Celebration of Excellence 2024
7 November 2024
The second annual Department of Chemistry Celebration of Excellence was held on Wednesday, October 2, 2024. We celebrated all that has been achieved recently by members of the Department and we explicitly recognized our award-winning faculty, staff, and both undergraduate and graduate students from 2023-24. We recognized almost 200 award winning achievements (many people with multiple awards and prizes) across teaching, research, and service. The awards ranged from departmental, faculty-wide, institutional, national, and international. Two awards recognizing departmental staff for their important contributions were:
- Chemistry Outstanding Administrative Services Support received by Connor Part
- Chemistry Outstanding Technical Services Support received by Mark Miskolzie

The ceremony was followed by a free BBQ primarily run by the Chemistry Graduate Students’ Society (CGSS), but also assisted by faculty and staff.
A huge thank you to all the volunteers who made the event possible. The weather cooperated, and it was great to see so many members of the Department (including faculty, instructors, lab coordinators, staff, post-docs, graduate students, and undergraduates) in attendance at both the ceremony and the BBQ. We look forward to next year’s event!