
The division is a Canadian leader, developing innovative teaching methods and software.
It has one of the few programs in Canada that offer full cadaver dissection.
Anatomy is one of the most important basic sciences in medicine and dentistry and the foundation for sound medical and dental practice. The Division of Anatomy has been charged with meeting the educational needs of the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, specifically teaching the anatomical sciences to medical, dental, allied health sciences, undergraduate and postgraduate students. In addition, the division teaches applied and clinical anatomy to residents and fellows from a variety of clinical and surgical specialties.
The division also teaches human anatomy and provides resources for anatomical education to programs in rehabilitation medicine, physical education and recreation, pharmacy, fine arts, biomedical engineering, speech pathology and audiology, science and dental hygiene, as well as to community colleges and health related institutes and companies.
We are primarily a teaching division with established expertise in human anatomy, including gross anatomy, neuroanatomy, clinical and surgical anatomy, developmental anatomy (embryology), and histology. In addition, the division has expertise in developing innovative teaching methods and novel educational software.
The division also administers the Anatomical Gifts Program (AGP), through which anatomical gifts (body donations) are procured for studying human anatomy through dissection. Anatomical donations are regarded by the medical community as precious gifts to medical education, and are treated with utmost dignity and ultimate respect. The subject of human anatomy is taught through large-group interactive lectures, dissection laboratories, problem and case-based learning sessions and tutorials and seminars.
Scientific research emphasizes the use of modern diagnostic imaging techniques, research on fetal alcohol syndrome, primate locomotion and evolution, parasagittal dural channels and alternate CSF pathways. Educational research is centered on the development of interactive multimedia computer programs for teaching the anatomical sciences, e-learning programs and innovative approaches to course design and teaching and learning.
Anatomical Gifts Program
People may wish to bequeath their body for anatomical studies, thereby making a lasting contribution to the advancement of the medical sciences.
Anatomical gifts are used for teaching courses in human anatomy to medical, dental and allied health professional students. The course helps to familiarize students with anatomical relationships in the body that are essential for understanding the progression and treatment of human diseases.
Anatomical donations are regarded by the medical community as precious gifts to medical education. Donors and their families can be assured their contribution is greatly appreciated by both students and faculty. All anatomical donations are treated with utmost respect.
For more information on this important program, please contact our Anatomical Gifts Program Manager, Jason Papirny at (780) 492-2203 or email or complete and return the anatomical gifts donor registration form.