The Campus Saint-Jean Area Field Experience Committee and Campus Saint-Jean are happy to share information about professional development funds to support field experience programs.
This form should be completed by a mentor teacher.
Evaluation Forms
Mentor Teachers and Practicum Supervisors
To complete during the third or fourth week by the Mentor Teacher, with assistance of the Practicum Supervisor. It is the responsibility of the Practicum Supervisor to submit an official copy (without signatures) to the Field Experience Office ( Field Experience personnel will then prepare the document for electronic signature using Adobe Sign.
- Exemplar of a practicum going well
- Exemplar of a practicum not going as well
- Process for signing of electronic documents
The form is in Google Doc format. Please create a copy and rename appropriately. If you do not have a Google account, you may download a copy in Word format in your browser by selecting File > Download > Microsoft Word).
To complete during the final week by the Mentor Teacher, with assistance of the Practicum Supervisor. It is the responsibility of the Practicum Supervisor to submit an official copy (without signatures) to the Field Experience Office ( Field Experience personnel will then prepare the document for electronic signature using Adobe Sign.
The form is in Google Doc format. Please create a copy and rename appropriately. If you do not have a Google account, you may download a copy in Word format in your browser by selecting File > Download > Microsoft Word).
To complete if needed, usually during the first 4 weeks of a practicum by the Mentor Teacher with support of the Practicum Supervisor. Please refer to section G in syllabus.
The form is in Google Doc format. Please create a copy and rename appropriately. If you do not have a Google account, you may download a copy in Word format in your browser by selecting File > Download > Microsoft Word).
Student Teachers
To complete during the third week of the practicum by the student teacher. It must be remitted to the Mentor Teacher and the Practicum Supervisor prior to receiving the official formative evaluation.
The form is in Google Doc format. Please create a copy and rename appropriately. If you do not have a Google account, you may download a copy in Word format in your browser by selecting File > Download > Microsoft Word).
To complete during the final week of the practicum by the student teacher. It must be remitted to the Mentor Teacher and the Practicum Supervisor prior to receiving the official summative evaluation.
The form is in Google Doc format. Please create a copy and rename appropriately. If you do not have a Google account, you may download a copy in Word format in your browser by selecting File > Download > Microsoft Word).
If a student teacher receives a notification of concern, they will be asked to complete Annex A and send it to the Field Experience Office ( and request a meeting with Field Experience personnel. Please refer to section G in syllabus.
The form is in Google Doc format. Please create a copy and rename appropriately. If you do not have a Google account, you may download a copy in Word format in your browser by selecting File > Download > Microsoft Word).