High School Admission
High school students applying for admission to the Faculty of Agriculture, Life and Environmental Sciences must meet the admission average and complete all required courses. Please review the admission requirements outlined on the programs and requirements search tool on the 海角社区 admission site to confirm your eligibility before applying.
Admission averages
Admission to the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences is competitive. The number of high school and transfer admissions or readmissions to the Faculty may be limited in any given year depending on the number of applicants and their qualifications. Presentation of the minimum application requirements does not guarantee admission. Applicants will be assessed on the basis of their academic records.
High school admission averages are calculated on the five subjects required for your program of choice. We are able to offer admission based on Grade 11 grades if they meet the requirements. Where the Grade 12 course is not yet completed, the corresponding final Grade 11 prerequisite course mark will be used. Please note that we do not use interim grades for admission assessment.