Managing your profile

The º£½ÇÉçÇø People Directory is a service supported jointly by IST and the Digital Services team in central Marketing & Communications, using information originally from PeopleSoft. While the External Relations Team at Campus Saint-Jean can provide some support, the ultimate responsibility for these profiles rests with the individual, supported by IST and Digital Services. 


The most current information on maintaining your profile can be found in the training documentation provided by Digital Services.

Digital Services Training Documentation


Additional Guidelines for Campus Saint-Jean

Members of the Campus Saint-Jean community should also be aware of some additional considerations:

  1. If you edit only your French biography and make no changes (or delete previous changes) to the English one, only your edited French profile will appear in search results. 
  2. You have the option to edit both your English and your French biographies. If you edit both, you will then appear in directory search results twice, once in each language.
  3. If you make no changes to your biographies, your default empty English profile will be the only one that appears in search results (not recommended, options 1 or 2 above are preferred).
  4. The Campus Saint-Jean directory pages (and coming soon, other parts of the website!) has been set up with additional pre-coded searches based on certain keywords. It is the responsibility of individual staff to ensure that these keywords are included in their profiles so that they appear in these precoded searches. Please see below for a current list of keywords.
  5. Your "contact cards" are separate from your biographies and are not set up for separate languages. Your options here are to set up your cards as bilingual, pick one language only, or create a second contact card so that a particular role or title appears twice, once in each language. Note also that the first contact card in your list will be the information that shows up in other apps, such as when people hover over your name in Gmail.
  6. Please also note that once you've made any 'override' changes to your contact cards, future changes in PeopleSoft may not automatically update in the directory. For instance, any change of title or role within a department, for example promotion from Assistant to Associate Professor, may or may not be reflected in the directory and you may need to make those updates yourself. 
  7. There may be an overnight delay before changes appear in the live directory.


Campus Saint-Jean Search Keywords

If you have any of these terms in either your contact cards or biographies in the keyword field, your profile will be included in precoded searches in the Campus Saint-Jean website.

English biography      biographie en français
  • CSJ Researchers - Humanities and Social Sciences
  • CSJ Researchers - Health Sciences
  • CSJ Researchers - Natural and Applied Sciences
  • CSJ chercheurs - Sciences sociales et humaines
  • CSJ chercheurs - Sciences de la santé
  • CSJ chercheurs - Sciences naturelles et appliquées


Need more assistance?

If you require additional support, or have suggestions for additional keywords, please contact and we would be happy to see what we can do or direct you to the correct area.