Bachelor of Education Majors
Bachelor of Education (BEd) students can major in Art. BEd Art major requirements can be found on the .
Due to the scheduling of the field experience terms in the third and fourth years, it is best if BEd Art majors complete ART 134 and DES 135 in their first year (please contact Art & Design Undergraduate Advisor Caitlin Wells,, if you can't find a space) and studio courses in their second year. Please note that we will always prioritize registration requests from students who plan to take both the Fall and Winter components of our "sets" of courses where the Fall term course is a prerequisite for the Winter course, such as ART 310 (Fall) and ART 311 (Winter) or DES 393 (Fall) and DES 394 (Winter), etc.
We will also accommodate BEd Art Majors in studio courses where possible in other years, but BEd Art majors must be prepared to satisfy their program requirements with HADVC and other suggested Art Major requirements.