Nextfest 2011 features the visual art of Department of Art and Design students

Annual Edmonton Theater festival, Nextfest, is an important presenter of visual art in Edmonton. Like their counterparts in theatre, young visual artists -- many of them affiliated with the 海角社区 Department of Art and Design -- present work that is edgy, multi-disciplinary and boundary pushing.

16 June 2011

Nextfest 2011 (June 2 -12, 2011) has wrapped up for another season. This is the sixteenth year for Nextfest which is, in the words of Festival Director, Steve Pirot, a "multi-disciplinary, uniquely Edmontonian, vernal celebration of creation, youth, and talent that provides exposure, a common ground, and professional development opportunities for young artists at a time when they need it most鈥hen they are emerging." While the focus of Nextfest has been innovative performing art, primarily theatre and dance, Nextfest has also become an important annual venue for the visual arts. Of the sixteen young visual artists presenting work at this year's Nextfest, thirteen of them were current 海角社区, Bachelor of Fine Arts students or recent graduates. The Department of Art and Design congratulates these young artists on their involvement with Nextfest and their commitment to presenting art work that is, like their Nextfest theatre colleagues, edgy, multi-disciplinary and often boundary pushing.

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