Convocation - Spring 2024

Congratulations to all the students graduating with the Certificate in Community Engagement and Service-Learning this Spring!

CSL Certificate

The Certificate in Community Engagement and Service-Learning allows students to demonstrate that they have significantly integrated community service-learning (CSL) into their postsecondary education. The knowledge and experience students gain through service-learning are relevant and applicable to a wide range of careers, including those in non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the volunteer sector, business and government, and academic institutions. 

This term, we have 25 students graduating with the certificate - we extend our congratulations to these students! Thank you for integrating CSL into your studies. 

Hear from a few CSL Certificate students about their experience:



I chose to pursue the CSL certificate because I appreciated how the process supported my volunteer experiences and also connected me to more diverse organizations that I would not have thought to reach out to on my own. I naturally gravitated towards taking a CSL class early in my degree program as I wanted to get involved with different communities and become a more engaged citizen. Taking CSL 100 helped support and enrich my understanding of different volunteer placements and inspired me to continue diversifying my volunteerships and also reflect more deeply upon those experiences. CSL has had an immense impact on my career goals.

In one of my early placements, I acted as a teaching assistant for a kindergarten teacher for a classroom of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Here, I was also introduced to the use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices. This experience inspired me to find another volunteer position with the Edmonton Down Syndrome Society where they hosted summer camps based on AAC. I was able to make a non-credit opportunity out of this experience as a part of my CSL certificate process.

The CSL certificate process really diversified my volunteer experiences. It helped me find what I am really passionate about and solidified my career aspirations which was, and is, to become a speech-language pathologist. Since then I have successfully applied to the UofA’s MScSLP program and begin this Fall! I encourage everyone to join the CSL certificate journey as it is incredibly rewarding and also a great way to explore many potential career options. 



I decided to pursue the CSL Certificate during the second year of my program. Over the last few semesters, I was able to integrate CSL into my degree by taking courses that aligned with my academic interests and also gave me a chance to volunteer with organizations where I could apply my learning. I love volunteering and CSL gave me the opportunity to get involved with community partners and learn about their work, as well as their impact on community members.

CSL actualized the main motivation I had upon entering university; to use my learning for the betterment of our communities. My CSL experience has helped me gain the confidence and skills required to work in the non-profit sector, especially with the organization where I am currently employed. I look forward to continuing my career in this field and expanding my knowledge of community-based organizations.




CSL is what got me started volunteering in the Edmonton community. My first ever CSL course was CSL 100 with Jay Friesen where I was able to spend my time with the Youth Restorative Action Project (YRAP). My hours didn’t stop after I completed the CSL requirements, I have continued on now for over 4 years from a CSL student up to Board of Directors. Without CSL, I wouldn’t have found my passion for youth criminal law.

YRAP wasn’t the only placement I enjoyed, I also got to take part in the FyreFly Institute helping out with the Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Conference. I was able to help out the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and raise awareness about equality. I am beyond grateful for CSL. It truly showed me that university doesn’t always have to be about academics, it can be about what makes you happy in the community.

The McCall MacBain Scholarship awards up to 30 full scholarships toward master’s or professional studies at Montréal’s McGill University. I will be the first recipient from the 海角社区 to pursue the BCL/JD avenue of the McCall MacBain Scholarship. There were regional interviews in Calgary and final interviews taken in person in Montreal. I found out that I received the full scholarship from a Zoom Call with John McCall Macbain, the co-founder.



With Sociology as my major, CSL was the perfect way of incorporating theory into practice. I took my first CSL course with a sociology professor and I knew right away that I wanted to pursue the certificate. I was able to learn about very interesting topics while practicing and understanding the impact of helping different sectors of our communities. This has helped me acquire relevant experience to now boost the start of my career at a national nonprofit organization.



CSL has played such an important part in shaping both my academic journey and career aspirations. I had the chance to complete placements at the Learning Centre, the 海角社区 USchool program, and the Youth Restorative Action Project (YRAP). Notably, my time with YRAP opened my eyes to restorative justice-based and Indigenous legal practices, an experience which sparked a significant shift for me; I realized that, rather than enforcing the law, I wanted to contribute to reforming the criminal legal system!

Thanks to the insight, skills, and experience I gained through my CSL placements, I am currently employed with the Edmonton John Howard Society, where I work with offenders who have served time in federal penitentiaries to help them reintegrate into the community. As aforementioned, it also fueled my passion for legal issues, and I have since been accepted into McGill University’s BCL/JD law program. 

CSL has been more for me than a series of volunteer opportunities; it has been the catalyst for my commitment to social justice and my dedication to making a difference in the criminal legal system. I am so very grateful that I decided to pursue this certificate – I can’t imagine where my life would be right now without it!