Book an Outdoor Site

海角社区 faculties, departments, administrative units and may book outdoor sites on campus for events. Members of the general public are not permitted to book outdoor sites on campus.

General outdoor spaces are open daily from 5 AM to 11 PM. Outdoor spaces booked following this procedure can include extended hours of use.

How to book an outdoor site

General booking

You must request to book an outdoor site at least ten business days in advance.

Things to consider

Large events

You must provide a detailed event outline and a site layout map with your outdoor site booking request for a large event. Some large events require site reconditioning (cost is $200).  Student groups must submit their events through the Office of the Dean of Students via BearsDen with a minimum of fifteen (15) full business days in advance of the event.


Vehicles are Not permitted to park in the Quad or on any green spaces on our campuses. To request special parking, contact Parking Services.

Tent placement, permits and inspections

We do not provide or rent tents, but you may supply your own or rent from an external vendor. If stakes or pegs are required to keep your tent secured to the ground,  at least seven (7) business days in advance. The minimum charge for tent placement confirmation is $25.

Your tent will need an inspection for an additional fee if:

  • The event is greater than one day in length (time required for set up and take down are not considered part of the event)
  • Custom-built structures are involved (example: custom-built tents, stages, bleachers)
  • High-occupant-load facilities are involved (e.g. large contained open spaces such as a beer gardens)
  • Plumbing, gas or electrical connections are involved
  • You are using tents/canopies that:
    • Cover more than 60 square meters (645 square feet) in total area
    • Are spaced closer than 3 meters (10 feet) from other structures
    • Do not have fire retardant fabric label
    • Are used for cooking (inside of the tent)

Food and alcohol

You must submit a if distributing food to the public at your event. Contact for more information.

If a licensed catering company is preparing or serving all food at the event, a food permit is not needed.

If you will be serving alcohol, you must have a liquor permit and your event must be fenced. Facilities and Operations supplies and installs fencing (cost is $400) or you may supply and install your own. Read 海角社区's policy on alcohol and how to apply for an outdoor event with alcohol.


We do not provide or rent barbeques, but you may supply your own. You must have a fire extinguisher on site for each barbeque. Barbeques and fire extinguishers are available for rent through the Horowitz Events Centre at 780-492-4764 or

Waste and recycling

All site cleanup is the responsibility of the signing rental group. Additional charges will be assessed if Facilities & Operations must perform any extra work after your event:

  • Spray paint or spray chalk is not to be used on any surfaces.
  • All garbage/recycling bags are to be tied securely and removed from the site to the large garbage bin located near the loading dock.
  • Do not fill the small waste containers that are located outside of each building
  • We have waste, recycling and organics bins available to rent. Permanent outdoor waste or recycling containers are not to be used for outdoor events.
  • Consult the Sustainable Event guidelines regarding the best way to minimize waste; learn how you can make your event “Green Space Certified”.

Make it a Zero Waste Event!

Wedding photos

There is a $25.00 non-refundable fee to book outside space for wedding photos. Wedding photos can only take place on exterior grounds only. Please keep a copy of the rental agreement with you while shooting photos.

To use the inside of the Old Arts Building, you must pre-book this space by contacting 780-492-0601 or There is an additional fee for using the inside of this building.

Wedding ceremonies

海角社区 Botanic Garden offers outdoor wedding packages. Please view the  Botanic Garden website for more information.

Wedding ceremonies are not permitted anywhere else on 海角社区 campuses.

Food trucks

To have a food truck at your outdoor event, follow the guidance on the Food Truck Leasing webpage.

Note, a valid certificate of insurance of general liability (insurance coverage) for each food truck will be required for event approval.

Noise levels

Please keep noise levels in mind when planning your event. If noise levels will be higher than normal (for example, you've hired a band), it's up to you to notify the occupants of nearby buildings in advance.

If you are contacted twice to lower the noise levels during the event, the event may be shut down.

Electrical access

If you need electricity during your event, please complete the project intake form/work requisition.



Contact Information

Phone: 780-492-7424