US Bay Area Study Tour

Bay Area

SEM 686: Bay Area Study Tour

Course Overview:

This 3 credit course combines lectures and assignments at the 海角社区 with a week-long study tour of San Francisco and Silicon Valley in February. The tour component is designed to allow students to gain first-hand experience and understanding of the unique business culture in the Bay Area and explore the technology and entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Course Information:

This 3 credit course is comprised of 2 components; an in Edmonton classroom component and on-site tour component. The course combines lectures, company visits and other cultural or historic site visits in the San Francisco Bay area.

Classroom Component:

The classroom component is built around a cultural approach to understanding technology and entrepreneurship. All sessions will take place at the School of Business.

On-site Tour Component:

The week-long trip will take place over the Winter Term Reading Week in February. During the tour, students will participate in numerous company visits, lectures, and sightseeing activities.

Previous company visits include:

  • Amazon
  • Microsoft
  • Dropbox
  • Zendesk
  • Cliff Lede Vineyard