RBC Future Launch Program

You are eligible for a $500 Award through the Alberta School of Business and the RBC Future Launch Program.

The RBC Future Launch Program is investing in the Alberta School of Business Undergraduate Program in 2019-20 and has made a significant financial contribution to the School of Business. This investment is in support of a wide variety of projects and initiatives that will be delivered by the Careers and Work Integrated Learning Office, the Co-op Program, and the undergraduate program.

RBC Future Launch Program will help you:

  • Get work experience,
  • Grow your network,
  • Gain new skills, and
  • Enhance your mental well-being

Samples of a few projects we have completed or are in progress for 2019-20 include:

  • An expanded Business Career Fair in January 2020
  • New "blended-learning" modules on CareerConnect for professional self-development
  • Targeted Co-op work term opportunities in the Not-for-Profit sector
  • Specific technical skill training in key components of accounting, finance, marketing, and other professional disciplines

The School of Business and RBC hope you will engage in these valuable initiatives. Your engagement starts with completing an RBC Future Launch "pre-program" survey, which gathers key information on students' perspectives on their professional readiness for future employment. By completing the survey, you become eligible for 1 of 6 $500 awards!

Note: The survey is anonymous, and the results will be analysed in aggregate form. Your student ID will be utilized only for the purpose of randomly selecting the 6 award recipients.

Begin your engagement with the RBC Future Launch Program by completing the by September 29, 2020.

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