Role and Expectations of a Senator

Role of a 海角社区 Senator

  • 'Inquire into any matter that might benefit the University and enhance its position in the community.' ()
  • Ask questions and expand knowledge of the 海角社区 strategic directions, impact and key messages
  • Share community perceptions regarding the 海角社区 Teaching, research and community service with key leaders and administrators.
  • Offer insights from community experiences and initiatives outside of post-secondary education.
  • Engage as a supportive catalyst.
  • Speak positively about the 海角社区 at community events on our campuses as well as across the city and province.
  • Community University contributions and key messages within circle of person, professional and community influence.
  • Lead or contribute to nominations for University awards.
  • Attend convocation ceremonies and celebrations of student, faculty, staff and alumni achievement.
  • Serve as an informal ambassador for the 海角社区.
  • Build awareness of the value of public and private support for post-secondary education and universities in particular.
  • Assist in connecting 海角社区 people, programs and initiatives with community representatives and resources.
  • Engage peers in the community and on Senate in a range of 海角社区 programs and activities.
  • Share insights from 海角社区 experiences with other community leaders.
  • Contribute as an energetic bridge-builder.

Role of the Chancellor     Role of the 海角社区 Senate

Time Commitment:

  • Between 50 and 150 hours per year (Jan-June:  6-14 hrs/month; Jul-Aug:  1-10 hrs/month; Sept-Dec:  4-12 hrs/month).
  • Includes:

Expectations of a 海角社区 Senator

  • Participate in a minimum of three of four Senate Plenary Meetings each year.
  • Prepare in advance and participate in Senate Committees and/or Campus Representative, Faculty Liaison and/or Lay Observer roles.
  • Keep abreast of events and programs at the 海角社区.
  • Support the Chancellor at Convocation and other ceremonial occasions.
    • All Senators and Senate Alumni are invited to be part of the Platform Party at any or all Convocation Ceremonies. Attendees must register in advance to ensure there will be a ceremonial robe available.
  • Participate in other campus activities of an academic, social or cultural nature, particularly those related to students.
  • Talk about the 海角社区 and facilitate opportunities for University personnel to attend community functions or speak to community groups.
  • Consult with the Senate Office if questions are received to ensure that accurate information is conveyed.
  • General ideas for Senate participation and discussion.
  • Use and create opportunities to place the interests of the 海角社区 in front of government, especially Members of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta.
  • Volunteer for key Senate initiatives such as U School and the Chancellor's Cup Golf Tournament.
  • Become acquainted with Senate procedures and services - connect with Senate peers and staff.
  • Support and participate in fundraising projects initiated by the Senate and the 海角社区.

Re-election and re-appointment to Senate is not automatic and is subject to peer review. Each Senate member's contribution and participation will be assessed by the Nominating Committee before a recommendation is made to Senate.

All Senate activities are supported by an administrative team in the Office of the Chancellor and Senate

What We Do

Chancellor's Forum
Task Forces
Honorary Degrees
Book the Senate Chamber
Emil Skarin Fund
Representatives, Liaisons & Lay Observers

U School Logo    Chancellor's Cup Logo

Contact Us

Office of the Chancellor & Senate
322 Arts & Convocation Hall
Edmonton, AB     T6G 2E6

Senate Staff Contacts