Glossary of University Acronyms
Last updated: 21/03/2022
University Governance has prepared the 'acronyms list' as a reference list to assist you.
AAC | Aboriginal Advisory Council |
AAC | Academic Appeals Committee [University Governance] |
AARGO | Ad Hoc Group for Assessing Alternative Revenue Generation Opportunities [Board of Governors] |
AARP | Academic Alternate Relationship Plan |
AASUA | Association of Academic Staff , 海角社区 |
ABMC | Academic Benefits Management Committee |
ACAT | Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfers [Government of Alberta] |
ACCESS | Adolescent/early adult Connections to Community-driven, Early, Strength-based and Stigma-free Services |
ACUS | Advisory Committee on Undergraduate Financial Support |
AE | Advanced Education |
AFWAG | Ancillaries Fees Working Advisory Group |
AGC | Alberta Graduate Council |
AHS | Alberta Health Services [Government of Alberta] |
AI | Alberta Innovates [Government of Alberta] |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
AICT | Academic Information and Communication Technologies |
AIS | Administrative Information Systems |
AISSC | Administrative Information Systems Steering Committee [Vice-President (University Services and Finance)] |
ALES | Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences |
AP&D | Appointment, Promotion and Dismissal |
APAGA | Alberta Public Agencies Governance Act [Government of Alberta] |
APAS | Alberta Post-Secondary Application System (ApplyAlberta) [Government of Alberta] |
APC | Academic Planning Committee [General Faculties Council] |
API | Academic Price Index |
APLU | Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities |
APO | Administrative Professional Officer |
APRC | Alcohol Policy Review Committee [Vice-President, Facilities and Operations] |
ARC | Agreement Review Committee [Provost and Vice-President (Academic)] |
ARL | Association of Research Libraries (n.b. - US and Canadian members) |
ARWG | Academic Restructuring Working Group |
ASC | Aboriginal Student Council |
ASC | Administrative Strategic Council [Vice-President (University Services and Finance)] |
ASEC | Alberta Students' Executive Council |
ASRIP | Alberta Science and Research Investments Program [Government of Alberta] |
ASRP | Academic Supplemental Retirement Pension |
ASSET | Alumni Student Support and Engagement Team |
ATEP | Aboriginal Teacher Education Program |
ATS | Academic Teaching Staff |
AVP | Associate Vice-President |
BAC | Budget Advisory Committee [Provost and Vice-President (Academic)] |
BAC | Business Advisory Council [Alberta School of Business] |
BAGMM | Board Ad hoc Group on Committee Mandates and Memberships [Board of Governors] |
BARC | Board Audit and Risk Committee [Board of Governors] (formerly Board Audit Committee) |
BARD | Book and Record Depository |
BFPC | Board Finance and Property Committee [Board of Governors] |
BG | Board of Governors |
BGC | Board Governance Committee [Board of Governors] |
BHRCC | Board Human Resources and Compensation Committee [Board of Governors] |
BIC | Board Investment Committee [Board of Governors] |
BIE | Bureau International des Expositions |
BLIMS | Building and Land Information Management System |
BLRSEC | Board Learning, Research and Student Experience Committee [Board of Governors] (formerly Board Learning and Discovery Committee) |
BRPAC | Board Reputation and Public Affairs Committee [Board of Governors] (formerly Board University Relations Committee) |
BRU | Basic Revenue Unit |
CAB | Change Advisory Board [Campus Solutions] |
CAFA | Confederation of Alberta Faculty Associations |
CAFA | Council on Academic Faculty Association |
CAGS | Canadian Association for Graduate Studies |
CAI | Council on Aboriginal Initiatives [Provost and Vice-President (Academic)] |
CAQC | Campus Alberta Quality Council [Government of Alberta] |
CAR | Committee for Animal Resources [Vice-President (Research and Innovation)] |
CARI | Comprehensive Academic Research Institutions |
CARL | Canadian Association of Research Libraries |
CASA | Canadian Alliance of Student Associations |
CASDC | Campus Alberta Strategic Directions Committee [Government of Alberta] |
CASL | Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation |
CAST | Contract Academic Staff Teaching |
CAUBO | Canadian Association of University Business Officers |
CAUS | Council of Alberta University Students |
CAUS | Campus Alberta Unified Services |
CC | Career Centre |
CCAC | Canadian Council on Animal Care |
CCE | Chairs' Council Executive [President] |
CCIS | Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science |
CDI | Committee on the Documentation of Indigeneity [General Faculties Council] |
CCN | Campus Communicator Network |
CEAR | Capital Expenditure Authorization Request [Vice-President (Facilities and Operations)] |
CERC | Canada Excellence Research Chairs [Government of Canada] |
Canada Foundation for Innovation [Government of Canada] |
CFREF | Canada First Research Excellence Fund |
CIAEPC | Centres, Institutes and External Partnerships Committee |
CIHR | Canadian Institutes for Health Research [Government of Alberta] |
CIP | Comprehensive Institutional Plan |
CLE | Committee on the Learning Environment [General Faculties Council] |
CMT | Crisis Management Team |
COAB | Code of Applicant Behaviour |
COLA | Cost of Living Adjustment |
COPPOA | Council of Post-Secondary Presidents of Alberta |
COPPUL | Council of Prairie and Pacific University Libraries |
COSA | Council on Student Affairs [Dean of Students] |
COSB | Code of Student Behaviour |
COWCUBS | Conference on Western Canadian University Board Secreteries |
CPE | Continuing Professional Education |
CPI | Consumer Price Index |
CPOC | Cooling Plant on Campus |
CRC | Canada Research Chairs [Government of Canada] |
CRKN | Canadian Research Knowledge Network |
CSJ | Campus Saint-Jean |
CSJ | College Saint-Jean |
CSL | Community Service-Learning |
CSS | Campus Security Services (renamed 海角社区 Protective Services (UAPS) |
CTLR | Celebrate! Teaching. Learning. Research. |
CUBA | Canadian University Boards Association |
CUP | Community-University Partnership |
CURIE | Canadian Universities Reciprocal Insurance Exchange |
DC | Deans' Council |
DICE | Donadeo Innovation Centre for Engineering |
DIE | Discipline Interpretation and Enforcement Board [Student's Union] |
DO | Discipline Officer |
DoS | Dean of Students |
ECHA | Edmonton Clinic Health Academy |
ECV | East Campus Village |
EDI | Equity, Diversity and Inclusion |
EDRMS | Electronic Document and Records Management System |
EEDC | Edmonton Economic Development Corporation |
EFAP | Employee and Family Assistance Program |
EHS | Environment, Health and Safety |
EOC | Emergency Operations Centre |
EPAC | Edmonton Performing Arts Centre |
ERM | Enterprise Risk Management |
ESG | Environmental, Social, Governance |
ESQ | Enterprise Square - 海角社区 |
ETI | Exceptional Tuition Increases |
EXEC | Executive Committee [General Faculties Council] |
Exec GPO | Executive Subcommittee on Governance and Procedural Oversight [General Faculties Council] |
FAAC | Faculty Academic Appeals Committee |
FAR | Faculty Annual Report |
FDC | Facilities Development Committee [General Faculties Council] |
FDO | Faculty Development Officer |
FEC | Faculty Evaluation Committee |
FES | Future Energy Systems |
FGPS | Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies |
FLE | Full-Load Equivalent |
FMA | Flexible Messaging Area |
FMC | Finance Management Committee |
FNMI | First Nations, Métis and Inuit |
FNS | Faculty of Native Studies [海角社区] |
FOI | Festival of Ideas |
FOIPP | Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act |
FoMD | Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry |
FPG | For the Public Good |
FOS | Final Offer Selection |
FPRS | Faculty Practice Review Committee |
FRO | Field Research Services |
FS | Financial Services |
FSR | Faculty and Staff Relations |
FSJ | Faculté Saint-Jean |
FSO | Faculty Service Officer |
GAC | General Appeals Committee [Provost and Vice-President (Academic)] |
GCR | Government and Community Relations [Vice-President (External Relations)] |
GEM | Governors Emeritus Members |
GES | Governance Executive Summary |
GFC | General Faculties Council |
GOA | Government of Alberta |
GOS | Graduate Outcomes Survey |
GPA | Grade Point Average |
GPST | Graduate Program Support Team [Vice-Provost and Dean, FGSR] |
GSA | Graduate Students' Association |
GSAC | Graduate Students' Association of Canada |
GSMS | Graduate Studies Management Solutions |
GSR | Government and Stakeholder Relations |
GUBA | Great University Bear of Alberta |
HEPI | Higher Education Price Index |
HIA | Health Information Act |
HIAR | Helping Individuals at Risk (Policy) [UAPPOL] |
HRHSE | Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment |
HSC | Health Sciences Council |
ICD | Institute of Corporate Directors |
ICE | Innovation Centre for Engineering |
ICR | Indirect Costs of Research |
IEAC | Indigenous Engagement Advisory Committee |
IGSA | Indigenous Graduate Students Association |
IMA | Information Management Agreement |
IMA | Investment Management Agreement |
IMP | Infrastructure Maintenance Program |
IPO | Information and Privacy Office |
ITAC | Information Technology Advisory Committee [IT Governance] |
ITEC | Information Technology Enterprise Committee [IT Governance] |
ITSCA | Information Technology Steering Committee for Administration [IT Governance] |
ISMSS | Institute for Sexual Minority Studies & Service |
ISP | Institutional Strategic Plan |
ISS | Interim Staffing Solutions |
IST | Information Services and Technology (formerly Information and Communication Technology) |
KIAS | Kule Institute for Advanced Study |
KIP | Knowledge Infrastructure Program [Government of Canada] |
KPI | Key Performance Indicators |
KRF | Killam Research Fund |
KSR | Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation |
KSRGSS | Kinesiology, Sport and Recreation Graduate Student Society |
LIS | Library Impact Statement |
LKSF | Li Ka Shing Foundation |
LMS | Learning Management Systems |
LOI | Letter of Intent |
LRDP | Long Range Development Plan [VicePresident (Facilities and Operations)] |
LTAC | Learning Technologies Advisory Committee [IT Governance] |
MAPS | Management and Professional Staff |
MASC | Math and Applied Sciences Centre |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement |
MOOC | Massive Online Open Courses |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MNIF | Mandatory Non-Instructional Fees |
MSI | Major Science Initiative |
Mandatory Student Instructional Support Fees [* The New Alberta Tuition Framework, published in February 2019, refers to what were previously knows as MSISFs, as Non-Regulated Exclusion to Program Fees]. |
NACTRAC | Northern Alberta Clinical Trials and Research Centre |
NAJA | Northern Alberta Jubilee Auditorium |
NANUC | National High Field NMR Centre |
NASA | Non-Academic Staff Association |
NC | Nominating Committee [General Faculties Council] |
NCE | Networks of Centres of Excellence |
NGCM | Non-Governor Committee Member [Board of Governors] |
NI | Nanotechnology Initiative (formerly NINT) |
NOP | Naming Opportunities Plan |
NRC | National Research Council [Government of Canada] |
NSERC | Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council [Government of Canada] |
NSSE | National Survey on Student Engagement |
OASIS | Online Academic Student Information System |
OEM | Office of Emergency Management |
OER | Open Educational Resources |
OI | Outline of Issue [University Governance] |
OSDHR | Office of Safe Disclosure and Human Rights |
OTP | Office of the President |
P/VP (A) | Provost & Vice-President (Academic) |
PACC | Provost's Advisory Council of Chairs |
PACD | Provost's Advisory Council of Deans [Provost and Vice-President (Academic)] |
PAGF | Province of Alberta Graduate Fellowship [Government of Alberta] |
PAGS | Province of Alberta Graduate Scholarship [Government of Alberta] |
PARIS | Privacy/Archives/Records/Information Security |
PAW | Physical Activity and Wellness Centre |
PC | Programs Committee [General Faculties Council] (formerly Academic Standards Committee and ASC Subcommitee on Standards) |
PCBO | Provincial Bargaining Coordination Office |
PCIS | President's Committee on International Strategies |
PDEA | Provost Doctoral Entrance Awards |
Post-Doctoral Fellow | |
PDFA | Post-Doctoral Fellows Association |
PDFO | Post-Doctoral Fellows Office |
PDLC | Provost's Digital Learning Committee |
PEAC | Position Evaluation Appeal Committee |
PEC | President's Executive Committee |
PEC-O | President's Executive Committee - Operations |
PEC-S | President's Executive Committee - Strategic |
PEII | Provost's Committee on International Initiatives |
PHRC | Public Health Response Committee [Provost and Vice-President (Academic)] |
PIPA | Personal Information Protection Act [Government of Alberta] |
PLC | Peter Lougheed Hall |
PLLC | Peter Lougheed Leadership College |
PLLI | Peter Lougheed Leadership Institute |
PMO | Project Management Office |
PRB | Practice Review Board [University Governance] |
PRC | President's Review Committee |
PREPD | Performance Review Evaluation and Professional Development |
PSLA | Post-Secondary Learning Act |
PSPP | Public Service Pension Plan |
RACF | Registrar's Advisory Committee on Fees |
RBAC | Residence Budget Advisory Group |
RC | Replenishment Committee [General Faculties Council] |
RCRF | Research & Collections Resource Facility (formerly BARD) |
REB | Research Ethics Board |
REBA | Research Ethics Board Administrator |
REMO | Research Ethics & Management Online |
REO | Research Ethics Office [Vice-President(Research and Innovation)] |
RHA | Residence Halls Association |
RMS | Risk Management Services |
RO | Registrar's Office |
ROE | Record of Employment |
RP | Resource Planning |
RRON | Robert's Rules of Order (Newly Revised) |
RSO | Research Services Office [Vice-President (Research and Innovation)] |
RTW | Required to Withdraw |
SAB | South Academic Building |
SAC | Senior Administrator Committee (City of Edmonton/UofA Committee) |
SACIE | Standing Advisory Council on International Engagement [Provost and Vice-President(Academic)] |
SADP | Signature Areas Development Panel |
SAO | Senior Administrative Officer |
SAS | Student Accessibility Services [Dean of Students] |
SAT | Staff Advisory Team [SESC, UAT] |
SCCG | South Campus Consultation Group |
SCNC | South Campus Neighborhood Coalition |
SCPC | Student Conduct Policy Committee [General Faculties Council] |
SDO | Senior Development Officer |
SESC | Service Excellence Steering Committee |
SET | Service Excellence Transformation |
SFO | Senior Fanancial Officer |
SIF | Strategic Investment Fund [Government of Canada] |
SL&D | Staff Learning and Development |
SLAC | Student Lifecycle Advisory Committee [IT Governance] |
SMS | Supply Management Services |
SOS | ASC Subcommittee on Standards [General Faculties Council] |
SOS | Student OmbudService [Dean of Students] |
SOTS | Sessional & Other Temporary Staff |
SSHRC | Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council [Government of Canada] |
SU | Students' Union |
SUB | Students' Union Building |
STAN | Strategic Team on Academic Negotiations |
TAPS | Full-Time Temporary Administrative and Professional Staff [Human Resource Services] |
TBAC | Tuition Budget Advisory Committee |
TCPS | Tri-Council Policy Statement |
TDM | Travel Demand Management (Vice-President (Facilities and Operations)] |
TELSAC | Technology Enhanced Learning Spaces Advisory Committee |
TIE | Truth in Education |
TLAPS | Temporary Librarian, Administrative and Professional Staff |
TLAT | Teaching, Learning and Technology Council |
TLEF | Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund |
TMIC | The Metabolomics Innovation Centre |
TOEFL | Test of English as a Foreign Language |
TRAS | Trust and Research Academic Staff [Human Resource Services] |
TRC | Truth and Reconciliation Commission (of Canada) |
TRIUMF | TRI-University Meson Facility |
TTF | Tuition Task Force [Vice-President (University Services and Finance)] |
TYP | Transition Year Program |
U15 | Group of 15 Canadian Research Universities |
UAB | University Appeals Board [University Governance] |
UABC | Undergraduate Awards and Bursaries Committee [General Faculties Council] (formerly Undergraduate Awards and Scholarship Committee) |
UABM | 海角社区 Budget Model |
UACC | 海角社区 Consultation Group |
UAI | 海角社区 International |
UAPP | Universities Academic Pension Plan |
UAPPOL | 海角社区 Policies and Procedures Online |
UAPS | 海角社区 Protective Services (formerly Campus Security Services) |
UAPTI | 海角社区 Properties Trust Inc. |
UAPWC | University Animal Policy and Welfare Committee [Vice-President (Research and Innovation)] |
UAT | 海角社区 for Tomorrow |
UBAC | University Brand and Communications [Vice-President (External Relations)] |
UBEF | University Bursaries and Emergency Funding [Dean of Students] |
UC | Universities Canada (formerly AUCC Association of Universities of Colleges of Canada) |
UCW | Units of Course Weight |
UDS | University Digital Strategy |
UEP | University Endowment Pool (formerly Unitized Endowment Pool) |
UHC | University Health Centre |
UPlan | University Budget Planning System |
UPST | Undergraduate Program Support Team [Vice-Provost, Programs] |
URAC | University Research Administration Committee [Vice-President (Research and Innovation)] |
URI | Undergraduate Research Initiative |
URPC | University Research Policy Committee [Vice-President (Research and Innovation)] |
USRI | Universal Student Ratings of Instruction |
UTAC | University Teaching Awards Committee [General Faculties Council] |
UW | United Way |
UWPCR | United Way Plasma Car Race |
VP (ER) | Vice-President (External Relations) |
VP (F&O) | Vice-President (Facilities and Operations) |
VP(RI) | Vice-President (Research and Innovation) |
VP (USF) | Vice-President (University Services and Finance) |
VPC | Vice-Provosts'Council |
WCHRI | Women & Children's Health Research Institute |
WHMIS | Workplace Hazardous Material Information System |
WISEST | Women in Scholarship, Engineering, Science and Technology |
WUN | Worldwide Universities Network |
WUSC | World University Service of Canada |