Analytical and Instrumentation Laboratory
The Analytical and Instrumentation Laboratory is a service laboratory of the Department of Chemistry located in E5-43 of the Gunning/Lemieux Chemistry Centre.
The laboratory provides analytical support to the department faculty and their researchers. The laboratory also provides support to other 海角社区 departments and to various organizations outside of the university.
- Analytical
- C,H,N,S (minimum 5mg required per sample)
- Oxygen (minimum 5mg required per sample)
- Weighing (0.1 microgram readability)
- Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) (Ambient to 950 C)
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) (-170 to 500 C)
- Water Determination using Coulometric or Volumetric Karl Fischer Titration
- Refractive Index
- Chromatographic
- Gas Chromatography (detectors include MS, FID, TCD)
- Gas Chromatography Headspace Autosampler
- HPLC Analytical and Semi-Preparative Purification
- Spectroscopic
- FTIR Main Bench (50-7000 cm-1) - techniques include Far, Mid, and Near-IR, ATR (liquid, solid, paste)
- FTIR Microscope (650-7000 cm-1) - techniques include Mid and Near-IR, ATR, Reflection/Absorption
- UV-Vis (175 - 3300 nm)
- Fluorescence (185 - 900 nm)
- Polarimetry
- Circular Dichroism (185 - 700 nm)
- Agilent 1260 Infinity II HPLC (DAD and Single Quadrupole MS Detectors with ESI interface and semi-preparative fraction collector)
- Bausch and Lomb Refractometer
- Thermo Flash 2000 Elemental Analyzer for CHNS and Oxygen
- Agilent Cary 5000 UV-Vis-NIR
- Hewlett Packard 8453 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
- Agilent GC-6890 with MS 5973
- Agilent GC-6890 with FID/TCD
- Mettler AB265 Balance
- Mettler XP2U Ultra-Micro Balance
- Metrohm 795 KFT Titrino - Karl Fischer Volumetric Titrator
- Mitsubishi CA-02 Coulometric Karl Fischer Titrator
- Thermo Nicolet 8700 FTIR Spectrometer and Continuum FTIR Microscope
- Olis DSM 17 Circular Dichroism
- Perkin Elmer 241 Polarimeter
- Mettler Toledo Polymer DSC
- Mettler Toledo TGA/DSC 1
- TA Discovery TGA
- Horiba-PTI QM-8075-11 Fluorescence SystemInstrumentation
Sample Costs
- Analytical
Analyses External1 Internal1 Analytical Elemental Analysis by Combustion (C,H,N,S, and O). Note - $200 instrument setup fee is charged for Oxygen analysis
techniqueThermal Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) $200/hr3 $130/hr3 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) $200/hr3 $130/hr3 Water Determination (KF Coulometric or Volumetric) $80/sample $65/sample Weighing (0.1 microgram sensitivity) $15/sample $10/sample - Chromatographic
Analyses External1 Internal1
Chromatographic GC (MS, FID, TCD)
$200/hr3 $130/hr3 GC-MS Spectral Search $200/hr3 $130/hr3 Analytical HPLC (MS, UV-Vis) $200/hr3 $130/hr3 Preparative HPLC Contact Manager for Quote Contact Manager for Quote - Other Analyses
Analyses External1 Internal1 Other Analyses Refractive Index $55/sample $40/sample - Spectroscopic
Analyses External1 Internal1 Spectroscopic FTIR (see FTIR Instrumentation page for techniques available)
$80/sample2 $65/sample2 Polarimetry $55 $40 UV/Vis/NIR (190-3300 nm) $200/hr3 $130/hr3 Circular Dichroism (UV/Vis, 185 - 700 nm) $200/hr3 $130/hr3 Fluorescence (185 - 950 nm) $200/hr3 $130/hr3
1External refers to non-university customers. Internal refers to customers outside of the Chemistry Department but within the university.
2An hourly rate may be charged at the manager's discretion depending on sample requirements or data manipulation. The minimum charge is 0.5 hours at the rate specified.
3The minimum charge is 0.5 hours at the rate specified
NOTE: A 100% surcharge is levied for all "RUSH" analysis requests. Normal analysis turnaround time is five (5) working days.