Staff Resources
Sexual Violence Policy Departmental Liaison
Barb Baker
Assistant Chair, Administration
(780) 492-7863
3-98 FAB
View the Faculty Guide: Responding to a disclosure of sexual violence document.
Instructor Information
- Bear Tracks User Guide for Instructor Self-Service
- Advice for Instructors re: Student Absences
- Medical Declaration Form for Students
- Academic Integrity Handbook
- Online Grade Entry Tutorial
- Model Request Form
End of Term Information
All HADVC Instructors
- Courses with a final exam: Please submit your final grades online within 5 working days of the final exam.
- For courses with no final exam: Final assignments must be due within one week of the last day of classes. Final grades are due online within 5 working days of this final assignment deadline.
- Regarding deferred exams and general information on final exams, follow the guidelines :
All ART and DES Studio Instructors
- Portfolio deadlines are set by the coordinator of each studio area, and must fall within one week of the last day of classes.
- In accordance with University policy, for courses with no final exam you must submit your final grades on-line within 5 working days of the final portfolio deadline or due date for the final assignment.
- If a student does not submit a portfolio and has not requested an extension, enter a grade of (F1) in the Final Exam column.
- Permitting a student to hand in a late portfolio is strongly discouraged. Under extreme circumstances (beyond the student's control) you may allow a late portfolio submission. Please consult with your area coordinator if you are unsure as to what constitutes a suitable reason for requesting an extension.
- There are 3 "levels" of extensions that are possible, increasing in extension duration and formal process:
- Informal extension (within 5 working days of portfolio deadline; no grade of "IN" required). If a student is prevented by illness, domestic affliction, or other extreme circumstances from submitting the final portfolio or final assignment by the end of the term deadline, but they just need a few extra days, you can choose to give them an informal extension. Simply finish grading that student's work, and THEN submit all your grades online, within 5 working days of the final deadline. You will therefore not need to assign that student a grade of "IN".
- Formal extension (within 10 calendar days of deadline; grade of "IN" required) The grade of "incomplete" (IN) is entered on the electronic class list when a student is prevented by illness, domestic affliction, or other extreme circumstances from submitting the final portfolio or final assignment by the end of the term deadline, and needs more than a few days' extension. The student is then required to submit the portfolio or final assignment within 10 calendar days after the final portfolio or assignment deadline for the course. Once you have determined the new grade, please email Caitlin Wells, Undergraduate Advisor, with the student's name and ID#, your course name, and the new grade.
- Extension of Incomplete Grade (extreme circumstances; maximum of 4 months) The Faculty of Arts may grant an extension of time to a maximum of four months after the end of the term. This requires a form, 'Extension of an Incomplete Grade'. Please contact Caitlin Wells, Undergraduate Advisor, to begin this process.
Online Grading Process
Please be sure that your grades are final BEFORE you send them for approval.
- STEP 1 - Enter the grades for each student on your class roster in your Bear Tracks
- STEP 2 - Beside 'Grade Roster Action', under 'Approval Status' click on the drop-down menu where it says 'not reviewed' and select 'ready for review'
- STEP 3 - Click on the button titled 'send for approval'. This is the final step. There is no need for further confirmation.
The grades will be reviewed by the Department Chair (grade approver) and he will then forward them to the Registrar's office for posting to Bear Tracks.
Undergraduate Course Grades
Descriptor | Letter Grade | Grade Point |
Excellent |
A+ A A- |
4.0 4.0 3.7 |
Good | B+ B B- |
3.3 3.0 2.7 |
Satisfactory | C+ C C- |
2.3 2.0 1.7 |
Poor | D+ | 1.3 |
Minimal Pass | D | 1.0 |
Failure | F | 0.0 |
Employment of Graduate Students (GTAs and GRAs)
- Absence from Campus Application Form
- Casual Labour Time Sheet
- Time Use Guidelines
- AEGS Collective Agreement
Establish Time Use Guidelines
This form is required for GTAs and GRAs only. The form must be completed by the Assistantship Supervisor and graduate student at the start of each University Term. This does not replace the requirement for a Letter of Appointment. The purpose of this form is to outline the estimated hours necessary to complete the assigned duties and to assure that the required duties can be performed within the assigned hours.
For more detailed information, refer to the AEGS Collective Agreement.
Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) Duties
The duties of a Teaching Assistant (TA) are primarily in support of instruction and include such responsibilities as: preparing and conducting lectures, supervising laboratories, leading seminars, grading assignments, reports, and examinations, and performing other related duties. The TA position is viewed as an apprenticeship for further academic or professional careers. In view of this, TA functions shall not include routine duties commonly associated with clerical, technical, or administrative work not directly related to instructional activities. TAs, other than Principal Instructors, are not solely responsible for a course.
Graduate Research Assistant (GRA) Duties
The duties of a Research Assistant (RA) are primarily in support of a research program or other research-related work, and may or may not contribute directly to the graduate student's degree program. The RA position is viewed as an apprenticeship for further academic or professional careers. In view of this, RA functions shall not include routine duties commonly associated with clerical, technical, or administrative work not directly related to research activities.
Note: A Research Assistant performing duties which are not directly related to their own research cannot work more than 192 hours in a four-month term.
Arts Intranet
The is a central portal for faculty and staff to access current and relevant information pertaining to their day-to-day work activities.