For Current Students

Information for Graduate Students in Chemistry

Professional Development:

The Professional Development Requirement includes an individualized career path plan document called and Individual Development Plan (IDP) and the completion of eight hours of professional development activities inspired by your career plan. Please see the Professional Development page on the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research website.

The timelines are as follows:

IDP completion:

  • Within 12 months of your program's commencement for master's students.
  • Within 18 months of your program's commencement for doctoral students.

Eight hours of professional development activities completion:

  • At the time of degree completion for master's students.
  • Within the first three years for all doctoral students.

The Chemistry Graduate Students' Society (CGSS)

The CGSS is a student group operated by graduate students in the department. The group:

  • organizes social events that increase cooperation and interaction among students across disciplines and cultures
  • provides useful information and services for new and continuing students
  • invites guest speakers from other universities and from industry
  • represents graduate students to the Department of Chemistry, the Graduate Students' Association (GSA) and other universities
  • acts as a liaison with industry and the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC)

For more information, or follow them on .

Graduate Program Manual

24-25 Graduate Program Manual

23-24 Graduate Program Manual

Useful Links

Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS)

Graduate Students' Association

Human Resources, Health, Safety and Environment

Counselling & Clinical Services


Guideline to Scheduling a Doctoral Candidacy Exam
