What resources can you suggest to help me learn about the first Ukrainians in Canada?

John Lehr. Homesteading on the Prairies: Iwan Mihaychuk. Toronto: Heritage series, 1990. 45 pages

This book portrays the life of one Ukrainian emigrant, Iwan Mihaychuk. This nonfiction story about Mihaychuk's life begins in 1900 in Ukraine and continues to his son's graduation from Dentistry in 1922. Homesteading on the Prairies addresses life in Ukraine, immigration to Canada, homesteading, and becoming Canadian. This book is filled with black and white photos and maps that complement the easy to read and to understand text. The book is written in clear, bold, large print. The language and comprehension level of this book is appropriate for the general public and elementary school students.

Marguerite V. Burke. The Ukrainian Canadians. Toronto: Van Nostrand Reinhold Ltd. 1978. 63 pages

This book begins with a history about the immigration experience of the Romaniuk family and addresses not only early Ukrainian immigration to Canada but also life for the second and third generation Ukrainian Canadians. The Ukrainian Canadians also examines aspects of Ukrainian culture, the Church, the school experience and agricultural technology. This book is part of the Multicultural Canada Series and is filled with photographs, maps, and colored pictures as well as comprehension questions at the end of each chapter. The language and comprehension level of this book is suitable for elementary and junior high school students as well as the general public.

Zonia Keywan, Martin Coles. Greater Than Kings. Montreal: Harvest House. 1977. 163 pages

One of the best resource books for elementary to junior high school students, Greater Than Kings "is the story of the Ukrainian homesteaders: their first twenty-five years in Canada, and their struggles, individual and collective, to make the new country their home." In this book, the authors included factual information from well-known history books about Ukrainian Canadians and supplemented them with personal interviews and accounts. These, combined with large black and white historical photos produce an informative and interesting book about the first Ukrainian Canadians. The language and comprehension level of this book is appropriate for elementary, junior high school students and the general public.

Anna Pidruchney. From Old Lands to New: The First Ukrainian Canadians. 1977. 18 pages

From Old Lands to New is a useful and concise supplementary resource. Part I of this booklet provides the history of Canada's First Ukrainian settlers, Vasyl Elyniak and Ivan Pylypiw. Part II of this booklet deals more specifically with pioneer experiences for first Ukrainian families in Canada. From Old Lands to New includes a large map of Ukraine as well as several black and white photos of early Ukrainian pioneer homes and churches. This booklet was created in response to a need for Ukrainian Canadian content in elementary social studies however, the content and text are completely appropriate for junior high and high school students as well as for the general public.

Vladimir J. Kaye. Early Ukrainian Settlement in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 1964. 420 pages

This book is a study of the early history of Ukrainian settlement in Canada. The first part of this book concentrates on Dr. Oleskow's contribution to Ukrainian immigration to Canada. The following chapters examine the early development of selected Ukrainian settlements in western Canada, 1895-1900. This book includes tables and charts of factual information, a section with black and white photos of Ukrainian life and important political figures and ends with concise biographies of various individuals as well as Oleskow's itinerary of his trip to Canada. This book is extremely informative and very detailed, thus it is recommended for high school students and the general public.

Harry Piniuta. Land of Promise, Land of Pain. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan: Western Producer Prairie Books. 1978. 208 pages

This book is a collection of first person accounts of life for first Ukrainian settlers including Ivan Pylypiw. This book also includes one short story as well as information from Ukrainian-Canadian newspapers, yearbooks, and almanacs about the life of early settlers and their part in building Canada. In addition, Land of Promise, Land of Pain provides information on Ukrainian culture and history as well as black and white photographs and a reference notes about the text in the back of the book. The language and comprehension level of this book is suitable for high school students and general public.

Orest Martynovich. Ukrainians in Canada, The Formative Years, 1891-1924. Edmonton, Alberta. 1991. 536 pages

This book is an analytical history of Ukrainians in Canada beginning with background history of life in Bukovyna and Galicia before 1891 to immigration and pioneer efforts of Ukrainians in Canada prior to World War One. This book also covers the effects of the Russian Revolution, denominational disputes, the school issue, and labour unrest. The language and comprehension level of Ukrainians in Canada, The Formative Years, 1891-1924 is advanced, thus recommended for high school students, university students, and the general public.

Michael H. Marunchak. The Ukrainian Canadians- A History. Winnipeg: Ukrainian Free Academy of Science. 1968. 428 pages

This three volume series is an account of the significant contributions and political efforts made by Ukrainian settlers to build Canada as a nation. This book describes Ukrainian settlement in various parts of Canada beginning with the first phase of Ukrainian immigration. Various photos, personal letters, maps and tables supplement the text.

Originally written in Ukrainian, this is the English language version. The language and comprehension level of this book is appropriate for high school students and the general public.

Ol'ha Woycenko. The Ukrainians in Canada. Winnipeg: Trident Press Ltd. 1968. 226 pages

This book examines early Ukrainian settlement in Canada and the distinctive contribution of Ukrainians to the development of Western Canada in the 20th century. Woycenko discusses not only the contribution of settlement and rural development but also of literature, scientific research, politics and education. This book includes a section of black and white photos of Ukrainian art, literature and artists. The language and comprehension level of this book is appropriate for high school students and the general public.

Additional Resources Useful for the Study of First Ukrainian Settlers in Canada

  • Борович, Д-р Михайло. Століття Українського Поселення в Канаді. Українська Могилянсько-Мазепинська Академія Наук. Монтреаль-Оттава-Канада. 1991.
  • Czumer, William A. Recollections About the Life of The First Ukrainian Settlers in Canada. Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Edmonton. 1981.
  • Hryniuk. Luciuk. Canada's Ukrainians. University of Toronto Press. Toronto. 1991.
  • Macgregor, J. Vilni Zemli Free Lands. McCleland and Stewart Ltd. Toronto, Montreal. 1969.
  • Nay, Marshall A. Trailblazers of Ukrainian Emigration to Canada. Brightest Pebble Publishing Co. Ltd. Edmonton. 1997.
  • Paximadis, Mary. Look Who's Coming, The Wachna Story. Miracle Press Ltd. Oshawa. 1976.
  • Petryshyn, Jaroslav. Peasants in the Promised Land. James Lorimer & Company. Toronto. 1985.


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