Board of Governors

The Board of Governors at the 海角社区 is a corporation with the name "The Governors of the 海角社区." It consists of a Chairman appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, the Chancellor, the President and eighteen other persons appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, representing alumni, students, staff, and the general public.

When any question arises as to the powers or duties of the Senate or any other University body or of the President or a Dean or other officer or employee, and these powers and duties are not definitely provided for in the , the Board's decision on the question is final.

There are currently seven Standing Committees (each of which is a "Committee") established by the Board of Governors (the "Board") of the 海角社区 (the "University") pursuant to the Post-Secondary Learning Act:

  1. Audit and Risk
  2. Finance and Property
  3. Governance
  4. Human Resources and Compensation
  5. Investment
  6. Learning, Research and Student Experience
  7. Reputation and Public Affairs

The Board has delegated to each Committee responsibility and authority to make decisions on behalf of the Board in the Committee's defined area of responsibility except to the extent that such authority has been specifically limited by the Board in the Terms of Reference for the Committee.