CSL Designated Courses

CSL-designated courses allow students to develop their understanding of CSL theory and practice. By completing a certain number of CSL courses students can earn a Certificate in Community Engagement and Service-Learning

An interdisciplinary introduction to community and civic engagement for students interested in preparing the groundwork for undertaking further experiential educational opportunities (eg, Internships, Study Abroad, CSL). Students work in teams to complete community projects while also learning basic skills in experiential learning. (3 credits)

Previous Syllabi: W 2010 W 2011 F 2011 F 2012 F 2013 F 2014 W 2015 F 2015 W 2016 F 2016 W 2017 F 2017 W 2018   

An in-depth exploration of theories and practices of civic engagement and community change for students who have already completed a course with a Community Service-Learning component or have substantial volunteer experience. Topics may include community engagement as a way of knowing, the political contexts of voluntarism, narratives of self and the social, concepts of community and citizenship, and community-based research methods. (3 credits) *NOTE: Not open to students with credit in CSL 300. 

Previous Syllabi: W 2006 W 2007 W 2008 W 2009 W 2010 F 2010 W 2012 W 2013 W 2014 W 2015

Content varies from year to year. Topics and credit value announced prior to registration period. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. This course may require payment of additional student instructional support fees. Refer to the Tuition and Fees page in the University Regulations section of the Calendar. (3 credits)

Previous Syllabi: 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

Content varies from year to year. In Spring 2024, this course happens off campus in community, learning as a collective. Students will rethink what knowing means while growing gardens, exploring how artists are tackling climate change, and following land-based teachings. Prerequisite: Must have completed a course with a CSL component or consent of instructor. (3 credits)

Individual directed study on topics for which no specific course is currently offered*. Prerequisite: Consent of Community Service-Learning Director, and completion of a 3- credit course with a CSL component. CSL 480 provides students the opportunity to engage in a focused study of either a specific organization/context or the theory of service-learning. Generally, these courses will include a community-based service-learning component, and can be taught by any interested instructor. (3 credits)
*Interested students should download the CSL 480 application form and contact David Peacock, Director, for assistance in setting up their CSL 480 course.