the date of return of the marked assignment. Should the student and instructor be unable to resolve the grievance within the next ten (10) working days, the student may then appeal in writing to the Chair of the School.

    Such an appeal must be made no more than five (5) working days from the instructor's response to the grievance. The student's written appeal shall include a photocopy of the marked work and a clean copy of the work.

    The Chair will arrange for the student's work to be reread by another faculty member in the School. The instructor will provide to the re-reader a copy of the assignment instructions, marking criteria, the clean copy of the student's work, and if available, copies of comparable student work. The re-reader will submit a response in writing to the Chair within ten (10) working days, recommending that the mark remain the same or be revised higher or lower.

    The Chair shall make a decision within ten (10) working days from receipt of the re-reader's report. The mark assigned shall be final.

    In the case of a final grade appeal, the student shall consult the instructor within twenty-one (21) working days of the date on which the course grade is posted by the Registrar. Should the student and instructor be unable to resolve the grievance within ten (10) working days, the student may then appeal in writing to the Chair of the School. Such an appeal must be made no more than five (5) working days from the instructor's response to the grievance.

    The Chair shall make a decision within ten (10) working days from receipt of the appeal.

    If the mark or grade grievance is still unresolved, the student may then consult the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, Faculty of Education.

  2. Formal Procedures involving the Faculty of Education

    After the student has exhausted potential remedies available through informal procedures, and if the student believes there has been an error or unfair treatment, a formal appeal may be initiated to the Associate Dean, Graduate Studies, Faculty of Education.

    A formal appeal must be submitted no later than March 1 following first-term courses, no later than June 30 following second-term courses, and no later than September 30 following intersession courses.

    Further information about appeal procedures at the Faculty level are provided in the (Regulations of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, Appeals and Grievances (203.17)).

  3. Formal Procedures involving the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

    Termination of an MLIS student's program is the decision of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, normally upon recommendation by the School. Before such a recommendation is made, the School's Graduate Coordinator or designate and the student's Program Supervisor shall meet with the student.

    The Chair shall then consult with the Graduate Coordinator or designate and the Program Supervisor, and inform the student, in writing, of the School's recommendation. If the School decides that a student is not making satisfactory progress in either course work or research, the School may recommend to the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research that the student be required to withdraw.

    For further information regarding appeals procedures at the Faculty level, students should consult the regulations available from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research. All formal appeals against Faculty decisions must be initiated within twenty-one (21) working days of the student's receipt of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research decision being appealed.

    At any point in the appeals or grievances process, the student may seek information or advice from the Dean or Associate Dean of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research, or the Graduate Students' Association.

    Further information about the procedures for appeals are provided in the (Appeals and Grievances, University Regulations and Information for Students; Appeals and Grievances, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research; and Academic Standing and Appeals and Grievances, Library and Information Studies). Additional information can be found in the Academic Appeals Committee regulations of the Faculty of Education; and in the Graduate Program Manual of the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research under Appeals and Grievances and Termination of a Student's Program.