Board Standing Committees
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Please contact the Committee Coordinator in advance of the meeting to request to observe the Open Session of a Standing Committee meeting or to request meeting material.
Board Audit and Risk Committee
The Board Audit and Risk Committee assists the Board of Governors in fulfilling its governance responsibilities by providing strategic oversight, insight, and foresight with respect to all auditing, financial reporting and internal control functions; occupational health, safety, environmental stewardship, and security of the University community; and enterprise-wide risk management.
Board Finance and Property Committee
The Board Finance and Property Committee shall monitor, evaluate, advise and make decisions on behalf of the Board with respect to all strategic and significant financial and property matters and policies of the University. The Committee shall also consider any other matter delegated to the Committee by the Board. For more detailed information on the Finance and Property Committee, please see the Finance and Property Committee Terms of Reference.
Board Governance Committee
The Board Governance Committee was established by the Board of Governors on October 12, 2018 and assists the Board of Governors in fulfilling its governance responsibilities by providing strategic oversight, insight, and foresight with respect to the effectiveness, impact, organization, and procedures of the Board of Governors, to enhance board governance performance. The Committee shall also consider any other matter delegated to the Committee by the Board. For more detailed information on the Governance Committee, please see the Governance Committee Terms of Reference.
Board Human Resources and Compensation Committee
The Board Human Resources and Compensation Committee assists the Board of Governors in fulfilling its governance responsibilities by providing strategic oversight, insight, and foresight with respect to University human resources policies, procedures, and trends; collective bargaining and related service contracts; and senior administration selection, review, compensation, and succession planning.
Board Investment Committee
The Board Investment Committee assists the Board of Governors in fulfilling its governance responsibilities by providing strategic oversight, insight, and foresight with respect to all investments.
Board Learning, Research and Student Experience Committee
The Board Learning, Research, and Student Experience Committee assists the Board of Governors in fulfilling its governance responsibilities by providing strategic oversight, insight, and foresight with respect to University teaching and research affairs, student mental health and wellness, and future educational expectations and challenges.
Board Reputation and Public Affairs Committee
The Board Reputation and Public Affairs Committee assists the Board of Governors in fulfilling its governance responsibilities by providing strategic oversight, insight, and foresight with respect to University reputation, identity, strategic communication, community engagement, philanthropy and advancement.