Academic Programming

Real Estate Courses

Real Estate Principles - BUEC 454/610 (Fall and Winter Semesters)

This course provides an overview of real estate economics choosing from topics including property rights and land title, urban growth and the markets for land, zoning and land use, market analysis of different types of real estate uses including residential, office, industrial and retail, the analysis of housing markets including price indexes and tenure choice, real estate valuation and appraisal concepts, land leases, transportation, issues of sustainability and the use of green technology in real estate. A basic investment model is introduced providing insight into the valuation process for income-producing real estate.

Real Estate Asset Strategies - BUEC 455/611 (Fall Semester)

Theory, fundamentals and methods in real estate finance and investment; real estate investment analysis and valuation; real estate entities and taxation; leases and corporate real estate; the economics and finance of real estate development; real estate capital markets; land development and the home building industry. This course is designed to provide the student with essential tools to understand how real estate value is determined, created and influenced. Students use software to analyze real estate cases.

Real Estate Development - BUEC 457/613 (Winter Semester)

A practicum about real estate development and decision making. Real estate development is a process during which the entrepreneur identifies a site which is underutilized, undertakes the necessary conceptual, design, market, economic, and financial analysis and brings the site to its highest and best use. Topics include market analysis of different types of real estate uses, massing studies, cost estimation and deal structuring, analysis of site constraints and regulation and financial analysis of to-be-built properties. Students in teams undertake the background research and feasibility analysis related to a site and make a final proposal to the instructor.

Legal Issues in Real Estate - BLAW 456/612 (Winter Semester)

Real estate law as it applies to business decisions in real estate. Property rights and land title, legal aspects of 1) real estate transactions including sale and leasing of property; 2) real estate finance; 3) entitlement and land use, and 4) the environment. Transactional real estate includes lease agreements, purchase and sale agreements, agency, mortgages and deeds of trust, partnership agreements, construction contracts, builder's liens and condominium law. The entitlement process includes all aspects of real estate development including land use planning and zoning, infrastructure, acquisition of development permits and building permits, subdivision and the planning process. Prerequisite - BLAW 301 for undergraduates.

BCom Certificate in Real Estate

The Certificate in Real Estate provides Bachelor of Commerce students the opportunity for a broad-based education in real estate economics, finance, law and development preparing them for a range of careers in the real estate industry. The courses are a mix of theory and practice involving case studies and/or team projects offering students hands-on preparation for their careers. Please contact the Alberta School of Business undergraduate office via our once you have the 4 courses completed and/or in registration, to ask for the certificate to be added to your program. The certificate will be granted at the time of graduation from a Business degree program. ★12 units in total.

  • ★3 credits in BUEC 454
  • ★9 credits from the following list:
    • A minimum of ★6 from BUEC 455 , 457 , BLAW 456 .
    • A maximum of ★3 of other coursework approved by the Department: PLAN 210, HGEO 240, FIN 413, FIN 418, FIN 422, FIN 434

MBA Real Estate Stream

Students completing the requirements of the Real Estate Stream will graduate with a General MBA; the Stream will not be noted on your transcript or on your degree certificate. However, you can highlight the stream on your resume and program information will be available on the MBA website .

General Program with Real Estate Stream (60 credits)
  • BUS 501 (Orientation) BUS 504 (Career Services - Full-time students only)
First-Year Core Courses
  • ACCTG 501 (Introduction to Financial Reporting and Analysis)
  • ACCTG 523 (Accounting Information and Internal Decision Making)
  • BUEC 503 (Economic Foundations)
  • BUS 505 (Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility with Communications)
  • FIN 501 (Managerial Finance)
  • MARK 502 (Principles of Marketing Management)
  • MGTSC 501 (Data Analysis and Decision Making)
  • SEM 500 (Managing People)
  • SEM 652 (Leadership Skills)
  • One 3-credit MBA core elective which is chosen from: BUEC 542, 502, SUMO 502
Real Estate Stream Required and Elective Courses
  • BUEC 610 (Principles of Real Estate)
  • BUEC 611 (Real Estate Asset Strategies)
  • BUEC 613 (Real Estate Development)
  • BLAW 612 (Legal Issues in Real Estate)
MBA Capstone Course
  • SEM 641 (Business Strategy)
Five 3-Credit MBA electives