What are the best resources and organizations to help me find my Ukrainian Roots?
This Genealogical Web-site provides forums for people searching for their roots. This site includes a forum for Ukrainian genealogy where one can post a message, view other messages posted or email for additional help and information. This forum allows one to contact others doing similar searches to share information and research strategies.
Genealogy and Lost Relative Searches Agencies Tracing Roots and/or Relatives in Ukraine
This page lists the telephone numbers, mailing addresses and email addresses of various agencies that deal with genealogical seaches. This page is a good list of contacts and sources.
Genealogical Primer By Susanne M. Saether
This web-page provides various helpful links i.e. getting started, census records, naturalization records and researching passenger arrival in the USA. This web-page includes links to a genealogy mailing list, a genealogy forum and to the Infoukes home page.
Genealogy By Thread
A simple, straight-forward forum of genealogical information where one can post messages and read messages which have been posted and sorted by author, date and subject.
Other Relevant Genealogical Sites
This is an Infoukes listing of links to 20 different genealogy-related sites as well as links to 4 genealogical societies.
World Genweb
This genealogical web-site has a "Ukraine page" to assist with genealogical research in Ukraine. This page is presented in a user- friendly layout and contains regular maps of Ukraine as well as oblasti maps and a useful chart of oblasti, capitals, surnames/queries and hosts. World Genweb also provides links to other pages i.e. towns microfilmed by FHC, researching in Ukraine and links to Ukrainian newspapers.
East European Branch- Manitoba Genealogical Society Inc. (new member's package)
Box 2536 Winnipeg, MB Canada R3C 4A7 Tel: 204-989-3292
This package contains the EEB Bylaws, East European Genealogist back issues, sources.
Many of these items are available for loan from the . Join today and enjoy the benefits of membership!