Past Courses

To view a list of current courses for the academic year, 

Fall 2024

AREC 173 (A01)

The Plate, The Planet and Society

B. Swallow

C LIT 101

World Literature

S. Nadimi

CMPUT 401 (A01)

Software Process and Product Management

M. Polak

CSL 100 (A01)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

R. Nixon

CSL 100 (X01)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

J. Friesen 

CSL 350 

Understanding the Nonprofit Sector

D. Peacock

CSL 370 / WGS 498

Walls to Bridges

L. Prins

D HYG 470 (B)

Behavioural Sciences III

K. Khabra

EDU 100

Contexts of Education


EDU F 235

École et société

M. Jacquet



J. Konkin / L. Mereu

FREN 301

Introduction to French Culture

C. Reyns-Chikuma

GSJ 501

Social Justice Workshop

L. Gotell

HECOL 301 (A1)

Program Planning and Evaluation

D. Williamson 

KIN 472 (A1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Impairments

J. Auger

MARK 455/655 (A01)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

W. Dussome

MLCS 210

Approaches to Cultural Studies

A. De Leon

PHARM 412 (A1)

Behavioural, Administrative, Social and Evidence-based Pharmacy

L. Guirguis 

PHIL 125

Practical Logic

H. Masoud


Psychologie de la santé

H. Flamand

PSYCH 329 (A1)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust


Intercultural Communication (LEC A1)

K. Noels

SPAN 399

Special Topics: Translation Spanish to English

A. De Leon

SPH 504

Health Promotion Planning and Evaluation

R. Gokiert

TAATC 100/150

Introduction au marketing

J. LKenfack

WRS 210

Introduction to Professional Communication

N. Bray


Spring 2024

CSL 370

Topics in Community Issues

L. Prins

MACE 496/552

Evaluation in the Community Context

R. Gokiert


Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust


Winter 2024

ANAT 400 

Human Embryonic Development

J. Hocking


Software Process and Product Management

M. Polak

CSL 100 (B2)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

R. Nixon

CSL 100 (X51)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

K. MacDonald

CSL 200

Introduction to Community Engagement

J. Friesen

EDU 100/300 (all sections)

Contexts of Education


EDU F 235

École et société

M. Jacquet

EPE 230

Le français minoritaire et la petite enfance

L. Nadler-Gomez

FREN 297

Advanced French I

M. Martin-LeBlanc

FREN 454/554

Translation: English into French

S. Rao

KIN 471

Physical Activity for People with Developmental Impairments

N. Spencer

KIN 472

Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Impairments

J. Auger

KRLS 421

Play Leadership

M. Rintoul

KRLS 440/441

Play Around the World

M. Rintoul

LA ST 210

South America

J. Toapanta

MARK 455/655

Sustainable and Responsible Marketing

W. Dussome

MARK 488

Sports Marketing

W. Dussome

MLCS 210

Approaches to Cultural Studies

A. De Leon

MLCS 410

Capstone Course

R. Cobb

NS 430

Indigenous Governance and Partnership Capstone

S. Jobin

NS 450/550

Research Practicum in Indigenous Studies 

N. Lugosi-Schimpf


Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

SOC 291

Introduction to Environmental Sociology

K. Caine

SPAN 406

Exercises in Translation: English into Spanish

A. De Leon

SPH 563

Evaluation in Public Health Practice

R. Gokiert

SUST 202

Global Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals

A. Bergstrom / M. Osmanagic

WGS 102

Gender and Social Justice

S. Luhmann

WRS 210

Introduction to Professional Communication

N. Bray

WRS 601

Composition Theory

N. Bray


Fall 2023

AREC 173 (A01)

The Plate, The Planet and Society

D. Mugabe


Christianity and Social Justice

I. Cuplinskas

CMPUT 401 (A01)

Software Process and Product Management

M. Polak / H. Campbell

CSL 100 (A1)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

R. Nixon

CSL 100 (X01)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

J. Friesen 

D HYG 470 (B)

Behavioural Sciences III

K. Khabra


Intergenerational Theatre

D. Barnet / J. Selman

EDU 100/300 (all sections)

Contexts of Education




J. Konkin 

FREN 478

French Literature and Culture From Medieval Times through the 19th Century

C. Reyns-Chikuma

GSJ 501 (A1)

Social Justice Praxis Workshop

L. Gotell

GSJ 525/DH 530

Data, Power & Feminism and Topics in Building in Context

D. Verhoeven

HECOL 301 (A1)

Program Planning and Evaluation

D. Williamson 

KIN 471 (A1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Developmental Impairments

N. Spencer Cavaliere

KIN 472 (A1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Impairments

J. Auger

MARK 455/655 (A01)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

W. Dussome

MLCS 210

Approaches to Cultural Studies

J. Quist

NS 442 (A1)

Indigenous Peoples and the Criminal Justice System 

N. Lugosi-Schimpf

PHARM 412 (A1)

Behavioural, Administrative, Social and Evidence-based Pharmacy

L. Guirguis 

PSYCH 329 (A2)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

SPAN 378

Teaching Spanish as a Second Language

X. Gutierrez

SPAN 405

Exercises in Translation: Spanish to English

A. de Leon

SPAN 441

Reading Colonial Culture

A. de Leon

SPH 504 / SPH 631

Health Promotion Planning and Evaluation / Health Program Evaluation

R. Gokiert

WRS 210 (A1)

Introduction to Professional Communication

N. Bray


Spring/Summer 2023 

CSL 370 (A1)

Topics in Community Issues

L. Prins

EDFX 490 (801)

Additional Placement in an Education Related and/or Outside Alberta Context

S. Carpenter

GSJ 598/DH 530

Special Topics: Creating Intersectional Feminist Archives

D. Verhoeven

MACE 496/552 (800)

UEval: Evaluation in the Community Context

R. Gokiert

PSYCH 329 (A1)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust


Winter 2023

CMPUT 401 (B1)

Software Process and Product Management

I. Akhmetov

CSL 100 (B1)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

R. Nixon

CSL 100 (X50)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

J. Friesen

CSL 350 (B1)

Introduction to Community Based Research

D. Peacock

DHYG 470 (B)

Behavioural Sciences III

K. Khabra

EDU 100/300 (all sections)

Contexts of Education


GSJ 598/ DH 530/ WGS 498

Building Intersectional Feminist Archives

D. Verhoeven

KIN 471 (B1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Developmental Impairments

J. Auger

KIN 472 (B1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Impairments

J. Auger

KRLS 421 (B1)

Play Leadership 

M. Rintoul

LA ST 210 (B1)

Introduction to Latin American Studies - South America

J. Toapanta

MARK 455/655 (B1)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

W. Dussome

MARK 488 (B2)

Sports Marketing 

W. Dussome

NS 430 

Indigenous Governance

S. Jobin 

NS 450/550

Practicum in Native Studies

N. Van Styvendale

PSYCH 323 (B1)

Infant and Child Development

W. Hoglund

PSYCH 329 (B1)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

PSYCH 423/622 (B1)

Peer Relations in Childhood

W. Hoglund

SEM 488/686 (X50)

Introduction to Indigenous Business

T. Carter

SOC 291 (B1)

Environmental Sociology

K. Caine

SOC 371 (B1) 

Antiracism and Racial Injustice

R. Nixon

SPAN 406/506 (B1)

Exercises in Translation: English into Spanish

O. Cisneros

WGS 102 

Gender and Social Justice

S. Luhmann

WGS 470/GSJ 570 (B1)

Queer Theories and Beyond: Subjectivity, Intimacy, Affect

S. Pfleger

WRS 210 (B1)

Introduction to Professional Communication

N. Bray


Fall 2022

AREC 173 (A01)

The Plate, The Planet and Society

B. Swallow

CMPUT 401 (A01)

Software Process and Product Management

I. Akhmetov

CSL 100 (A01) 

Introduction to Community Service-Learning 

J. Friesen 

CSL 100 (X01) 

Introduction to Community Service-Learning 

R. Nixon 

CSL 200 (X01) 

Theory and Practice in Community Service-Learning  

W. Ghidei

DHUG 470 (B)

Behavioural Sciences III

K. Khabra

EDU 100/300 (all sections) 

Contexts of Education 




J. Konkin 

GSJ 501 (A1)

Social Justice Praxis Workshop

C. Taylor

HECOL 301 (A1) 

Program Planning and Evaluation 

D. Williamson 

HIST 460/660 (A1) 

Public History in Canada 

S. Stunden-Bower 

KIN 471 (A1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Developmental Impairments

N. Spencer

KIN 472 (A1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Impairments

J. Auger

MARK 455/655 (A01)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

W. Dussome

MLCS 210

Approaches to Cultural Studies

F. Mundhenke

NS 442 (A1)

Colonialism and the Criminal Justice System


PHARM 412 (A1)

Behavioural, Administrative, Social and Evidence-based Pharmacy

L. Guirguis

PSYCH 323 (A1)

Infant & Child Development 

W. Hoglund 

PSYCH 329 (A1)

Adult Development and Aging 

T. Rust 

SPH 504/631

Health Planning and Promotion

R. Gokiert

WRS 201 (A1)

Introduction to Professional Communication N. Bray


Spring/Summer 2022

MACE 496/597 UEval: Evaluation in the Community Context R. Gokiert
PSYCO 329 (A1) Adult Development and Aging T. Rust

Winter 2022

C LIT 102 (B1) World Literature II O. Cisneros
CMPUT 401 Software Process and Product Management I. Akhmetov
CSL 100 (B1) Introduction to Community Engagement J. Friesen
CSL 100 (X50) Introduction to Community Engagement R. Nixon
D HYG 470 (C1) Behavioural Sciences III K. Khabra
EDSE 422/451 Curriculum and Instruction for Drama Majors II/Theory into Practice D. Conrad
EDU 100/300 (all sections) Contexts of Education Various
FREN 298 (B1) Intermediate French II M. Martin-Leblanc
FREN 459 (B1) Translation: English into French S. Rao
FREN 479 (B1) French Comics and Francophone Culture C. Reyns-Chikuma
KIN 472 (B1) Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Impairments J. Leo
KRLS 421 Play Leadership M. Rintoul
LA ST 210 South America R. Cobb
LAW 599 (B02) Digital Law P. Szigeti
MARK 312 (B1) Marketing Research U. Akkoc
MARK 455/655 (B1) Sustainable and Responsible Marketing W. Dussome
MARK 488 (B2) Sports Marketing W. Dussome
MLCS 210 (B1) Approaches to Cultural Studies F. Mundhenke
NS 430 Indigenous Governance and Partnership Capstone M. McDonald
NS 450/550 (B1) Practicum in Native Studies N. Van Styvendale
PSYCO 325 (B1) Applied Research in Developmental Psychology W. Hoglund
PSYCO 329 (B1) Adult Development and Aging S. Kwong See
PSYCO 423 (B1) Advanced Topics in Developmental Psychology - Peer Relations in Childhood W. Hoglund
SOC 291 Environmental Sociology K. Caine
SOC 327 (B1) Criminal Justice Administration in Canada A. Dunwoody
WGS 102 (850) Gender & Social Justice 
D. Raphael
WRS 210 Intro to Professional Communication N. Bray


Fall 2021

AREC 173 (A1)

Plate, Planet & Society

B. Swallow

CHRTC 349 (A1)

Social Justice & Christianity 

I. Cuplinskas 

CMPUT 401 (A1)

Software Process & Product Management 

I. Akhmetov 

CSL 100 (A1) 

Introduction to Community Service-Learning 

J. Friesen 

CSL 100 (X01) 

Introduction to Community Service-Learning 

R. Nixon 

CSL 200 (X01) 

Theory & Practice in Community Service-Learning 

Z. Hamm 

D HYG 470 (C1) 

Behavioural Sciences III 

K. Khabra

EDSE 613 (X01)

Participatory Research 

D. Conrad 

EDU 100/300 (Various Sections)

Contexts of Education 

L. McGarvey



J. Konkin 

GSJ 501 (X01) 

Praxis Workshop 

L. Gotell 

HECOL 301 (A1)

Program Planning 

T. Kajner 

KIN 385 (800)

Physical Activity & the Aging Adult

B. Atchison 

KIN 472 (A1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Impairments 

J. Leo 

MARK 312 (A1 & A2)

Marketing Research

W. Dussome

MARK 455/655 (A1) 

Sustainability & Responsible Marketing 

W. Dussome 

MLCS 210 (A1)

Approaches to Cultural Studies

A. De Leon

PHARM 412 (A1) 

Behavioural, Administrative, Social & Evidence-based Pharmacy 5 

L. Guirguis 

PSYCO 323 (800)

Infant & Child Development 

W. Hoglund 

PSYCO 329 (800) 

Adult Development & Aging 

S. Kwong See 

PSYCO 329 (801) 

Adult Development & Aging 

T. Rust 

SPH 504/631(800)

Health Promotion Planning & Evaluation R. Gokiert

WGS 102 (800)

Gender & Social Justice D. Raphel

WRS 210 (800)

Professional Communication N. Bray


Summer 2021

WGS 498/GSJ 598/DH 530

Special Topics: Building Intersectional Feminist Archives

D. Verhoeven


Spring 2021

MACE 496/597

Evaluation in the Community Context

R. Gokiert


Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

SLAV 399

Early Ukrainian Canadian Culture 

N. Khanenko-Friesen 

WGS 498/GSJ 598

Queer Theories and Beyond: Subjectivity, Intimacy, and Affect 

S. Pfleger 


Winter 2021

CSL 100 (B1)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

J. Friesen

CSL 100 (X50)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

R. Nixon

CSL 350 (B1)

Selected Topics: Intro to Community Based Research 

D. Peacock 

EDU 100/300 (all)

Contexts of Education 


ENGL 102 (B17, G1, G2)

Introduction to Critical Analysis 

L. Chen 

FREN 454/554 (B1)

Translation: English to French 

S. Rao 

FREN 497 (B1)

Media and Society in France 

C. Reyns-Chumika 

GSJ 501 (850)

Praxis Workshop

C. Taylor 

KIN 472 (B1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Impairments 

J. Leo 

LA ST 210 (B1)

South America 

R. Cobb 

MARK 455/655 (B1)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing 

W. Dussome 

MARK 488 (B2)

Sports Marketing 

W. Dussome 

NS 430 (B1)

Indigenous Governance and Partnership Capstone 

M. MacDonald 

NS 450/550 (B1)

Practicum in Indigenous Studies 

N. Van Styvendale 

PSYCO 329 (B1)

Adult Development and Aging 

S. Kwong-See 

PSCYO 405 (B6)

Knowledge Mobilization 

K. Noels 

PSYCO 423 (B1)

Peer Relations in Childhood 

W. Hoglund 

SMO 438/637 (B1)

Managing Non-Profit Organizations 

M. Toubiana 

SOC 291 (B1)

Environmental Sociology 

K. Caine 

SPAN 406 (B1)

Exercises in Translation: English to Spanish 

O. Cisneros 


Fall 2020

AREC 173 (A1)

Plate, Planet & Society

B. Swallow

CHRTC 349 (A1)

Social Justice & Christianity 

I. Cuplinskas 

CSL 100 (A1) 

Introduction to Community Service-Learning 

J. Friesen 

CSL 100 (X1) 

Introduction to Community Service-Learning 

R. Nixon 

CSL 200 (X1) 

Theory and Practice in Community Service-Learning  

Z. Hamm 

DH 900 (A1)

Digital Humanities Practicum 

S. Gouglas 

EDU 100/300 (various sections) 

Contexts of Education 

Various Instructors 



J. Konkin 

HECOL 301 (A1) 

Program Planning and Evaluation 

D. Williamson 

HIST 460/660 (A2) 

Topics in Canadian History: Public History in Canada 

S. Stunden-Bower 

KIN 385 (A1)

Physical Activity and the Aging Adult 

J. Auger 

KIN 472 (A1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Impairments 

J. Leo 

LAW 599 (A7)

Digital Law 

P. Szigeti 

MARK 455/655 (A1) 

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing 

W. Dussome 

MLCS 210 (A1)

Language(s) of Culture

A. De Leon

NUTR 477/ANS 577 (A1)

Advanced Community Nutrition 

A. Farmer 

PSYCO 323 (A1)

Infant & Child Development 

W. Hoglund 

PSYCO 329 (A1)

Adult Development and Aging 

T. Rust 

PSYCO 329 (A2)

Adult Development and Aging 

S. Kwong-See 

SC SOC 312 

Éducation autochtone et engagement professionnel 

E. Lemaire 

SOC 327 (A1)

Criminal Justice Administration in Canada A. Dunwoody

WGS 102 (A1)

Gender & Social Justice D. Raphael

WRS 210 (A1) 

Professional Communication D. Harvey

WRS 494 (A1)

Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry


Spring/Summer 2020

EDU 100 (A1)/EDU 300(A1)

Contexts of Education

S. Irving


Winter 2020

ALES 204 (B1)

Communications Fundamentals for Professionals

K. Coleman

ANAT 400 (B1)

Human Embryonic Development

J. Hocking

CSL 100 (B1)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

J. Friesen

CSL 100 (X50)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

R. Nixon

DH 900 (B1)

Digital Humanities Practicum

S. Gouglas

EDU 100 (B1-B7)

Contexts of Education


ENGL 102 (G1 & G2)

Introduction to Critical Analysis

L. Chen

ESUF 212 & SCSOC 212 (X50)

Éducation autochtone et engagement professionnel

E. Lemaire


SJCoSS Elective

J. Konkin

FREN 298 (B1)

Advanced French II

M. Martin-LeBlanc

FREN 454/554 (B1)

Translation English into French

S. Rao

KIN 385 (B1)

Physical Activity and the Aging Adult

J. Auger

KIN 471 (B1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Developmental Impairments

A. Ebert

KIN 472 (B1)

Active Living for Individuals Living with Physical Impairment

B. Atchison

KRLS 421 (B1)

Play Leadership

M. Rintoul

LA ST 210 (B1)

Introduction to Latin American Studies

R. Cobb

MARK 312 (B1)

Marketing Research

W. Dussome

MARK 455/655 (B1)

Sustainability & Responsible Marketing

W. Dussome

MLCS 199 (B2)

Irish Culture

B. Scanlon

MLCS 199 (B3)

Special Topics - Superheroes

C. Reynes

MLCS 210 (B1)

Language(s) of Culture

A. Ensslin

MUSIC 365 (B1)

Music for Global Human Development

M. Frishkopf

NS 430 (B1)

Indigenous Governance and Partnership

S. Jobin

NS 550 (B1)

Research Practicum in Native Studies

S. Robertson

PSYCO 325 (B1)

Applied Research in Developmental Psychology

W. Hoglund

PSYCO 329 (B1)

Adult Development & Aging

T. Rust

PSYCO 344 (B1)

Intercultural Communication

D. Zhang

PSYCO 405 (X50)

Special Topics in Psychology II (Psychology of Immigration)

N. Lou

PSYCO 423/622 (B1)

Peer Relations in Childhood

W. Hoglund

R SOC 410 (B1)

Research Methods & Policy Applications in Applied Environmental Sociology

D. Davidson

SLAV 499 (B1)

Slavic Languages and Cultures Online & in the Community

A. Nedashkivska

SMO 438/637 (B1)

Not for Profit Management

W. Dussome

SOC 291 (B1)

Introduction to Environmental Sociology

K. Caine

WGS 102 (B1)

Gender and Social Justice

P. Okeke-Ihejirika

WGS 280 (X50-LEC)

Indigenous Women, Autobiography, and Life Writing (Walls to Bridges)

T. Bear


Fall 2019

ALES 204 (A1)

Communication Fundamentals for Professionals

K. Coleman

ANGL 122 (A1)

Texts and Contexts

S. Wilson

ANGL 126 (A1)

Exploring Writing Studies

S. Wilson

ANGL 126 (A2)

Exploring Writing Studies

S. Wilson

AREC 173 (A1)

Plate, Planet, and Society

B. Swallow

CHRTC 349 (A1)

Social Justice and Christianity in Canada

I. Cuplinskas

CHRTC 380 (A1)

Teaching Religion: Elementary

K. Dekker

CSL 100 (A1)

Introduction to Community Engagement

J. Friesen

CSL 100 (X01)

Introduction to Community Engagement

T. Kajner

CSL 200 (X01)

Theory and Practice in Community Service-Learning

Z. Hamm

DH 900 (A1)

Digital Humanities Practicum

S. Gouglas

DRAMA 507 (A1)

Senior Projects

J. Heather

EDSE 613 (A1)

Participatory Research

D. Conrad

EDU 100/EDU 300 (A1/A12)

Contexts of Education

Various Instructors


SJCoSS Elective

J. Konkin

FREN 301 (A1)

Introductory to French Literary Studies

C. Reyns-Chikuma

FREN 317 (A1)

Colonialism and Colonialism

S. Rao

GSJ 501 (A1)

Social Justice Workshop

C. Taylor

HECOL 301 (A1)

Program, Planning, and Evaluation

D. Williamson

HIST 442 (A1)

Topics in Latin American History Since 1850

J. Hellman

KIN 385 (A1)

Physical Activity and the Aging Adult

J. Auger

KIN 471 (A1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Developmental Impairments

J. Auger

KIN 472 (A1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Developmental Impairments

B. Atchison

LA ST 330 (A1)

The Latino Experience Abroad

R. Cobb

MARK 455/655 (A1)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

W. Dusomme

MLCS 300 (A1)

Introduction to Translation

A. Malena

MUSIC 303 (A1)

Piano Pedagogy I

S. Scott

NS 442 (A1)

Colonialism and the Criminal Justice System

N. Lugosi-Schimpf

POL S 424/524 (A1)

Health Policy

J. Church

PSYCO 323 (A1)

Infant and Child Development

W. Hoglund

PSYCO 329 (A1)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

SOC 327 (A2)

Criminal Justice Administration in Canada

A. Dunwoody


Spring/Summer 2019
Spring/Summer 2019
EDU F 235 (B2) École et société E. Lemaire

EXT 496/597 

Evaluation in the Community Context R. Gokiert

KRLS 440/441 

Play Around the World M. Rintoul
Winter 2019
Winter 2019

ALES 204 (B1)

Communication Fundamentals for Professionals

N. Bray

ANAT 400 (B1)

Human Embryonic Development

J. Hocking

CHRTC 339 (B1)

International Field Education: Guatemala

B. Nurse

CHRTC 380 (B1)

Teaching in Religion: Elementary

K. Dekker

CSL 100 (B1)

An Introduction to Community Engagement

J. Friesen

CSL 100 (X50)

An Introduction to Community Engagement

K. MacDonald

CSL 350 (B1)

Selected topics in Community Service-Learning

D. Peacock

DRAMA 690/507 (B2)

Theatre for Change in Communities: Theory and Practice in Context

J. Selman

EDSE 451 (S04)

Integrating Theory and Practice for Drama Majors

D. Conrad

EDSE 451 (S07)

Integrating Theory and Classroom Practice in the Advanced Professional Term

P. Dias Correa

EDU 100 (B01 to B05)

Contexts of Education


EDU 300 (B01 to B05)

Contexts of Education


EDU F 235 (A1)

École et société

E. Lemaire

ENGL 308 (B1)

Aboriginal/Indigenous Literature: Intellectual Traditions

D. Woodman


FoMD CSL Program

J. Konkin

FREN 298 (B1)

Advanced French II

M. Martin-LeBlanc

FREN 454/554 (B1)

Translation English into French

S. Rao

GSJ 501 (X50)

Praxis Workshop

S. Luhmann

KIN 471 (B1)

Physical Activity for People with Developmental Impairments

D. Goodwin

KIN 472 (B1)

Active Living for Individuals Living with Physical Impairment

B. Atchison

KRLS 421 (B1)

Play Leadership

M. Rintoul

MARK 312 (B1)

Marketing Research

W. Dussome

NS 430/NS 550 (B1 & B2)

Aboriginal Governance and Partnership Capstone/Research Practicum in Native Studies

S. Jobin

PMCOL 401 (A1)

Pharmacology Tutorial

M. Davies

PSYCO 305 (B1)

Special Topics in Psychology I: Developmental Psychopathology

W. Hoglund

PSYCO 329 (B1)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

SMO 438/637 (B1)

Not for Profit Management

W. Dussome

SOC 518 (B2)

Qualitative Methods

S. Dorow

SPAN 406 (B1)

Exercises in Translation: English into Spanish

O. Cisneros

UKR 308 (B1)

Advanced Ukrainian Writing Strategies

A. Nedashkivska

WGS 102 (B1)

Gender and Social Justice

P. Okeke-Ihejirika

Fall 2018
Fall 2018

ALES 204 (A1)

Communication Fundamentals for Professionals

N. Bray

AREC 173 (A1)

Plate, Planet and Society

B. Swallow

CHRTC 349 (A1)

Social Justice and Christianity in Canada

I. Cuplinskas

CHRTC 380 (A1)

Teaching Religion: Elementary

K. Dekker

CSL 100 (A1)

An Introduction to Community Engagement

J. Friesen

CSL 100 (X01)

An Introduction to Community Engagement

V. Bleeks

CSL 300 (X01)

Theory and Practice in Community Service-Learning

Z. Hamm

EDU 100 (A1 to A10)

Contexts of Education


EDU 300 (A1 to A6)

Contexts of Education


ENGL 102 (A10)

Introduction to Critical Analysis

L. Chen

ENGL 103 (A5)

Case Study in Research (Travel Writing)

L. Chen

ENGL 103 (A 25)

Case Studies in Research: Narratives of Illness

D. Woodman

ENGL 220 (A 01)

Reading Politics: Gender and Sexuality

D. Woodman


FoMD CSL Program

J. Konkin

FREN 311 (A1)

Mystery, Myth and Supernatural

C. Reyns-Chikuma

FREN 312 (A1)

Colonialism and Post-colonialism

S. Rao

HECOL 301 (A1)

Program Planning and Evaluation

D. Williamson

HIST 660 (A1)

Topics in Canadian History: Public History in Canada

S. Stunden Bower

KIN 372 (A2)

Neuroscience for Adapted Physical Activity

K. Jones

KIN 471 (B1)

Physical Activity for People with Developmental Impairments

D. Goodwin

KIN 472 (A1)

Physical Activity for People with Developmental Impairments

K. Dornick

MARK 312/612 (A1)

Marketing Research

W. Dussome

MARK 312 (A2)

Marketing Research

W. Dussome

MARK 455/ 655 (A1)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

W. Dussome

MLCS 204 (A1)

Forms of Folklore

N. Kononenko

MLCS 299 (A2)

Folklore through Film

N. Kononenko

MLCS 405 (A1)

Contemporary Folklore Scholarship and Canadian Folklore

N. Kononenko

MUSIC 365 (A1)

Music for Global Human Development

M. Frishkopf

PSYCO 323 (A1)

Infant and Child Development

W. Hoglund

PSYCO 329 (A1)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

PSYCO 498 (A1)

Independent Study

J. Brinker

SOC 327 (A2)

Criminal Justice Administration in Canada

A. Dunwoody

SPAN 405 (A1)

Exercises in Translation: Spanish to English

A. De Leon

WRS 101 (X1)

Exploring Writing

C. Grant

WRITE 494 (A1)

Advanced Creative Writing: Poetry

C. Stewart

Spring 2018
Spring 2018

EDU 100 (800)

Contexts of Education

G. Richardson

EDU 300 (800)

Contexts of Education

G. Richardson

CSL 350/360

Global Service-Learning and Solidarity in Nicaragua

K. MacDonald

EDU S 350 (800)

Stage Interdisciplinaire et Volontariat International

E. Lamaire

Winter 2018
Winter 2018

ALES 204 (B1)

Communication Fundamentals for Professionals

N. Bray

ANAT 400

Human Embryonic Development

J. Hocking

CHRTC 352 (800)

Bioethical Issues: Christian Perspectives

P. Flaman

CHRTC 380 (B1)

Teaching Religion: Elementary

K. Dekker

CSL 100 (B1)

Introduction to Community Engagement

V. Bleeks

CSL 100 (X50)

Introduction to Community Engagement

S. Chapman

EDPS 415 (B01)

Sexuality, Gender & Culture in Education

K. Wells

EDSE 451 (S04)

Integrating Theory and Practice for Drama Majors

D. Conrad

EDSE 451 (S07)

Integrating Theory and Practice for Math Majors

D. Conrad

EDU 100 (B1/B2/B4/B5)

Contexts of Education


EDU 300 (B2)

Contexts of Education


EDU F 211 (B2)

Theorie d'acquisition (L2)

C. Viens

ENGL 102 (G2)

Introduction to Critical Analysis

L. Chen

ENGL 102 (G3)

Introduction to Critical Analysis

L. Chen


CSL elective for FoMD Students

J. Konkin

FREN 298 (B2)

Advanced French II

M. Martin-LeBlanc

FREN 454/554 (B1)

Translation English into French

S. Rao

HIST 377

Canada since 1945

S. Stunden-Bower

HuCo 530

Project Design and Management in Humanities Computing

G. Rockwell

KIN 472 (A1)

Living for Individuals living with Physical Impairment

K. Slater

LA ST 210 (B1)

Introduction to Latin American Studies

R. Cobb

MARK 455/655 (B1)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

W. Dussome

MLCS 299 (B1)

Comedy Across Cultures

J. Friesen

MUSIC 468/568

Ethnomusicology of the Arab World

M. Frishkopf

NS 430 (B01)/NS 550 (X50)

Aboriginal Governance and Partnership Capstone/Research Practicum in Native Studies

N. Van Styvendale

PERLS 421 (B1)

Play Leadership

M. Rintoul

PERLS 440/441

Play Around the World

M. Rintoul

PSYCO 305 (B1)

Developmental Psychopathology

W. Hoglund

PSYCO 305 (B2)

Language and Communication

K. Noels

PSYCO 329 (B1)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

SMO 438/637

Managing Not for Profit Organizations

W. Dussome

SOC 291 (B1)

Introduction to Environmental Sociology

K. Caine

WGS 102 (B1)

Gender and Social Justice

E. LaBrada

Fall 2017
Fall 2017

ALES 204 (A01)

Communication Fundamentals for Professionals

N. Bray

AREC 173

The Plate, the Planet and Society

B. Swallow

CHRTC 380 (A01)

Teaching Religion: Elementary

K. Dekker

CSL 100 (A01)

An Introduction to Community Engagement

D. Johnson

CSL 100 (X01)

An introduction to Community Engagement

V. Bleeks

CSL 300

Theory and Practice in Community Service-Learning

Z. Hamm

DRAMA 427/507 (A01)

Topics in Community Based and Applied Theatre

D. Barnet

EDSE 613 (X01)

Participatory Research

D. Conrad

EDU 100 (A01-A10)

Contexts of Education

W. Dunn

EDU 300 (A01-A06)

Contexts of Education

W. Dunn

EDUF 235 (A01)

École et société

E. Lemaire

ENGL 102 (E1)

Introduction to Critical Analysis

L. Chan

FoMD elective

FoMD CSL Program

J. Konkin

GSJ 501 (A01)

Praxis Workshop

C. Taylor

HECOL 301 (A01)

Program Planning and Evaluation

S. Chapman

KIN 372 (A01)

Neuroscience Considerations for Adapted Physical Activity

K. Jones

KIN 471 (A01)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Developmental Impairments

A. Ebert

KIN 472 (A01)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Physical Impairments

K. Slater

LA ST 311 (A01)

Latin America and the Cultures of Popular Music

R. Cobb

MARK 312 (A01 &A02)

Marketing Research

W. Dussome

MARK 455/655 (A01)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

W. Dussome

MLCS 199

Special Topics

C. Reyns

MLCS 204

Forms of Folklore

N. Kononenko

MLCS 299 (A01)

Special Topics

N. Kononenko

MLCS 300 (A01)

Introduction to Translation

A. Malena

PSYCO 325 (A01)

Applied Research in Developmental Psychology

W. Hoglund

PSYCO 329 (A01)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

RAD TH 301 (A01)

Principles and Practices in Radiation Therapy

C. Palmaria

SPAN 405 (A01)

Exercises in Translation: Spanish into English

A. DeLeon

WGS 101 (A01)

Representations of Girls and Women

M. Meagher


Tutorial: 4th year Combined with Honors Creative Writing

C. Stewart

Spring/Summer 2017
Summer 2017

MUSIC 365/565

Music for Global Human Development in West Africa

M. Frishkopf

PERLS 440/441

Play Around the World

M. Rintoul

Spring 2017

BIOL 361

Marine Biology

B. Magor

BIOL 367

Conservation Biology

C. Bubac

BIOL 495

Zoonotic Disease in Africa

A. Reid

EDU S 350

Stage Interdisciplinaire et Voluntariat International

E. Lemaire

LAW 599/NS 430/NS 503

The Wahkohtowin Project intensive: Miyo-Wicehtowin Principles and Practice

S. Jobin and H. Friedland

Winter 2017
Winter 2017

ALES 204 (B1)

Communication Fundamentals for Professionals

I. Todosijczuk

ANAT 400

Human Embryonic Development

J. Hocking


International Field Education: Guatemala

B. Nurse

CHRTC 352 (B1)

Bioethical Issues: Christian Perspectives

P. Flaman

CHRTC 380 (B2)

Christian Religious Education & the Child

K. Dekker

C LIT 102
CSL 100 (X50)

World Literature II
Introduction to Community Engagement

J. Friesen
T. Kajner

CSL 350 (B1)

Introduction to Community-Based Research

D. Peacock

CSL 480

Individual Study in CSL: Facilitation of Service Learning in PHARM 300

C. Cox

EDPS 401 (B01)

Sexuality, Gender and Culture in Education

K. Wells

EDPS 561 (X50)

Design & Development of Learning, Teaching & Assessment in Adult Higher Ed

L. Rourke

EDSE 451 (S04)

Integrating Theory and Practice for Drama Majors

D. Conrad

EDSE 451 (S07)

Integrating Theory and Classroom Practice in the Advanced Professional Term

R. Jackson

EDU 100/300

Contexts of Education


EDUM 498 (X51)

Education a la citoyennete globale et a la justice sociale

E. Lemaire

ENGL 102 (G3)

Introduction to Critical Analysis

L. Chen

ENGL 103 (B01 & B10)

Case Studies in Research

D. Woodman

FREN 298 (B2)

Advanced French II

M. Martin-Leblanc

FREN 312 (B1)

Colonialism and Postcolonialism

S. Rao

FREN 454/554 (B1)

Translation English into French

S. Rao

HUCO 530 (B1)

Project Design and Management in Humanities Computing

A. Ensslin

KIN 471 (B1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Developmental Impairments

J. Auger

KIN 472 (B1)

Active Living for Individuals with Physical Impairment

K. Slater

LA ST 210 (B1)

Introduction to Latin American Studies

R. Cobb

LA ST 330 (B1)

The Latino Experience Abroad

R. Cobb

MARK 455/655 (B1)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

W. Dussome

MLCS 205 (B1)

History of Folklore Studies

N. Kononenko

MLCS 399 (B2)

Folklore and the Internet

N. Kononenko

NS 430 B01/B02

Aboriginal Governance and Partnership Capstone

S. Jobin

NS 550 (X50)

Rsearch Practicum in Native Studies

S. Jobin

PERLS 421 (B1)

Play Leadership

M. Rintoul

PSYCO 300B/309B

Honors Seminar I

K. Noels

PSYCO 329 (B2)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

RADTH 301 (B1)

Principles and Practice of Radiation Therapy

C. Palmaria

SMO 438/637 (B1)

Managing Not for Profit Organizations

W. Dussome

SPAN 406 (B1)

Exercises in Translation: English into Spanish

O. Cisneros

WGS 102 (B01)

Gender and Social Justice

E. Nielsen

Fall 2016
Fall 2016

ALES 204 (A1)

Communication Fundamentals for Professionals

N. Bray

AREC 173

Plate, Planet and Society

B. Swallow

CHRTC 349 (A1)

Social Justice and Christianity in Canada

I. Cuplinskas

CHRTC 352 (A1)

Bioethical Issues: Christian Perspectives

P. Flaman


Christian Religious Education and the Child

K. Dekker

COMM597/CSL 370

Community Outreach Digital Technology

G. Gow

CSL 100 (A1)

Introduction to Community Engagement

J. Taylor

CSL 300 (A1)

Theory and Practice in Community Service-Learning

Z. Hamm

CSL 480

Individual Study: Facilitating Service-Learning in PHARM 300

C. Cox

DRAMA 427/507 (A1)

Intergenerational Theatre

D. Barnet

EDPS 456 (A01)

Moral Education

M. Stewart-Harawira

EDSE 337/338

Curriculum and Instruction for Secondary Mathematics

R. Jackson

EDU 100 (A01-A09)

Contexts of Education


EDU 300 (A01-A06)

Contexts of Education


ENGL 103 (A06)

Case Studies in Research

D. Woodman

ENGL 569 (A1)

Theory: Poetry - Word Tissues

C. Stewart


FoMD CSL Program

J. Konkin

FREN 297 (A3)

Advanced French I

C. Reyns-Chikuma

GSJ 501

Praxis Workshop

S. Luhmann

HECOL 301 (A1)

Program Planning and Evaluation

S. Chapman

KIN 372 (A1)

Neuroscience Considerations in Adapted Physical Activity

J. Auger

KIN 471 (A1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Developmental Impairments

J. Auger

KIN 472 (A1)

Active Living for Individuals living with Physical Impairment

K. Slater

LA ST 414 (B1)

Travel Writing

R. Cobb

MARK 312 (A1)

Marketing Research

W. Dussome

MARK 312 (A2)

Marketing Research

W. Dussome

MLCS 204 (A1)

Forms of Folklore

N. Kononenko

MLCS 299 (A1)

Folklore Through Film

N. Kononenko

MLCS 405 (A1)

Contemporary Folklore Scholarship and Canadian Folklore

N, Kononenko


Music for Global Human Development

M. Frishkopf

PHIL 101 (X01)

Values and Society: Intro to Ethics & Political Philosophy

J. Taylor

PHIL 366 (A2)

Computers and Culture

J. Simpson

PSYCO 325 (A1)

Applied Research in Developmental Psychology

W. Hoglund

PSYCO 329 (A1)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

PSYCO 423/622 (A1)

Social and Emotional Development in Childhood

W. Hoglund


Physical Therapy Electives

M. Hall

RLS 225 (A1)

Program Planning for Leisure

C. Cameron

SPH 522

Principles of Toxicology

K. Tierney

SPAN 405 (A1)

Exercises in Translation: Spanish to English

A. De Leon

Spring/Summer 2016
Summer 2016

CSD 200 (850)

Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders

C. Semonick

Spring 2016

CSL 350/550

Oil and the Resilient City

L. Njeri Mbajiorgu

CSL 370/560

Imagining Cities: Theory and Practice of Civic Engagement

Z. Hamm

BIOL 361

Marine Biology

B. Magor

BIOL 367

Conservation Biology

R. Arsenault

BIOL 495

Zoonotic Disease in Africa

R. Arsenault

Winter 2016
Winter 2016


ALES 204 (B1)

Communication Fundamentals for Professionals

N. Bray

ANAT 400 (B1)

Human Embryonic Development

J. Hocking

ANTHR 235 (B1)

Anthropology of Disability

K. Lowrey

CHRTC 352 (B1)

Bioethical Issues: Christian Perspectives

P. Flaman

CHRTC 380 (B1/B2)

Christian Religious Education and the Child

K. Dekker

CSD 200 (850)

Introduction to Communication Sciences and Disorders

C. Semonick

CSL 100 (X50)

Introduction to Community Engagement

D. Johnson

CSL 300 (B1)

Theory and Practice in Community Service-Learning

Z. Hamm

EAP 135

Introduction to Academic English

C. Hammond-Matthews

EDPS 360 (B1)

Society and Education

M. Stewart-Harawira

EDPS 401 (B2)

Sexuality, Gender and Culture in Education

K. Wells

EDPS 561 (X50)

Program Planning in Adult and Higher Education

R. Kahlke

EDPY 635 (B2)

Counselling Speciality:Theory and Practice

S. Yohani

EDSE 451 (B16)

Integrating Theory and Classroom Practice in the Advanced Professional Term

R. Jackson

EDU 100 (B1-B4)

Contexts of Education

B. Dunn

EDU 300 (B1-B2)

Contexts of Education

B. Dunn

ENGL 123 (B03)

Literature in Global Perspective

H. McGregor

ENGL 123 (X51)

Literature in Global Perspective

D. Woodman

ENGL 209 (B1)

Reading Histories: Making Readers

D. Woodman


Faculty of Medicine CSL Program

J. Konkin

FREN 298 (B2)

Advanced French II

M. Martin-Leblanc

FREN 312 (B1)

Colonialism and Post Colonialism

S. Rao

GERM 317 (B1)

Teaching German as a Foreign Language

C. Kost

MARK 455/655 (B1)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

L. Wong

MLCS 399 (B1)

Folklore and the Internet

N. Kononenko

MUSIC 304 (B1)

Piano Pedagogy II

S. Scott

MUSIC 459/559 (B1)

String Pedagogy

G. Tardiff

NS 430 (X50)

Aboriginal Governance and Partnership Capstone

S. Jobin

NS 550 (X50)

Research Practicum in Native Studies

S. Jobin

PEDS 472 (B1)

Adapted Physical Activity for Physical Impairment

K. Acton

PERLS 421 (B1)

Play Leadership

M. Rintoul


Experiential Education Part I: Service-Learning

C. Cox

PSYCO 327 (B1)

Adolescent Development

N. Hosan

PSYCO 329 (B1)

Adult Development and Aging

S. Kwong See

SMO 438/637 (B1)

Managing Not for Profit Organizations

W. Dussome

SOC 291 (B1)

Introduction to Environmental Sociology

K. Caine

SPAN 406 (B1)

Exercises in Translation: English into Spanish

O. Cisneros

WGS 102 (J1)

Gender and Social Justice

E. Nielsen

WRITE 392 (B1)

Intermediate Poetry

C. Stewart

WRITE 494 (B1)

Project Eutopia

C. Stewart

Fall 2015
Fall 2015



ALES 204 (A1)

Communication Fundamentals for Professionals

N. Bray

AREC 173 (A1)

The Plate, the Planet and Society

B. Swallow

CHRTC 380 (A1, A2)

Christian Religious Ed and the Child

K. Dekker

CSL 100 (A1)

Introduction to Community Engagement

D. Johnson

CSL 480 (A1)

Facilitation of Service-Learning in PHARM 300

C. Cox

DRAMA 407/427/507 (A1)

Topics in Community-Based and Applied Theatre

D. Barnet

EDPS 456 (A1)

Moral Education

J. Taylor

EDSE 337/338 (A1)

Curriculum and Instruction for Secondary Mathematics

R. Jackson

EDU 100/300

Contexts of Education

B. Dunn

ENGL 123 (A07)

Literature in Global Perspective

D. Woodman

ENGL 123 (X02)

Literature in Global Perspective

H. McGregor


Faculty of Medicine CSL Program

J. Konkin

LA ST 311 (A1)

Latin American Popular Music

R. Cobb

MARK 312 (A1, A2)

Marketing Research

W. Dussome

MLCS 199 (A1)

Superheroes in Comics and Beyond

C. Reyns-Chikuma

MLCS 204 (A1)

Forms of Folklore

N. Kononenko

MUSIC 303 (A1)

Piano Pedagogy I

S. Scott

PEDS 472 (A1)

Active Living for Individuals with Physical Impairment

K. Slater


Experiential Education Part I: Service-Learning

C. Cox

PSYCO 325 (A2)

Applied Research in Developmental Psychology

N. Hosan

PSYCO 329 (A1)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust


Physical Therapy Electives

M. Hall

SOC 518

Qualitative Methods

S. Dorow

SPH 522 (A1)

Principles of Toxicology

K. Kierney

SPAN 405 (A2)

Exercises in Translation: Spanish into English

O. Cisneros

Spring/Summer 2015
Spring 2015


BIOL 361 (800)

Marine Science (Mozambique)

R. Arsenault

BIOL 367 (800)

Conservation Biology (Swaziland)

R. Arsenault

CSL 350 (A3)

Engaging Youth at Risk

T. Hopper

CSL 350/360/ 550/560

Oil and Building Resilient Communities

L. Mbajiorgu

DRAMA 407/507

Kenya 2015: Facilitating Performing Arts for Social Justice

J. Selman

EDSE 401/501

Kenya 2015: Facilitating Performing Arts for Social Justice

B. Watt

Summer 2015


BIOL 495 (850)

Zoonotic Disease in Africa (South Africa)

R. Arsenault

PERLS 440/441

Play Around the World

M. Rintoul

PSYCO 327 (B1)

Adolescent Development

N. Hosan

Winter 2015
Winter 2015




ALES 204 (B1)

Principles of Professional Communication

N. Van Dusen

ANTHR 472 (B1)

Honours Anthropology and Research Project

H. Vallianatos

CHRTC 352 (B1)

Bioethical Issues: Christian Perspectives

P. Flaman

CSL 100 (S1)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

D. Johnson

CSL 300 (B1)

Theory and Practice in Community Service-Learning

J. Taylor

CSL 350 (X50)

Mentoring Relationships in Community Service-Learning

J. Taylor


Computers and Games

V. Bulitko

EDPS 401 (B2)

Sexuality, Gender, and Culture in Education

K. Wells

EDSE 451 (B04)

Integration Theory and Practice for Drama Majors

D. Conrad

EDSE 451 (B05)

Integrating Theory and Classroom Practice in the Advanced Professional Term

R. Jackson

ENGL 121 (B17)

Literature in Historical Perspective

N. Van Orden

ENGL 122 (B02)

Texts and Contexts

D. Harvey

ENGL 124 (G1)

Literary Analysis (Bridging Program)

S. McNeill-Bindon


Faculty of Medicine CSL Program

J. Konkin

FREN 298 (B4)

Advanced French II

M. Martin-Leblanc

FREN 454/554 (B1)

Translation English into French

S. Rao

FREN 464 (B1)

Contemporary French & Francophone culture/s

C. Reyns Chikuma

HUCO 530 (B1)

Project Design and Management

G. Rockwell

MARK 455/655 (B1)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

L. Wong

MLCS 399 (B2)

Folklore and the Internet

N. Kononenko

NS 430 (X50)

Aboriginal Governance and Partnership Capstone

S. Jobin

NS 550 (X50)

Research Practicum in Native Studies

S. Jobin

PEDS 471 (B1)

Physical Activity for Individuals with Developmental Impairments

J. Auger

PEDS 472 (B1)

Active Living for Individuals living with Physical Impairment

K. Slater

PERLS 421 (B1)

Play Leadership

M. Rintoul

PHARM 300B (C1)

Experiential Education Part I: Service-Learning

C. Cox

PHIL 366 (S1)

Computers and Culture

J. Simpson

POL S 350 (B1)

Gender and Politics

A. DeGagne

PSYCO 305 (B1)

Language and Social Communication

K. Noels

PSYCO 329 (B1)

Adult Development and Aging

S. Kwong See

PSYCO 423/622(B1)

Social and Emotional Development in Childhood

W. Hoglund

RSOC 400 (B1)

Special Topics: Human Dimensions of Environmental Management Capstone

D. Davidson

SMO 438/637 (B1)

Managing Not for Profit Organizations

W. Dussome

SOC 291 (B1)

Introduction to Environmental Sociology

K. Caine

SPAN 406 (B1)

Exercises in Translation: English into Spanish

O. Cisneros

WGS 201 (B2)

Introduction to Women's Studies

D. Woodman

WRITE 492 (B1)

Project Eutopia

C. Stewart

Fall 2014
Fall 2014


ALES 204 (A1)

Communication Fundamentals for Professionals

N. Bray

ANTHR 472 (A1)

Advanced Qualitative Methods with CSL

H Vallianatos

ANTHR 499A (C1)

Honours Anthropology and Research Project

H Vallianatos

ART H 226 (A1)

Gender, Sexuality and Visual Culture

N. Loveless

CHRTC 349 (A1)

Social Justice and Christianity in Canada

I. Cuplinskas

CHRTC 352 (A2)

Bioethical Issues: Christian Perspectives

P. Flaman

CHRTC 609 (A1)

Social Justice and Christianity in Canada

I. Cuplinskas

CSL 100 (A1)

Introduction to Community Service-Learning

D. Johnson

CSL 480 (A1)

Community Outreach with Dig.Tech

G. Gow

COMM 597 (801)

Community Outreach with Dig.Tech.

G. Gow

CMPUT 250 (A1)

Computers and Games

V. Bulitko

DRAMA 427/507 (A1)

Topics in Community-Based and Applied Theatre/Senior Projects

D. Barnet

EDPS 456 (A2)

The Philosophy of Moral Education

J. Taylor

EDPS 521 (A1)

Adult Learning and Development

D. Chovanec

EDSE 337 (A1)

Curriculum and Instruction for Secondary Mathematics

R. Jackson

EDSE 338 (A1)

Curriculum and Instruction for Secondary Mathematics

R. Jackson

EDSE 501 (X02)

Participatory Research

D. Conrad

EDU 100 (A3)

Contexts of Education

J. Anuik

EDUF 211 (A1)

Théories acquisition L1 et L2

E. Lemaire


Faculty of Medicine CSL Program

J. Konkin

FREN 297 (A1)

Advanced French I

S. Rao

FREN 298 (A3)

Advanced French II

C. Reyns

ENGL 122 (A12)

Texts and Contexts

D. Harvey

HECOL 301 (A1)

Program Planning and Evaluation

P. O'Hara

LAW 599 (A1)

Musicians and the Law

C. Hutchison

MARK 312 (A2)

Marketing Research

W. Dussome

MARK 455/655 (A1)

Sustainability and Responsible Marketing

L. Wong

MLCS 300 (A1)

Introduction to Translation

A. Malena

MUSIC 468/568

Ethnomusicology of the Arab World

M. Frishkopf

PEDS 472 (A1)

Active Living for Individuals living with Physical Impairment

K. Slater

PEDS 497 (A1)

Neuroscience Considerations in Adapted Physical Activity

J. Auger

PERLS 335 (A1)

Volunteer Management in Recreation, Sport and Physical Activity

W. Doughty

PHARM 300A (C1)

Experiential Education Part I: Service-Learning

C. Cox

PHS 522

Principles of Toxicology

K. Tierney


Physical Therapy Electives

M. Hall

PSYCO 300/309 (C1)

Honors Seminar I

K. Noels

PSYCO 325 (A1)

Applied Research in Developmental Psychology

W. Hoglund

PSYCO 329 (A1)

Adult Development and Aging

T. Rust

SOC 382 (A1)

Sociology of Health and Illness

A. Dunwoody

SOC 518

Qualitative Methods

S. Dorow

SPAN 405 (A1)

Exercises in Translation: Spanish to English

A. DeLeon

WGS 201 (A2)

Introduction to Women's Studies

D. Woodman

WGS 360 (A1)

Gender, Race, and Class

P. Okeke-Ihejirika