The 海角社区 Senate membership is mandated in the and includes ex officio, appointed, and elected members. Members are all volunteers and are drawn from as broad a representation of society as possible.
The main requirements for publicly-elected members of Senate are that they care about the University and the community that is serves, and are willing to spend time helping to translate that concern into positive results. More information on the role and expectations of Senators and the application processes can be found following these links.
Senate Composition
Details about our current membership can be found here.
- 30 Publicly Elected members who 'represent geographical areas and groups and organizations with an interest in the University.'
- 9 Publicly Appointed members, appointed by the .
- 2 Appointed members, appointed from the Board of Governors.
- 3 Appointed members, appointed from General Faculties Council.
- 2 Appointed members, appointed from Deans' Council.
- 1 Appointed Graduate Student, appointed by the Graduate Students' Association.
- 4 Appointed Undergraduate Students, appointed by the .
- 2 Appointed members of the non-academic staff, appointed by the .
- 2 Appointed members, appointed from the Alumni Association.
- 7 Ex Officio members:
- The Chancellor
- The President
- The Provost & Vice-President (Academic)
- The Dean of Students
- The President of the Alumni Association
- The President-Elect or the Past President of the Alumni Association (cycle dependent)
What We Do
Chancellor's Forum
Task Forces
Honorary Degrees
Book the Senate Chamber
Emil Skarin Fund
Representatives, Liaisons & Lay Observers
Contact Us
Office of the Chancellor & Senate
322 Arts & Convocation Hall
Edmonton, AB T6G 2E6