Collisions, Incidents + Fines

Follow the instructions below for when things don’t go as planned.



When you are involved in a motor vehicle accident on 海角社区 business, you must report it and comply with 海角社区 policies and procedures.

Learn more


You are responsible for reporting any damage to your 海角社区 vehicle to HRHSE, 海角社区 Protective Services and Risk Management at the time the damage occurs.

If the damage exceeds $5,000 or if it was caused in a hit-and-run incident, you must report the damage to local police as well. For damage exceeding $5,000, local police may require you to provide an estimate to file a report.

Vehicle failure

If your 海角社区 vehicle breaks down:

  • during business hours, call Transportation Services at 780-492-1920
  • after hours, call the Campus Control Centre at 780‑492‑4833
If you require a tow due to vehicle failure, Transportation Services will cover the charges. If you need it for any other reason, the department that arranged the rental is responsible for the charges.


Traffic and parking violation tickets are the responsibility of the driver. If a ticket is received, it will be directed to the signing authority of the rental vehicle.

If you have questions about where to park your 海角社区 vehicle, please contact Parking Services.


Keys locked in vehicle

If you lock your keys in your 海角社区 vehicle while in Edmonton and during business hours, call Transportation Services at 780-492-1920. Service charges will apply.

Outside of business hours and/or the Edmonton city limits, call a local towing company or locksmith. All charges are the department's responsibility.

Lost and found

If you left an item in your rental vehicle after returning it, please call Transportation Services at 780-492-1920.

Lost items will be held for ten days. After ten days, unclaimed items will be disposed of. You will be contacted if the item is estimated to be valued at $100 or more.