
Dr. Shawn W. Flynn
President Associate Professorshawn.flynn@ualberta.ca
Office 1-14 SJC
Specialization: Hebrew Bible, Mesopotamia, Comparative Studies, YHWHism, Development of Divinity, Ancient Children

Dr. Indre Cuplinskas Associate Professorindre@ualberta.ca
Office 0-12 SJC
Specialization: Catholic Church history; history of Christianity in Canada; Christianity and culture; 20th-century Catholicism; Catholic youth movements; Vatican II

Dr. Matthew Hoven
Associate Professor Doris and Peter Kule Chair in Religious Education hoven@ualberta.ca
Office 0-14 SJC
Specialization: Religious Education, Catholic Education, Religion and Sports; especially educational concerns

Dr. Doris Kieser
Associate Academic DeanAssociate Professor
Office 0-13 SJC
Specialization: Sexuality ethics, Feminist ethics & theology, Bioethics, Moral theology, Teaching sexuality & theology, Theological anthropology, The sexual body, Death and Dying.

Dr. Matthew Kostelecky
Vice-President (Academic) and Deankostelec@ualberta.ca
Office 1-22 SJC

Dr. Nathan Kowalsky
Associate Professornek@ualberta.ca
Office 0-08 SJC
Specialization: Environmental philosophy and ethics; philosophy of religion; philosophy of culture; philosophy of technology

Dr. Denis Lamoureux
Office 0-24 SJC
Specialization: Science and Religion, Evolution and Creationism

Fr. Warren Schmidt
Assistant Professor wrschmid@ualberta.caSpecialization: Liturgy, Sacramental theology, Development of Priestly Ordination Ritual and Theology since Vatican II.

Dr. Lorne Zelyck
Associate Professorzelyck@ualberta.ca
Office 0-11 SJC
Sessional Instructors

Dr. Jeffrey Brassard
Sessional Instructorjrbrassard@ualberta.ca
Office 0-10 SJC
Specialization: Media and Cultural Studies, Sociology of Religion, Youth and Religion, Religion and popular culture, Russian Culture
Dr. Christopher Byrne
Sessional Instructor

Dr. Mona-Lee Feehan
Sessional Instructormonalee@ualberta.ca
Office 1-06A SJC
Specialization: Relationships, Couples Therapy, Marriage Preparation, Music Therapy

Michael Gillingham
Sessional Instructor mgilling@ualberta.ca

Dr. Richard Kover
Sessional InstructorSpecialization: Environmental philosophy, Philosophy of Technology, Psychoanalytic theory, Religious Existentialism, Political and Cultural theory, Philosophical Anthropology

Fr. Daniel Kuc, PhD
Sessional Instructor kuc@ualberta.ca
Patricia Liogier
Sessional Instructor pkozoriz@ualberta.ca

Jordan Robinson
Sessional Instructor jjrobins@ualberta.caSpecialization: Sport and Spirituality, Faith and Culture, Religious Education, Catholic Leadership

Dr. Dean Sarnecki
Sessional Instructor sarnecki@ualberta.caSpecialization: Religious Education, Catholic Education, Catholic Teacher Formation, Ecological Concerns and Catholic Education.

Sandra Talarico
Sessional Instructor stalaric@ualberta.caSpecialization: Religious Education, Overview of the Catholic Faith, Religious Education Curriculum, Methodology of Teaching Religion in Catholic Schools

Dr. Dana Tanner
Sessional Instructor tannerke@ualberta.caProfessors Emeriti

Dr. Paul Flaman
Office 1-24 SJC

Dr. Joseph Buijs
Specialization: Maimonides; Medieval Philosophy; Philosophy of Religion